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Topic: daily Bible verse  (Read 251588 times)


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #960 on: September 22, 2012, 07:47:51 pm »
All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching,for reproving,for setting matters straight,for disciplining in righteousness,that the man of God may be fully competent,completely equipped for every good work.

2nd Tim:3-16


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #961 on: September 22, 2012, 08:24:24 pm »
The bible is just one more, of many, historical texts.  Interesting in it's own way, but not to be taken too literally, I have no doubt falcon knows that as well.

Hel, I see no reason to view it as even close to being anything other than a historically-accurate conglomeration of hearsay.

Why should I be "afraid" of falcon's opinion anyway?  It seems to me that we generally agree, I don't recall any disagreements we've had on this forum.  

Generally, we have agreed and I cannot recall any specific disagreement in these forums.

If we ever did disagree, well, falcon probably doesn't know where I live.  

As I recall, you're in Deutschland somewhere ... at worst, I'd stand you a round of beers when I visit my relatives in the Netherlands.

I'm not in Deutschland anymore, I returned to Maryland about 2 1/2 years ago.  I retired when I left Germany and have been working on maintenance and improvements on my properties here.  My last stay in Germany was for almost 12 years in Koblenz.  Before then I had 3 assignments there with the Army, Berlin, Karlsruhe and Mannheim, in that order.  I'll be returning to Germany in a little over 2 years when I turn 62 and can start getting social security payments.  The only reason I chose Maryland to return to is because I retired from the Army here and bought my properties in this area.  

If you've spent any amount of time in Nederland, you've undoubtedly noticed the lovely ladies that reside there.  I have fond memories of them perched upon their bicycle seats, it's amazing what those daily bike rides can do for a woman's legs and buttocks.  Good luck trying to find an overweight woman in Holland, not at all like it is here where obesity seems to be the new normal female figure.

The last time I was in Amsterdam, driving around the center of town, the women on bicycles were intentionally getting in my way.  I was driving around in my Audi A6 and that's considered to be a relatively big car in Europe, it also didn't gain me much sympathy that I had German plates on the car.  You know the narrow streets there, I clearly didn't belong there and the local ladies let me know it.

It's also the only country I've ever been to where you can walk around in crowded downtown Rotterdam or Amsterdam and smell marijuana because the 2 or 3 people walking in front of you are passing a joint.  That's technically against the law in Holland, but they don't worry much about minor offenses like that there.

A very friendly nation and almost everybody there speaks excellent English, and, yeah, the beer is very good there too.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 08:27:07 pm by alaric99x »


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #962 on: September 22, 2012, 09:10:06 pm »
Hey Alaric...are you near Ocean City.I went there twice the last few yrs with my buddies on a golf trip.

Next time i come down ill protect you with a 5 iron.LOL!!


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #963 on: September 22, 2012, 09:22:53 pm »
I was impressed with the way the Atlantic Ocean looked down there.Much more humbling then it looks in Atlantic City.I can undertsand why that gave it that name.

We only get to look at the dirty Long Island Sound where i live here in NY.

That calls for a scripture....cant find scripture where it is but i remember it...

God will bring to ruin those ruining the earth.


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #964 on: September 22, 2012, 09:28:01 pm »
Hey Alaric...are you near Ocean City.I went there twice the last few yrs with my buddies on a golf trip.

Next time i come down ill protect you with a 5 iron.LOL!!

Hitch, I keep 2 loaded .357 magnum revolvers near at hand in my home.  They're loaded with 110 grain semi-jacketed hollow point bullets that are known to make a very small (.357") hole going into your body, but a much larger hole after the hydrostatic shock and when they leave your torso.  I couldn't possibly miss you, I've had a lot of practice with a variety of firearms and I always qualified as "Expert" with pistol, as well as rifle, during all my years in the service.  You'll have to be very fast with that 5 iron, you might be able to get into my home, but, I guarantee you, you won't be walking out again.

