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Topic: Frog In House!!  (Read 27266 times)


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Frog In House!!
« on: June 09, 2011, 09:10:24 pm »
Has anyone had a frog(s) in their house? Last night, I saw a little baby frog crawling up the wall in my living room. They really look freaky crawling up walls.....ewwwww  I was so taken aback and surprised. How did the thing get in without me noticing it? My home is new and I'm a fastidious housekeeper. I despise insects or reptiles of any kind, and spray every couple months. It's been an extremely wet Spring and was told there is an abundance of frogs out by the lake close to my house and in the trees.

Anyway, I'm scared of such things and had to get my next door neighbor's son to come catch it. I thought it was going to go down the heat/AC register in my kitchen (it jumped right on it), and it freaked me out. If I lost it down there or behind the stove or fridge or something, I would not have  Frogs are so ugly and creepy to me. Thing is, I followed it around the house as it jumped around trying to get away from me wielding the broom, and hit it hard with It many times. Their pretty resilient as he just kept right on jumping. I was told it was a tree frog. How do they get in?
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 09:14:15 pm by Annella »


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Re: Frog In House!!
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2011, 09:23:18 pm »
Tree Frogs prefer living in the trees and not in your house, It was only trying to locate water to drink and to cool off with as
the temp. outside hasn't been too hospitable to frogs aand other outdoor creatures so far this year! Be nice to them, just catch them and release  them back to their habitat


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Re: Frog In House!!
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2011, 09:30:17 pm »
Noted.....but how do they get in? Never leave windows or doors open without screens on them. There is no space big enough for it to have gotten in. I would have killed it if I could have. Certainly tried to, but the thing was stronger than I would have thought.


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Re: Frog In House!!
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2011, 12:02:21 am »
Noted.....but how do they get in? Never leave windows or doors open without screens on them. There is no space big enough for it to have gotten in. I would have killed it if I could have. Certainly tried to, but the thing was stronger than I would have thought.
Why exactly would you kill it!?!?!?! its not like it was a poisonous dart frog, or a mutant frog or godzilla or something! You should just relocate it, tree frogs for the most part are harmless!  Animals WILL get in your house, no matter how well you clean or seal up your home! My uncle Kerry lives out in Centerville, Iowa, and let me tell you , the amount of creatures out there at night-including frogs, is simply amazing!!!!!!! He helped me get over my fear of spiders, concidering the fact that at night, they set up shop along the entire porch ceiling and all around the bushes in plain sight! All different kinds of species!
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Re: Frog In House!!
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2011, 07:52:08 am »
It's my house, and if I want to kill it, then It's going to die. I don't need permission or approval from anyone. Frog, lizard, spider, whatever gets in my house is going to face their demise. I also like animals that you can eat, and have no problem seeing them die either. Venison, Moose, Elk, Rabbits, whatever, is wonderful roasted, fried, stewed, etc.

We would shoot jack rabbits in Nevada for ranchers at a certain time of the year. The ranchers wanted us to do it. They would overpopulate and carry diseases. One evening I shot over a hundred. The best was shooting the wolves in Alaska (lived there 16 years) when a bounty was on their head. Some would shoot them on snowmobiles, and a few from helicopters. They would sneak up to homes at night and carry off pets, chickens, etc.

I learned how to handle guns at an early age, and have no problem using them. Thing is, on the night the frog was in my house, the closest thing I could get was the broom. I tried my hardest to kill it, and would have had no problem throwing it in the trash afterward. I'm not a bleeding heart tree hugger, and never will be.

We have quite a few poisonous spiders, snakes, what have you, around where I live. Kill first and make inquiries afterward if it was poisonous or not. That's my motto!
« Last Edit: June 10, 2011, 07:59:30 am by Annella »


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Re: Frog In House!!
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2011, 08:02:52 am »
 :confused1: I would of  done the same, except wouldn't have the nerve to kill the frog. I don't like crawling things inside my house.


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Re: Frog In House!!
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2011, 09:43:09 am »
Who knows how things like frogs get into one's house.  It was probably just as confused as to where it was as you were.  Maybe next time, put on some rubber gloves, then use a towel to throw over it, then scoop it up and throw it outside.  A towel will have a greater area so if it jumps, it should still land over it, thus preventing it from jumping away.  I've never done the above technique, but that's what I would have tried.

My sister once told me about how a bat got into her house, and how she and her daughters were watching a movie at night when it started flying around their heads.  She told me how she chased it with a broom trying to get it out or kill it - whichever happened first - while her girls were freaking out.  However, knowing my sister, I think her girls were freaking out more due to how she was freaking out (and I know how she gets when she freaks out  ;) ) vs being afraid of the bat.  LOL.


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Re: Frog In House!!
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2011, 10:19:32 am »
Hmm, interesting that Ms. Holier-Than-Thou Preacher Woman is hell-bent on killing all of her God's wonderful, and in this case, perfectly harmless little living, breathing creatures. I hope you actually have all the supposed compassion for your fellow humans you claim, but that is doubtful considering past behaviour with certain 'friends' on here.....

Interesting you seem to be in your glory whenever you talk about your guns and everything you have killed. I'd love to put a deer on your front porch armed with his own gun just to see what would happen. >:( You're so tough freaking out over a tree frog. Yeah, praise the lord and pass the ammo!
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: Frog In House!!
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2011, 10:48:57 am »
Don't you realize that you have been on "IGNORE" ever since I left D&D? Guess there's nobody left in D&D to listen to your cussing them out or calling them expletive names.

The best thing about starting a thread, is that you can lock it whenever you want.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2011, 10:51:13 am by Annella »

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