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Topic: God is a Fake  (Read 143778 times)


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #960 on: April 10, 2012, 11:55:43 am »
Atheist can never answer that question with a straight forward answer. Their the ones who are delusional thinking they have the power of a god to change things like a magician. Atheist can't believe something they can not see, nor do they have Faith, in anything. Not even their children, or parents, or their car getting them from point A to point B. And if it breaks down along the way, it was their reality that caused it, not the fact they didn't use preventative maintenance. What they don't realize is, 87% of Americans believe in a higher power which puts them in a very low percentage of people who believe in their own brain as having power to save them from anything they encounter. Atheist are going to cry-out in fear one day when their world comes crashing down all around them.

It's a good thing that percentage is slowly dwindling because people that have your opinion are proving to be a major hurdle for our world (Jdog's post is a prime example of this).

Although people clinging to superstitious beliefs is nothing new in the world, Jdog's response was right on the money.

Its all about the atheist and their non-belief in a higher power. Atheists are very shallow people, and it shows with their beliefs.

Do everyone a favor and please educate yourself on the subject. You sound like a complete imbecile which is not a good thing to be doing if you consider yourself a spokesperson for your religion.

The sheer hypocrisy of some religious adherents would be astounding, were it not so prevalent. An example of this is shown by juxtapositioning that "non-belief" comment, (which is inaccurate; it's 'disbelief'), with the contradictory "shows with their beliefs", (a disbelief is not a belief since the terms are mutually-exclusive).
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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #961 on: April 10, 2012, 12:23:02 pm »
     So in regards to your previous post on "atheists" would you say that you are a "stepping stone" to Jesus or a "stumbling block"?
     I have several friends, and many more aquaintances that are atheists.  None of them have ever lacked the words to tell me why they feel that there is no God.  They each have their own different, personal reasons...but their answers have sounded very straight forward to me.
     They love their children, and I'm fairly certain that ALL of them have a better relationship with their parents than I will ever have with mine.
     They are better at making sure preventative maintenance is done on their vehicles than me...or I wouldn't of had to have some of them come and help me when my car has fallen apart a few times in the past.
     My recently learned "life lesson" of putting people on "ignore" because they don't measure up to my own personal expectations had made me a more shallow person than any atheist I've ever known.
     I know that alot of Christians shun atheists (and many actually have hatred toward them) and will say that atheists & Christians can NOT be friends.  The Bible says people reap what they sow.  If they can't sow
seeds of love towards all people then why should they expect to reap love from God?  
     I went through the WORST time of my life last year and you know that saying "you find out who your friends REALLY are in times of trouble"?  Well, while the majority of my "religious" friends were busy making their "critical, judgmental and just plain mean" remarks (or just totally avoiding me altogether) it was actually a "militant atheist" on this forum that posted something precious to me.  It wasn't so much WHAT she posted as it was that... she just posted.  I was going through so much and was so "down" and that post from her meant more to me than anything anyone else had said at the time or has said about it since.  If I had chosen to shun her because of "atheism", I would have missed out on that blessing.

    I love my atheist friends, not because they are atheists but because they are human...just like me.  The only difference is I have chosen to love and serve a God that they can not see...yet.  My prayer is that they will see that God in me.

   Are you praying for the unsaved, or are you just "smug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug" in the security of your salvation?  
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 12:42:38 pm by SherylsShado »


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #962 on: April 10, 2012, 08:35:36 pm »
What is it that makes you feel that God is fake?

Atheist can never answer that question with a straight forward answer. Their the ones who are delusional thinking they have the power of a god to change things like a magician. Atheist can't believe something they can not see, nor do they have Faith, in anything. Not even their children, or parents, or their car getting them from point A to point B. And if it breaks down along the way, it was their reality that caused it, not the fact they didn't use preventative maintenance. Its all about the atheist and their non-belief in a higher power. What they don't realize is, 87% of Americans believe in a higher power which puts them in a very low percentage of people who believe in their own brain as having power to save them from anything they encounter. Atheist are going to cry-out in fear one day when their world comes crashing down all around them. Atheists are very shallow people, and it shows with their beliefs.

The thing is, here, is that just as Christians choose to place their faith in God, Atheists choose to not believe there is a god.  Even though our thoughts and views differ totally, we still should offer respect for each others' choices.  I am a Christian, but I'm not going to "force" my view on others who are not.  I will share my faith with them when I feel I should, want, or need to.  In forums like this, both sides discuss, debate, share resources and experiences, give personal views and opinions - back and forth.  