Just one more idiotic comment from you to show us all what an absolute clown you are, thanks for the free entertainment.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #965 on: September 22, 2012, 09:33:16 pm »
I'm not in Deutschland anymore, I returned to Maryland about 2 1/2 years ago.  I retired when I left Germany and have been working on maintenance and improvements on my properties here.  My last stay in Germany was for almost 12 years in Koblenz.  Before then I had 3 assignments there with the Army, Berlin, Karlsruhe and Mannheim, in that order.  I'll be returning to Germany in a little over 2 years when I turn 62 and can start getting social security payments.  The only reason I chose Maryland to return to is because I retired from the Army here and bought my properties in this area.

It's been years since I was over there - Ramstein on TDY.  Nice area, away from base.  As for retiring, you'd get a bit more if you waited past 62 but, one has to do what works best for them and disregard the rest.
If you've spent any amount of time in Nederland, you've undoubtedly noticed the lovely ladies that reside there.  I have fond memories of them perched upon their bicycle seats, it's amazing what those daily bike rides can do for a woman's legs and buttocks.  Good luck trying to find an overweight woman in Holland, not at all like it is here where obesity seems to be the new normal female figure.

The last time I was in Amsterdam, driving around the center of town, the women on bicycles were intentionally getting in my way.  I was driving around in my Audi A6 and that's considered to be a relatively big car in Europe, it also didn't gain me much sympathy that I had German plates on the car.  You know the narrow streets there, I clearly didn't belong there and the local ladies let me know it.

We didn't get into Amsterdam much from Rotterdam but, the bicyclists, (male and female), are rampant there too. At least three of them were my female cousins in their 20s.  Doubtless they waved, (or made some sort of European hand gestures).

It's also the only country I've ever been to where you can walk around in crowded downtown Rotterdam or Amsterdam and smell marijuana because the 2 or 3 people walking in front of you are passing a joint.  That's technically against the law in Holland, but they don't worry much about minor offenses like that there.

A very friendly nation and almost everybody there speaks excellent English, and, yeah, the beer is very good there too.

Yes, I recall the public and Dutch police looked the other way at marijuana and hashish there.  Although there were some parts of southern California where one would also walk through 'pot clouds' on occassion as well.  You mentioned the beer and yes, it's so good that my Dutch dad had that and a gouda cheese "tire" imported from Rotterdam twice a year.  Good stuff.
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #966 on: September 22, 2012, 10:12:48 pm »
I'm not in Deutschland anymore, I returned to Maryland about 2 1/2 years ago.  I retired when I left Germany and have been working on maintenance and improvements on my properties here.  My last stay in Germany was for almost 12 years in Koblenz.  Before then I had 3 assignments there with the Army, Berlin, Karlsruhe and Mannheim, in that order.  I'll be returning to Germany in a little over 2 years when I turn 62 and can start getting social security payments.  The only reason I chose Maryland to return to is because I retired from the Army here and bought my properties in this area.

It's been years since I was over there - Ramstein on TDY.  Nice area, away from base.  As for retiring, you'd get a bit more if you waited past 62 but, one has to do what works best for them and disregard the rest.
If you've spent any amount of time in Nederland, you've undoubtedly noticed the lovely ladies that reside there.  I have fond memories of them perched upon their bicycle seats, it's amazing what those daily bike rides can do for a woman's legs and buttocks.  Good luck trying to find an overweight woman in Holland, not at all like it is here where obesity seems to be the new normal female figure.

The last time I was in Amsterdam, driving around the center of town, the women on bicycles were intentionally getting in my way.  I was driving around in my Audi A6 and that's considered to be a relatively big car in Europe, it also didn't gain me much sympathy that I had German plates on the car.  You know the narrow streets there, I clearly didn't belong there and the local ladies let me know it.

We didn't get into Amsterdam much from Rotterdam but, the bicyclists, (male and female), are rampant there too. At least three of them were my female cousins in their 20s.  Doubtless they waved, (or made some sort of European hand gestures).

It's also the only country I've ever been to where you can walk around in crowded downtown Rotterdam or Amsterdam and smell marijuana because the 2 or 3 people walking in front of you are passing a joint.  That's technically against the law in Holland, but they don't worry much about minor offenses like that there.

A very friendly nation and almost everybody there speaks excellent English, and, yeah, the beer is very good there too.

