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Topic: God is a Fake  (Read 143780 times)


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #930 on: March 14, 2012, 06:24:17 am »

First of all, the complexity of DNA did not happen overnight.  Nothing has ever gone from a bacteria to a full-fledged mammal in a single step.  It took billions of years for life to evolve to what it is today, so it is really ignorant to throw out taunts about tornados blasting through junkyards and forming Boeing 737s and the like.

Secondly, evolution is far from random.  It's all about natural selection and adaptation, baby.  Evolution is so good at not being random that it has some of you convinced our functioning parts were crafted by a "designer".  Until you study our tailbones or crappy eyes or male vas deferens setup, that is.  

Some people believe that the "Creation story" is the "entire story" and there's no room for "Evolution".  Some people believe "Evolution" is the entire story, and it all happened without God.  I believe the Creation story.   I believe God created what He said He created and on the seventh day...not only did He "rest" but He was DONE creating.  I believe then our world "evolved" into the world we have today (as the world we have today isn't as it was when it was originally created).  
     Much like McDonalds...the company began in 1940 as a barbecue restaurant, it has "evolved" into the world's largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants, serving around 68 million customers daily in 119 countries.   McDonalds didn't just "evolve" on its own without some human intervention (involving ALOT of hard work along the way).  I don't believe the earth just evolved on its own without alot of intervention along the way (both God & human).  

 "evolution" only,  without "intervention" is this...
I have put things from my childhood/teens into a storage unit in another town.  This stuff (includes little hand-crocheted toddler purses/crocheted/knit dresses my grandma had made for me before she passed away,  toys, books that were old when they were given to me, alot of dolls/doll furniture, a vintage radio, & lots of misc.)  I check on this stuff every few years but I am always undecided as to where to put it and not wanting to sell it stays put.  As many years as it's been there...nothing is "evolving".  It's all "deteriorating".  The stuff smells musty, the cloth is getting rotten from age.  The book pages are yellowing.  The only signs of "life" I see are a few dead moths and some mouse droppings...(they could have evolved into "better beings", but I don't think so).  I would leave the stuff there forever if I thought it would "evolve" into something's not going to happen.  

Things left unattended don't turn into other things and they don't become "better things"...they deteriorate & decay.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2012, 06:27:39 am by SherylsShado »


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #931 on: March 14, 2012, 11:08:23 am »
Actions & Consequences"...those people could have put their little kids/babies on the Ark,  they chose not to.  (Funny thought, the Ark was several years in the making.  People had children and these children grew up hearing their parents laughing about "Noah and the big boat...and the rain that was supposed to come".  These children grew up, had children and laughed with them about the same" resembles how generations have been laughing about the "return of Christ".)  Even though those little ones died as a consequence of their parents actions, I would think that they still went to Heaven just as the babies/children that still die today as a consequence of someone's actions... go to Heaven.

I rather enjoy how you keep trying to make this seem like a reasonable story. The problem remains- he killed children and babies. The people who laughed at Noah did not kill their own children- the blood is on your god's hands since he pulled the trigger. You also hopped over the free will of the children- something your god obviously didn't care about in this myth. And this story is all based upon illogical assumptions to boot.

Many of them have basic education and some of the real "wierdo's" have even been considered by many to be "intelligent".  There are some "patterns" though that I think really should have the police keeping tabs on, one would be when a group of people decide to "cut themselves off" from everyone else.  People that do that usually have "mental issues" and so, (imo) a group that is encouraged to do that should be investigated.  (Ex: places like "Jonestown", compounds, communities...)

