Welcome! You are a member of a great site!
First: Find the Daily section of Offers. (Click on Offers at the top of any page in FC and then cllick on "Daily" in the upper section of the landing page (on right side).
2nd: sign up for the paid emails. Worth 2 cents each day. May take a day or two to get you in the system, but the sooner the better.
3rd: if you have broadband, check the Daily task box for videos. There one today worth $.02 that pretty long, but interesting. If there are videos, there will usually be a tab at the top of the landing page. You can also page through the various pages to see if there's anything else that seems interesting.
4th: go back to offers; daily; and then check the $.15 daily click. There are a series of tasks you need to do (4 topics to look at -- I usually do horescope; lottery; recipes and weather, but choose what you find interesting. If you're into games, check out the flash games. There is usually a current flash game where if you get a high score and report it, you can get $.50 bonus. (I never was good enough, but you may have better reflexes.)
You also need to click on a sponsers ad and all of this must take at least 3 minutes. There is a countdown on the left side of the page that tells how long you have to go.
Then you will get a link for the FC toolbar; and finally another sponser ad that requires a security check before you can view it -- and you must view it for 60 secs.
I usually have another tab open to my account page and check it to make sure everything has credited.
When you have time, browse thru the Beginner's Guide (Top of page in the Support section.) It will provide you with a lot of info about how FC operates. Then just browse through the Forum entries to get additional ino and add new topics when you have a question.