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Topic: People confuse me lol  (Read 1514 times)


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People confuse me lol
« on: May 20, 2011, 08:22:01 am »
People are always saying they know when the world is going to end, and it kills me because nobody knows except god. Just keep faith in him and keep him in your heart and love one another. The world be a better place if everybody could get along and there wasnt so many people tryin to control one another. Everybody is in my prayers.  :peace:


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Re: People confuse me lol
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2011, 09:50:42 am »
The world needs more people like you.


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Re: People confuse me lol
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2011, 10:01:09 am »
The world be a better place if everybody could get along
  People confuse me too.  This past week, I was in a self service coffee bar.  The regular customers and employees are aware of a homeless man that often comes in.  This guy wears what few possessions he owns under an ugly, oversized coat.  It's obvious the guy is having a hard time.  He was in line to pay for this 12 oz. (smallest size) cup of coffee and his debit card declines.  He was digging change out of all his pockets and he was still 10 cents short.  The cashiers were going to pour his coffee down the sink drain rather than let him shortchange them 10 cents!  I said I had his dime, I told him to take his coffee and he could go have a nice day because I seen the cashiers were MAD at me for offering to pay his dime.  He left and they were saying I shouldn't pay for him because he was going to expect this all the time and they said they would rather pour the coffee down the drain (and that they have BEFORE) than deal with him not having enough money all the time.  (I asked... he's usually no more than 20 cents short).  It blew my's better to waste good coffee by pouring it down the drain than to let a homeless person have it when they are ONLY a FEW cents short? :angry7:  If it had been one of their friends that was a few cents short, would they have poured the coffee down the drain?  I seriously doubt it.  Coffee might not be a necessity but being a coffee addict, I know a cup of a.m. coffee makes for a much better day than a day without.  It might just be a cup of coffee to those that can afford it, I know it's more precious than that for those who can't.   I'll be on the lookout for that guy from now on and will make sure his coffee is taken care of when he's short.  A dime won't buy much of anything these days and if one gets a chance to make someone's day a little brighter for only a dime....what a bargain!!   Love, kindness (and coffee) makes the world go 'round!!   :peace:

as someone who has worked a register before this really upset me... i never would have done something like that... i always kept some spare change in my pocket so if someone was a lil short they could still get their stuff... i would love to see how those cashiers would like it if someone dumped out their coffee... or stomped on their big mac cuz they were 10 cents short


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Re: People confuse me lol
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2011, 10:37:50 am »
Amen. My motto is and always has been, "Do unto others". But sadly I am only one of just a few that feel that way. But you can't change other people, all you can do is pray and treat others with respect and kindness. @SherylsShado, God bless you for what you did despite the cashiers reluctance. I don't understand peoples reasoning sometimes.


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Re: People confuse me lol
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2011, 11:08:04 am »
The world be a better place if everybody could get along
  People confuse me too.  This past week, I was in a self service coffee bar.  The regular customers and employees are aware of a homeless man that often comes in.  This guy wears what few possessions he owns under an ugly, oversized coat.  It's obvious the guy is having a hard time.  He was in line to pay for this 12 oz. (smallest size) cup of coffee and his debit card declines.  He was digging change out of all his pockets and he was still 10 cents short.  The cashiers were going to pour his coffee down the sink drain rather than let him shortchange them 10 cents!  I said I had his dime, I told him to take his coffee and he could go have a nice day because I seen the cashiers were MAD at me for offering to pay his dime.  He left and they were saying I shouldn't pay for him because he was going to expect this all the time and they said they would rather pour the coffee down the drain (and that they have BEFORE) than deal with him not having enough money all the time.  (I asked... he's usually no more than 20 cents short).  It blew my's better to waste good coffee by pouring it down the drain than to let a homeless person have it when they are ONLY a FEW cents short? :angry7:  If it had been one of their friends that was a few cents short, would they have poured the coffee down the drain?  I seriously doubt it.  Coffee might not be a necessity but being a coffee addict, I know a cup of a.m. coffee makes for a much better day than a day without.  It might just be a cup of coffee to those that can afford it, I know it's more precious than that for those who can't.   I'll be on the lookout for that guy from now on and will make sure his coffee is taken care of when he's short.  A dime won't buy much of anything these days and if one gets a chance to make someone's day a little brighter for only a dime....what a bargain!!   Love, kindness (and coffee) makes the world go 'round!!   :peace:
This is one of the most great post I have ever read here, I really enjoyed reading your story and comment, God looks at our hearts and you have a good kind heart, Keep it this way. I think it would be great if we all behave like what you did
for all other members who didn't read this post Please do read it I think it worth reading


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Re: People confuse me lol
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2011, 12:26:03 pm »
If everyone got along, there would be no crime and people would be living longer due to no murder or anything.


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Re: People confuse me lol
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2011, 06:31:44 am »
I cant believe someone could be so mean, but its good people like you that we need more of.


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Re: People confuse me lol
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2011, 07:35:51 am »
The world be a better place if everybody could get along
  People confuse me too.  This past week, I was in a self service coffee bar.  The regular customers and employees are aware of a homeless man that often comes in.  This guy wears what few possessions he owns under an ugly, oversized coat.  It's obvious the guy is having a hard time.  He was in line to pay for this 12 oz. (smallest size) cup of coffee and his debit card declines.  He was digging change out of all his pockets and he was still 10 cents short.  The cashiers were going to pour his coffee down the sink drain rather than let him shortchange them 10 cents!  I said I had his dime, I told him to take his coffee and he could go have a nice day because I seen the cashiers were MAD at me for offering to pay his dime.  He left and they were saying I shouldn't pay for him because he was going to expect this all the time and they said they would rather pour the coffee down the drain (and that they have BEFORE) than deal with him not having enough money all the time.  (I asked... he's usually no more than 20 cents short).  It blew my's better to waste good coffee by pouring it down the drain than to let a homeless person have it when they are ONLY a FEW cents short? :angry7:  If it had been one of their friends that was a few cents short, would they have poured the coffee down the drain?  I seriously doubt it.  Coffee might not be a necessity but being a coffee addict, I know a cup of a.m. coffee makes for a much better day than a day without.  It might just be a cup of coffee to those that can afford it, I know it's more precious than that for those who can't.   I'll be on the lookout for that guy from now on and will make sure his coffee is taken care of when he's short.  A dime won't buy much of anything these days and if one gets a chance to make someone's day a little brighter for only a dime....what a bargain!!   Love, kindness (and coffee) makes the world go 'round!!   :peace:
I don't understand why the customers got upset. Even if he does expect that from now what it's 10 cents and he's homeless. People can be so selfish!


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Re: People confuse me lol
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2011, 10:34:03 am »
People are always saying they know when the world is going to end, and it kills me because nobody knows except god. Just keep faith in him and keep him in your heart and love one another. The world be a better place if everybody could get along and there wasnt so many people tryin to control one another. Everybody is in my prayers.  :peace:

I agree with you 100 % .... you and yours also in my prayers. Blessings  :angel11:

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