I am an agnostic, raised Christian, and I have never had a problem with homosexuals. I've always thought that sexuality isn't as important as being a good person. There are so many people who hate homosexuals and still call themselves Christians, I'm sorry, but those people are false Christians. Hatred does not belong in religion.
I agree, although to play Devil's advocate (or rather, the Christian's advocate as the case may be) most would say they love the person but hate the sin. To the Christian, they
are being loving in that they fear a place in hell for the sinner who doesn't reform his/her ways. They see homosexuality as a sin that prevents a person from being a "good person" and getting into heaven. The problem is that because this is such a personal issue and a person's sexual orientation is, for the most part, inseparable from the person, targeting the sin feels like they are targeting the person too. It's the same issue that I have with most organized religion... Most will say that the only way to salvation is by believing in
their tenants. A person's religious preference becomes a very intimate part of that person -- their core beliefs and values -- and so having someone else question (or even denounce) that religion actually feels like a personal attack, even though the other person may actually think they are showing love by showing the "true" path to salvation.
I think that laws should be based on some moral standard (otherwise, why even have laws), however I think that it should be based on how it effects the quality of life in this world for the country's citizens. Our country values many freedoms, esp. religious freedom even though some may think that believing in the wrong religion may be harmful to a person's soul. Thus as long as a person's free choice doesn't adversely effect themselves or others (in the here and now), I think they should be allowed that freedom. If a person chooses to love another person of the same sex, it isn't causing any harm to anyone. Therefore the state should allow this activity. Additionally, if the state is providing some benefit to a couple for living together and creating a stable household, then it should be provided to all couples in that situation while remaining blind to the person's sexual orientation.