Yes, I recall the public and Dutch police looked the other way at marijuana and hashish there.  Although there were some parts of southern California where one would also walk through 'pot clouds' on occassion as well.  You mentioned the beer and yes, it's so good that my Dutch dad had that and a gouda cheese "tire" imported from Rotterdam twice a year.  Good stuff.

I know I'd get more if I asked for social security later, but it doesn't make much sense in my case.  I only have 2 properties here, townhouses with mortgages paid off, one I'm living in and the other rented.  I'll sell the one I'm living in and buy a condo in Germany.  You would know that I also get my military retirement pay, but if my second property is ever empty for any period of time, that won't be enough money to make for a comfortable life style.  That's why I'm waiting to leave until I get my minimum social security, just to be sure I always have enough.  Additionally, I'll also be getting a retirement pay, not much, from the German government for the years I worked over there.

I could tell you stories about the marijuana in Holland, but I'd better not, although, maybe you know already.  The Dutch cultivators have gotten so good at refining their product that, shortly before I left Europe, the marijuana was more potent than the hashish.

(I only know that because that's what some of my friends told me.)

If you get the chance, go to Amsterdam, a very beautiful and exceptional city.

< I should add, as further clarification, that the lease on my other property runs for about 2 more years, so it's an additional reason for me to stay here for that length of time in order to get another, or the same, renter with a lease signed for as long as possible before I leave.>
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 10:49:58 pm by alaric99x »


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Re: daily bible inverse {or, who cut the gouda cheee?}
« Reply #967 on: September 22, 2012, 10:26:22 pm »
I know I'd get more if I asked for social security later, but it doesn't make much sense in my case.  I only have 2 properties here, towhouses with mortgages paid off, one I'm living in and the other rented.  I'll sell the one I'm living in and buy a condo in Germany.  You would know that I also get my military retirement pay, but if my second property is ever empty for any period of time, that won't be enough money to make for a comfortable life style.  That's why I'm waiting to leave until I get my minimum social security, just to be sure I always have enough.  Additionally, I'll also be getting a retirement pay, not much, from the German government for the years I worked over there.

Understood; in your instance, it wouldn't make waiting worth the difference.  The reason I'd mentioned the option was that I had been weighing the options and difference in SS benefits to 'early retirement' and waiting longer.  While I no longer own a rental property, (having sold it just before the real estate values plunged), I have other recurring income from investments which survived the market nose-dives and can wait or collect SS once I turn 62.66.

I could tell you stories about the marijuana in Holland, but I'd better not, although, maybe you know already.  The Dutch cultivators have gotten so good at refining their product that, shortly before I left Europe, the marijuana was more potent than the hashish.

(I only know that because that's what some of my friends told me.)

If you get the chance, go to Amsterdam, a very beautiful and exceptional city.

My ever-helpful cousins have kept me posted about the doings in the polderlands.  It is as you say.  Over all, Holland is a small but, generally beautiful place.  The train ride through the countryside and on to neighboring lowland countries, (Belgium was nice), is worth the Euros.  As for Amsterdam, I suppose we'll go since there' at least an aunt & uncle to visit out that way.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 12:55:25 pm by falcon9 »
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: daily bible inverse {or, who cut the gouda cheee?}
« Reply #968 on: September 22, 2012, 10:40:34 pm »
I know I'd get more if I asked for social security later, but it doesn't make much sense in my case.  I only have 2 properties here, towhouses with mortgages paid off, one I'm living in and the other rented.  I'll sell the one I'm living in and buy a condo in Germany.  You would know that I also get my military retirement pay, but if my second property is ever empty for any period of time, that won't be enough money to make for a comfortable life style.  That's why I'm waiting to leave until I get my minimum social security, just to be sure I always have enough.  Additionally, I'll also be getting a retirement pay, not much, from the German government for the years I worked over there.

Understood; in your instance, it wouldn't make waiting worth the difference.  The reason I'd mentioned the option was that I had been weighing the options and difference in SS benefits to 'early retirement' and waiting longer.  While I no longer own a rental property, (having sold it just before the real estate values plunged), I have other recurring income from investments which survived the market nose-dives and can wait or collect SS once I turn 62.66.

I could tell you stories about the marijuana in Holland, but I'd better not, although, maybe you know already.  The Dutch cultivators have gotten so good at refining their product that, shortly before I left Europe, the marijuana was more potent than the hashish.

