Is it me or does it seem like children these days are way more out of hand than when we were youth. Is it because of the modern technology that
It's true, every generation kids are getting worst in behavior,education, respect, morals, and basically lick the skills to be an upstanding human being. There's an author(sorry can't remember name) that wrote a book called Dumbth. He basically predicted through the trends that the kids in the future starting in the end of the late 70's will be dumber than kids in the 19th century. So, for example if you go back in time find yourself in class with early 20th century kids. You'd be blown away due to the fact that they would know math to the point where their calculator is their brain. I think that technology has pretty much handicapped us & our kids to really learning actually learning & understanding the school subjects. There are many turning points in which lead to this negative point. Here's a list of events in which I think kids are the way they are to day.
1. Punishment thanks to the government, Parent's can't spank their kids. In facts kids can report to the police that their parents are abusing them. Shot even now, my dad just has to give me a look or say my name in that voice & I'm back to being a good girl.
2. Punishment in schools thanks to govern again, the school can't paddle a delinquent student anymore.
3. No, kid left behinds, I don't which president got into this but it basically, hurt the kids by passing kids to the next grade level so they can be with there student counterparts thus not be left behind. The problem is those students that was spared the embarrassment of being held back don't have the skills to be in that higher grade level. Some may squeak through others will be repeating that grade. Shot, when I was in school, nobody cared about my feelings when I was held back due to a head injury in a car accident. I was stuck with kids 1 yr younger than me!
4. Broken marriages, single mothers, working 2 jobs. Now a days there i usually 1 parent taking care of everything that he or she doesn't have the time to monitor the kids. No parents to check your homework, make sure you come home on time, teach you morals, teach you to have pride in all the things you do. To do it well or as best as your ability can even if it's just scrubbing the bathroom floor.
5. Through guilt parents will give their kids monies for them not being there to be a parent. The problem is that when you have every thing anytime you want you'll feel that anything you want will be given to you. Reality will kick in when you're on your own w/o mommy & daddy's monies to support you.
6. Media perspective: During the 60's & 70's the social quota was Be good in school, sports,maybe fashion. The ideal athlete is high achieving with at least a 3.5 GPA, is helpful in society volunteers, keeps out of trouble, keeps his/her reputation respectable, Hangs out with the right crowd & friends.
The student athlete of today. Well into the fashion trends, GPA 2.0, is a society disruption. Hangs out with a bad crowd & friends, has bad rep. with parents/media, achievements : Jailed 1 or twice for stealing, jail 1 or twice for gang fights,jailed 1 or twice for accusation rape...... etc....need I say more. I wonder what parent would be proud to see their son's line up picture in the nightly news. There more factors of why kids today are like they are but I'd be writing novel if I continue. Reality of today is, Kids of today are just a bunch of spoiled, greedy,whining, crying shame, brats! If you as a parent don't prevent this trend, you get what you deserve a spoiled brat. If you use preventive measures of the past, your kid may turn out normal.