Respect is the key word I always believe in and strive for - for both sides.  Name-calling and threats, including threats of hell, just cause dissension are just plain ole out arguing mean.  There are a few in here I have debated and discussed with very nicely.  Sure, there are sparks, but that is normal.  There have been a couple I have chosen to not debate with as often, because I feel the respect is lacking and people are offended when the same words/argument is thrown back at them over and over again.  Both sides should be willing to listen to the other side, and come up with their own views/answers/resources.

I'm only saying this because not all Christians are willing to debate nicely, and not all Atheists are either.  However, on both sides, there are Christians and Atheists who can debate with respect and good sense.  You can't just "box" all Atheists into one box - they are not all the same.  You can't just "box" all Christians into one box, either.  Many Atheists used to be Christians until something came up or showed them otherwise.  We Christians, now, may not understand how they could do that, but talking about it is much better than beating them down.  If someone is raising the blood pressure (and it does happen, I know!) the best thing is to step back, take a break, and decide whether it's worth continuing with that person or not.

Thank you!
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 08:40:32 pm by jcribb16 »


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #963 on: April 10, 2012, 08:38:14 pm »
What is it that makes you feel that God is fake?

Atheist can never answer that question with a straight forward answer. Their the ones who are delusional thinking they have the power of a god to change things like a magician. Atheist can't believe something they can not see, nor do they have Faith, in anything. Not even their children, or parents, or their car getting them from point A to point B. And if it breaks down along the way, it was their reality that caused it, not the fact they didn't use preventative maintenance. Its all about the atheist and their non-belief in a higher power. What they don't realize is, 87% of Americans believe in a higher power which puts them in a very low percentage of people who believe in their own brain as having power to save them from anything they encounter. Atheist are going to cry-out in fear one day when their world comes crashing down all around them. Atheists are very shallow people, and it shows with their beliefs.

I love the broad assumptions made by you. Either you do not know any atheists (I'm fairly sure I could have made that You DO NOT KNOW any) or you are full of yourself and delusional enough to think you actually know how an atheist, or anyone for that matter, thinks. You don't and if I sat here and wrote the same all inclusional statements about Christians, you would be up in arms. The difference being I was a believer and a Christian for decades, so I would have a point of reference. Have you ever been an atheist? No? Then you are full of it -> :bs:

"thinking they have the power of a god to change things like a magician"
No, we do NOT believe in 'a god', so it's moot to state we think we have that 'power', but I know there are magicians who are also atheists.

"Atheist can't believe something they can not see"
Wrong, wrong, wrong! I [and others] believe in gravity, wind, magnetic forces, many other 'things' that cannot be seen per se, but the effects of them are proof of their existence.

"nor do they have Faith, in anything. Not even their children, or parents, or their car getting them from point A to point B. And if it breaks down along the way, it was their reality that caused it, not the fact they didn't use preventative maintenance."

As for faith in children and parents, that makes no sense and as a Christian, YOU should have faith in nothing other than your God and that is stated very clearly in your Bible. If my car breaks down (and I DO preventive maintenance on it) it is the failure of mechanisms within the car. You making a case for cause vs reality is right up there with the most ignorant assumptions. If you are unable to provide valid comparisons, don't make any comparisons, period - it makes you look even more ignorant.

"Atheists are very shallow people, and it shows with their beliefs."

Shallow? How freaking dare you make that declaration. I can't speak for others on here, but my entire adult life has been spent doing the best I can to make babie's, toddler's, teen's and adult's lives bearable while they battle every type of cancer known to man. I am soooo shallow my own family and kids often went through long periods of time only seeing me for hours in a week and rarely was I able to enjoy holidays with all because I was at the hospital working. I can't count the times I have put myself through an immense guilt trip, even though my sons were cared for by a relative/good friend when I had to be gone. They also knew I was trying to give other families as much time on this earth as possible with their loved one(s) and it has never been thrown in my face, thankfully. The money I earn on here is not for me - I use every cent of it to buy toys, crayons, whatever for my pediatric cases. That in itself is pretty darn shallow, yes?

You really ought to take lessons from the true Christians on here (jcribb, sherlsshadow, a few others not around) because they remain open to hearing from we 'awful people' and aren't blatantly hypocritical and 'shallow' like you appear to be in what you've written. So, being that I am one of the "people who believe in their own brain as having power to save them from anything they encounter", make sure your God gets your a** out of the way before that car hits you....I'll use my 'brain' and dodge it on my own, thank you. ::)

Thank you.  By the way, you aren't "awful, hypocritical, or shallow!"


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #964 on: April 10, 2012, 08:55:41 pm »
There have been a couple I have chosen to not debate with as often, because I feel the respect is lacking and people are offended when the same words/argument is thrown back at them over and over again.  Both sides should be willing to listen to the other side, and come up with their own views/answers/resources.

