Welcom to Fusion Cash!
You've found your way to the Forum. That's a good sign! At the top of the Support section is an entry for the Beginner's Guide. When you have time, work your way through that. It will address a number of topics that you should become familiar with.
But, in the mean time, let's start with the easy stuff. Do the 'Dailys" first thing.
Click on "Offers" at the top of any FC page; and then click on "Daily" at the near top left of the landing page (in the categories of offers).
The Dailys are primarily box/offers of daily surveys. You may complete one survey for each survey company/box in any 24 hr period. Clear your cookies/temps before you begin doing the surveys for a particulare survey company. You will frequently be disqualified (DQ) for surveys because you don't meet the demographics of the survey, but do not be discouraged. Just keep trying. When you do complete a survey, you will get a congradulations or thank you page. Leave that page open for 5-10 minutes -- or until you receive notification that the survey has been credited to your account. I have another tab open to my account page so that I can refresh that page and check the status of the crediting.
If it hasn't credited in 10 minutes, take a "print screen" picture of the congrads page, paste it onto your PAINT software -- add some verbage to the page to identify the survey company, time and date, subject of the survey and then save that picture to your shared pictures as a jpeg picture. If you haven't received credit for the survey in a few days, you can send a copy of that proof to Support along with a request that they follow up with the survey company.
Also in the Daily section is the $.15 daily click, the sign up box for the $.02 daid email, and special tasks -- where you will find an occasional video ad that pays .01 /.02 to view.
Then there is the posting bonus for posting 30 meaningful posts in the Forum in a given calendar month. Click on the "paid to post" link at the top of any Forum page to take you to the page that expains the requirements. Also click on the green link in the middle of that page to become familiar with the request page for posting bonus because that page also show how many posts you made this months and gives you a link that lets you look at the posts you made to date. At the bottom of that page is also a histor of the bonus requests you've made and how many days to waittuntil you get credit for any request you've made (usually it's credited at the end of the month following the month you made the request.)
Check out the other bonuses in the Contests and Promotion section of the Form. There are mini-contests on Tues and Saturdays that are worth participating in.
I don't do regular offers -- but I still manage to cash out every 3-4 months. Not a lot, but enough for me given the amount of time and effort involved.