(I only know that because that's what some of my friends told me.)

If you get the chance, go to Amsterdam, a very beautiful and exceptional city.

My ever-helpful cousins have kept me posted about the doings in the polderlands.  It is a you say.  Over all, Holland is a small but, generally beautiful place.  The train ride through the countryside and on to neighboring lowland countries, (Belgium was nice), is worth the Euros.  A for Amsterdam, I suppose we'll go since there' at least an aunt & uncle to visit out that way.

Just do the math, what's the difference in benefits?  Of course you'll get more, but how many years will it take you to make up for the benefits you gave up by waiting, and how long can you be "guaranteed" to live, another entirely unknown factor.

Well, I see we've gotten way off the topic of daily bible myths, but who cares about that nonsense anyway?


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #969 on: September 22, 2012, 11:04:28 pm »
Psalm 103:1-5, 20-22
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits,

who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases,

who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,

who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

Bless the Lord, O you his angels, you mighty ones who do his word, obeying the voice of his word!

Bless the Lord, all his hosts, his ministers, who do his will!

Bless the Lord, all his works, in all places of his dominion.

Bless the Lord, O my soul!


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #970 on: September 22, 2012, 11:11:00 pm »
Well, here we are back on topic again with nonsensical repetitive quotations.  None of our own thoughts, because we don't have any of those of our own, just something we can read and copy from some obscure book of questionable origin from the distant past.


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Re: daily bible inverse {or, who cut the gouda cheee?}
« Reply #971 on: September 22, 2012, 11:23:12 pm »
I know I'd get more if I asked for social security later, but it doesn't make much sense in my case.  I only have 2 properties here, towhouses with mortgages paid off, one I'm living in and the other rented.  I'll sell the one I'm living in and buy a condo in Germany.  You would know that I also get my military retirement pay, but if my second property is ever empty for any period of time, that won't be enough money to make for a comfortable life style.  That's why I'm waiting to leave until I get my minimum social security, just to be sure I always have enough.  Additionally, I'll also be getting a retirement pay, not much, from the German government for the years I worked over there.

Understood; in your instance, it wouldn't make waiting worth the difference.  The reason I'd mentioned the option was that I had been weighing the options and difference in SS benefits to 'early retirement' and waiting longer.  While I no longer own a rental property, (having sold it just before the real estate values plunged), I have other recurring income from investments which survived the market nose-dives and can wait or collect SS once I turn 62.66.

I could tell you stories about the marijuana in Holland, but I'd better not, although, maybe you know already.  The Dutch cultivators have gotten so good at refining their product that, shortly before I left Europe, the marijuana was more potent than the hashish.

(I only know that because that's what some of my friends told me.)

If you get the chance, go to Amsterdam, a very beautiful and exceptional city.

My ever-helpful cousins have kept me posted about the doings in the polderlands.  It is a you say.  Over all, Holland is a small but, generally beautiful place.  The train ride through the countryside and on to neighboring lowland countries, (Belgium was nice), is worth the Euros.  A for Amsterdam, I suppose we'll go since there' at least an aunt & uncle to visit out that way.

Holland may not be very large, but the enterprising Dutch have been the envy of success for all of Europe for many centuries.  Even today, that "small" nation has a per capita gross domestic product slighty larger than Russia, which is still the largest nation, geographically, on the planet.


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #972 on: September 23, 2012, 07:06:18 am »
Hmmmmmmmm....lets see.....I ask Alaric if he was near Ocean City....I tell him i was there on a golf trip and clown around i would PROTECT him with a 5 iron and the guy is still in the army fighting terrorists when i get this gibberish about his ammunition and how i would get shot by it.

If im a clown....seriously what are you?A brain-washed army reject who never got the chance to put his target practice to use?


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #973 on: September 23, 2012, 07:33:15 am »
I enjoy discussing bible...i enjoy humor.....i dont enjoy when i sense unstability from a former server in army.Im done with this guy <alaric>...i hope moderators take a hard look at that post he wrote to me RE his gun and ammo.


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #974 on: September 23, 2012, 10:32:09 am »
I love Psalm 23.

1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green  pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest  my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.


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