No doubt people can become "offended" when the same unsupported religious claims keep coming from that religion's adherents, (and when the same challenges/refutations/dissent stem from those repeated claims).  If religious adherents want to hear different challenges to their claims/declarations/opinions then they're going to have to come up with different claims/declarations/opinions.  I agree, the same was are getting tedious to repeatedly challenge, (as if the adherents making them aren't 'listening' and only 'hear' "the same words/argument ... over and over".
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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #965 on: April 11, 2012, 12:41:23 am »
I have more of a reason to say there is no God given the fact that I suffer with my illnesses everyday.  However, God is not as simple as an explanation.  If you have had a unique and divine awakening so to say then you will no without question.  Guess what, no one can prove God to you.  If you don't want to know that there is a God and a higher power, you just won't and never will.  My favorite way of explaining God is that if you have an ant farm, the ants do their thing while you watch them.  Yet they don't know who we are, why we stare at them and we can destroy them at any moment.  The difference is that God is on a morality unlike ours.  If a person, a human minded person was God would you be able to fix all the mess we get ourselves into without taking away our free will regardless of the outcome. 

I think life is a test, some are born to test each other.  When I say God, that applies to the other Gods in the world that people believe in.  No God in any religion condones murder and basically hurting others to improve self.  Again, the morality of people is questioned. 

If a company produces a harmful product selling it to the public regardless if the product appears to improve our lives.  The product is toxic to produce and toxic to consume and kills many.  Later, our government can do little to stop its horrible effects to each person.  People become sick, can't work, people die leaving children orphans.  The company has closed down and no one can recoup loses from the company.  Now the government has to pay to cremate the dead that can't afford it and pay out social security to the spouses and children.  The children and spouse may need medical care and are left paying for the medical care of their loved one that died.  I could say that this person was the bred winner in the family, this person made all the money and decisions and now they are gone. There is a domino effect that will continue for decades to come from this.

Is this GOD'S FAULT?  Is it God's fault that we all want to make money sometimes without considering who we hurt in our choices.  This scenario is not that ridiculous, it happens everyday!!!  So, God is a fake because, we cause the evil in the world.  Tsunamis are sometimes our fault.  Man is always messing with stuff.  I won't get into that as it is a whole other story.


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #966 on: April 11, 2012, 01:16:25 am »
I have more of a reason to say there is no God given the fact that I suffer with my illnesses everyday. 

Lots of people suffer with various illnesses daily; this fact has no bearing on the existence or, non-existence of a hypothetical 'deity'.

However, God is not as simple as an explanation.  If you have had a unique and divine awakening so to say then you will no without question. 

There's no actuality to the contended concept of "divine awakening", (especially given the mundane unawakened state of 'sleep-walking' the vast majority of xtians wander around in, abusing the term "awakening" - which means to become more aware, not less).  Currently, there is no extant evidence to support the existence of 'god' to become aware of.  The onus of producing any such evidence is upon the one who claims the existence of such a 'deity'.

Guess what, no one can prove God to you.  If you don't want to know that there is a God and a higher power, you just won't and never will. 

That's a cop-out to avoid the burden of proof requirement.  It's rejected as a dodge; if you're claiming there is a 'god/higher power' then produce evidence supprting your claim.  If you cannot produce such evidence, your claim is specious.

My favorite way of explaining God is that if you have an ant farm, the ants do their thing while you watch them. 

People aren't ants; the parallel is an invalid comparison.

I think life is a test, some are born to test each other.  When I say God, that applies to the other Gods in the world that people believe in.  

Are you proposing that all 'gods' are lumped together as 'one god'?

So, God is a fake because, we cause the evil in the world.

The other people in the world caused your illness? Anyone but your 'god', right?

Tsunamis are sometimes our fault.  Man is always messing with stuff.  I won't get into that as it is a whole other story.

I'll get into it then; tsunamis are linked to earthquakes.  So far, people have been unable to cause earthquakes, (neither can these be attributed to 'gods').
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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #967 on: April 11, 2012, 07:50:08 pm »
 A believer's life should be "sustainable evidence" that the God they are serving exists.  If it's not, there's no point in wasting one's time or breath trying to convince others that "God exists".



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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #968 on: April 11, 2012, 08:23:53 pm »
A believer's life should be "sustainable evidence" that the God they are serving exists.  If it's not, there's no point in wasting one's time or breath trying to convince others that "God exists".

The problem with trying to provide that vagueness as "evidence", (testimony is not equivalent to evidence for one thing), is that whatever effects the "believer" is attributing to a 'deital' cause have no veracity, (no evidence of direct connection other than the believer's unsupported claim/'faith').  Since faith = belief without evidence, such 'faith' does not constitute evidence.

