Has there ever been anything that has happened to cause you to dislike God posts so much?
Yes; the various inquistions, crusades, witch-burnings and general genocide which were based upon exactly the same superstitious religious beliefs as held by the propagandizers of such today.
Usually people who are so adamant against anything to do with God, have had a bad experience, or have seen something horrible, or have blamed anything bad that has happened "in the name of religion" on every Christian believer, as a whole.
Those tormented and killed outright in the name of the same religious beliefs as religious adherents today claim to hold did have a "bad experience" with xtianity. This is something which I will do everything possible to not allow happen again; which is why I oppose the perpetration of such religious superstitions.
Why, to you, are they so irrational and wrong because they believe in something you disbelieve?
To reiterate; blind religious faith isn't rational because it expressly manifests despite a lack of evidence. Apparently, there are xtians who revel slef-righteously in that very lack of evidence, (since religious "faith" doesn't require evidence, hence the phrase "a leap of faith").
First, thank you for your honesty. I do appreciate your taking the time to explain that. You have to remember, though, that people, themselves, are human, and with many of them who called themselves "Christians" back then, some went way overboard in their thinking, and instead, acted like they thought they were God, themselves, choosing to cause death, trials, and the things you mentioned. They do not represent God the Father, Jesus Christ (His son) and took it upon themselves to commit the murders they did. They will be punished by God. God says, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay," and He will punish them. They may have already been punished, we don't know exactly what happened to each and everyone of them, afterwards, and in their personal lives, nor do we know what God's punishment will be - other than the eternal place of torment.
I do not agree with what they did, do not approve nor support their choices - they are responsible and accountable for their involvement in that. What you are doing, in your way, of trying to stop things like that from happening again, are definitely wise and noble on your part. I am doing the same thing, as well. But when you go after every believer in God who posts a Bible verse, for example, just to share with others who also enjoy them, it does not mean they are of the same Christianity sect, mind, mold, or thinking of those past hateful bigoted murderers. Jesus, Himself, only promotes "loving your neighbor as yourself," "taking care of the elderly, the sick, the children, the infirm, the dying," "helping people who need help and ask for help, such as food, work, transportation, money, clothes, etc.," "treating others as you would want to be treated," "showing kindness to others," - I could go on and on, but this is commanded by Christ, in the New Testament, to do. And that's exactly what most Christians try their hardest to do.
Those ones like from Westboro Church, and people like that, don't have the love of Christ in their hearts - they are poisoned with their own desires, hate, and loathing, of their own goals, that are not of God. It is people like them, and churches like that, who give genuine and loving Christians the bad name, and one of the reasons so many genuine Christians are mocked, hated, ridiculed, etc., like they are. That is wrong for them to be mistreated and blamed for the stupid insane things that those murderers and troublemakers (back then and today) did and do. That's why all "Christians" should not and cannot be placed in the same "box" - many are calling themselves "Christians" in name only, but are false and full of hate and out to do nothing but what "they" want to do, not what Christ wants Christians and anyone else to do, and that's to show compassion to ones who need it, help those who need it, and love everyone as themselves.
Again, thank you for sharing your honest views and feelings about this.