Hey everyone,
I have a question can anyone tell me where i can go to find out how many post i have made would be listed?
thank you
angel330, You can easily find out how many posts you have made as well as get details about them.
1. To find out the TOTAL number of posts you have made, Click on the "
Profile" link which is below your name and picture on the top of the page when you are in the Forum.
2. To view your latest posts, Scroll down that same page to
Additional Information and click on the "Show the last posts of this person".
3. For details on all of your posts, Click on the "Show general statistics for this member" link right below that.
4. To find out how many Posts you have made in a certain month so you know how many you have to qualify for the 30 Monthly Forum Post AND to request the $3.00 payment:
A. Click "
Are you getting paid to post yet?" right above your name and picture.
B. Click the green part of this sentence on that same page: "
You must submit the forum bonus request form to receive credit. You can request your bonus for the current month and for the prior month only."
C. Click "
Click Here to view all of your posts"
D. Look through your posts. Copy the Message ID of 3 of your Best posts and paste those IDs in the Request Form.
E. Submit!