I believe this:
We are only responsible for our own actions, but we are 100% responsible for those actions. So think before you act. Be proactive rather than reactive. Be mindful of your thoughts. Keep a tight reign on your emotions. Learn the lesson of right thinking and you will begin to get more control over your life. What is right thinking? To go with the flow. To live your life in accordance with Divine Law. To align your will with the Higher Will.
Then what is the best way to use our free will? To give it up to God. To surrender our will to God's Will. It is a paradox. Yet how many people that you know live their lives by the motto "not Thy will but My will be done". Maybe you know someone like that or maybe that describes you. How has that worked out for you or for them?
I also believe in the Serenity Prayer. You know the one:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
The keywords there are acceptance, courage and wisdom.
Another truth is live in present time. That's all you ever have. Let go of regrets. Forgive yourself for hurts you may have caused others and let go of grudges. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. The past cannot be changed. It is what it is. Learn from it and move on.
Don't waste your time with wishful thinking about the future either. The future has not yet arrived. There is only the now. Let go of expectations of the way you want things to be and turn them into preferences instead. That way you avoid disappointment if things don't work out the way you thought they would and you are pleasantly surprised if they do.
There is another thing. We must always look at motive. There is no act, in and of itself, that is either spiritual or non-spiritual. It is the motive of the person performing the act that makes the difference. To judge an action rightly, whether your own or someone else's, you must know the context of that action and the motive behind it. To do that, it is necessary to develop the power of discernment. There is the kiss of Judas and the kiss of Christ.
Do these things and the Law of Attraction will work in your favor. If you choose to do as you will, then you will learn through the school of hard knocks. Takes a little longer to achieve serenity that way but you'll gain some valuable experience along the way.