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I don't watch the show every day...maybe once or twice a week. I think he's a great doctor because he is actually interested in and believes alot of medical problems that people have can be healed through nutrition. I heard something a few months ago on his show about taking fish oil supplements and I decided to check out his website for more information. I was having severe pain from arthritis & fibromyalgia and I was exhausted all the time from pain. It was so bad that I couldn't stand to walk, sitting in or driving a car was torturous, and I couldn't sleep because the pain was so bad. I was taking meds but the side effects were causing more problems than they were helping, so I stopped...and stopped the visits to my doctor. I went back to taking ibuprophen and was taking too much on a daily basis for several months, it wasn't helping much. After checking out his site on fish oil supplements, I decided to order some from GNC (on-line) and seen some of the reviews on the product there. I've been taking Salmon Oil 1000 (capsules) for about 3 months now twice a day and I actually can go for a few weeks without needing any ibuprophen at all, for the most part the worst of the pain is GONE. It has made such a difference that alot of people have noticed I've got my "energy" back. His site gave all the information needed so a person knows what to safely buy and if it hadn't been for his show...I'd still be in pain so I think he's GREAT. The salmon oil capsules are inexpensive compared to the meds I was taking and they've worked so great that both my dogs also get a capsule a day!! Thanks Dr. Oz!!