No substantive evidence has been presented to support any claims that 'god' exists, (although insubstantive evidence certainly isn't lacking).
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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #969 on: April 11, 2012, 08:30:23 pm »
You really ought to take lessons from the true Christians on here (jcribb, sherlsshadow, a few others not around) because they remain open to hearing from we 'awful people' and aren't blatantly hypocritical and 'shallow' like you appear to be in what you've written.

     There's something about saying someone is a "true Christian" and implying someone else is not that makes me uncomfortable.  I think every Christian should strive to be the best example of the Lord that they are following.  We're called to be 'humble servants' just as Jesus was.  There's no record of Jesus ever being "cocky".  Christians aren't perfect, one can't expect them to be because no one IS perfect. 

     You all know I'm not perfect...and I KNOW you (as well as the others) are NOT 'awful people' and are NOT blatantly hypocritical or shallow.  Remember that is something that I had "to learn" though.  When I first came on FC, I treated unbelievers BADLY.  I'm not even sure why or where it comes from that so many Believers think it's ok to act like that.  If it hadn't been for falconer02, I could STILL be "mean"... :(   I would have missed out on each one of you which, would have been sad because I consider each one of you to be a Special Blessing in my life.   


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #970 on: April 11, 2012, 08:46:23 pm »
A believer's life should be "sustainable evidence" that the God they are serving exists.  If it's not, there's no point in wasting one's time or breath trying to convince others that "God exists".

The problem with trying to provide that vagueness as "evidence", (testimony is not equivalent to evidence for one thing), is that whatever effects the "believer" is attributing to a 'deital' cause have no veracity, (no evidence of direct connection other than the believer's unsupported claim/'faith').  Since faith = belief without evidence, such 'faith' does not constitute evidence.

No substantive evidence has been presented to support any claims that 'god' exists, (although insubstantive evidence certainly isn't lacking).

I think you totally "overthought" my statement...where's that duct tape btw?  (I'm kidding!)  :D


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #971 on: April 11, 2012, 08:52:23 pm »
A believer's life should be "sustainable evidence" that the God they are serving exists.  If it's not, there's no point in wasting one's time or breath trying to convince others that "God exists".

The problem with trying to provide that vagueness as "evidence", (testimony is not equivalent to evidence for one thing), is that whatever effects the "believer" is attributing to a 'deital' cause have no veracity, (no evidence of direct connection other than the believer's unsupported claim/'faith').  Since faith = belief without evidence, such 'faith' does not constitute evidence.

No substantive evidence has been presented to support any claims that 'god' exists, (although insubstantive evidence certainly isn't lacking).

I think you totally "overthought" my statement...where's that duct tape btw?  (I'm kidding!)  :D

Nonethless, one could attribute a winning lotto ticket to their Santerian rituals if they so desired however, there is no causal connection between the effect and proposed cause.  Similarly, erroneously attributing some effect to another religion would be invoking a magical cause for that effect.
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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #972 on: April 11, 2012, 09:27:38 pm »
Nonethless, one could attribute a winning lotto ticket to their Santerian rituals if they so desired however, there is no causal connection between the effect and proposed cause.

They could...but how would you prove it?  Someone could attribute a winning lotto ticket to God as well and there is no casual connection between the effect and proposed cause, but Believers would KNOW that because of what the Bible says about gambling, our Provider, false hope, etc.


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #973 on: April 11, 2012, 09:41:24 pm »
Nonethless, one could attribute a winning lotto ticket to their Santerian rituals if they so desired however, there is no causal connection between the effect and proposed cause.

They could...but how would you prove it?  Someone could attribute a winning lotto ticket to God as well and there is no casual connection between the effect and proposed cause ...

Exactly so and had you stopped right there, we'd be in agreement.

... but Believers would KNOW that because of what the Bible says about gambling, our Provider, false hope, etc.

Nope, hands-down you'd have some fundie yahoo claiming that 'the laird provided a winnin' ticket for me and ma', (thus falsely attributing those lotto winnings to a supernatural cause).  That example isn't so far-fetched, there have been several instances of such claims.  It's funny you should mention "false hope" because I'd considered using that phrase to describe 'faith'.
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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #974 on: April 11, 2012, 10:46:05 pm »
I can honestly say I have never encountered a person like Falcon.  I am seriously speechless behind your comments. I believe in God wholeheartedly and i'm pretty sure you believe what you believe wholeheartedly. I would not even sit on here an take offense to some of the statements you make or for that matter anybody on here, because I don't judge or allow people to feel as if they're opinions make a difference in my life. My only issue is when people say. "prove that god is real", well, you prove to me that he isn't...

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