They're called High-Control-Groups, and people that display the same mindset as yourself are more prone to falling for these groups. Again, it's best to educate before introducing belief systems that implore magical thinking. Proof of why people need education can be seen in your reply to Qo9.

ot just "dungeons & dragons" but the majority of "role-playing" games, period.  (Dungeons & dragons was just what "broke the ice" compared to what's out these days).  I have spent a few minutes here and there on what has been considered to be "role-playing" games for children and it shocked me at the harm that is so openly available to young, impressionable children's minds these days.  It's one thing to have a harmless "role-playing" game where children take on the role of say, a certain animal to help them develop their creativity.  It's another when they are asked to write their own "chants & spells" to advance to the next level, when pre-teen girls are role-playing using their 'fantasy' characters to "play" out sex-scenes with pre-teen guys (and I know some of these kids are so addicted to this that they continue out the game when they e-mail each other.  They don't use each other's names, they don't have any other type of conversation, just all "role-playing"...all the time.  It's like they don't know their identities anymore, they always want to be some sort of "fantasy" being.

Preteens flirting with each other and pretending to have sex in a nerdy game!? Call social services! Call the national guard! Never mind the gigantic issue with alcohol and drugs-- this silly game is endangering the lives of our preteens! News flash- experimental sexual behavior in preteens/early-teens is nothing new. Would you rather have preteens play silly RPG's and flirt with each other or have them be bored and have sex/do drugs/drink? 99.9% of the players are fine. The ones who take it too far obviously have mental issues and are probably the same christian extremists who complain about it- the ones you have been exposed to. Again, RPG's are harmless. They're nerds! Seriously think about what you're saying.
(more links within link for sources)

In the 1980s, a woman named Patricia Pulling embarked upon a journey of her own to destroy D&D after her son committed suicide, and she spent her life calling the game a cause of homosexuality, insanity, perversion, and so on.

D&D actually is an educational game that encourages problem-solving in a group setting. It is a great social activity that allows people to interact at a tabletop rather than sit at a computer, and it takes a great approach to gaming in that there is no "winner/loser" but rather a team effort.

it will no more cause harm than a game of Risk will cause people to go forth and try to conquer the world

And a person chanting random magic words to level up in a game is rarely heard of. And even then, it's still harmless. FUS RO DAH to your outdated fearmongered pov.

 The few minutes worth that I observed was really obnoxious,they can't function to use their brain for anything else and it's clear they don't want to. These kids are living in a "fantasy world", and when reality's going to bite them hard

Now you're enlightened- you know exactly how freethinkers feel about the religious.

Things left unattended don't turn into other things and they don't become "better things"...they deteriorate & decay.

Quick question- off the top of your head can you explain the FIRST law of thermodynamics? Probably not, right? So you probably not the best person to be discussing the 2nd law with-- especially if you're using completely bias xtian sources (proof? Not one source of quoted info goes passed 1983, well before the 2nd law idea was ruled out about our planet). What your source fails to mention is that earth is an lush open system and that the dead plant example is too basic of a concept to encompass all life as we know it. The 2nd law only works with closed systems-- the example you made is very close to a completely closed system. Since we have a sun, it allows for fusion to occur so all life on this planet can exist in various ways, and therefore life can change through time.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2012, 11:23:34 am by Falconer02 »


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #932 on: March 14, 2012, 05:11:50 pm »
Some people believe that the "Creation story" is the "entire story" and there's no room for "Evolution".  Some people believe "Evolution" is the entire story, and it all happened without God.  I believe the Creation story.   I believe God created what He said He created and on the seventh day...not only did He "rest" but He was DONE creating.  I believe then our world "evolved" into the world we have today (as the world we have today isn't as it was when it was originally created).  

So, you're going with 'some of both', although there's no evidence whatsoever to support a theory of creationism, (instead, such relies upon 'faith', which means a belief without evidence)? At the same time, you've acknowledged at least some aspects of evolutionary theory, (which has at least some supportive evidence, whether conclusive or not).  This causes some doubt as to whether you read or comprehended QoN's reply which mentioned "First of all, the complexity of DNA did not happen overnight.  Nothing has ever gone from a bacteria to a full-fledged mammal in a single step.  It took billions of years for life to evolve to what it is today ..."  Billons of years for the evolutionary process does not equate to an instaneous "creation", (neither does it support any 'faith-based' theories of 'creating' the RNA and other components of various genomes).

Things left unattended don't turn into other things and they don't become "better things"...they deteriorate & decay.

The response to your, (and that xtian site's), misapprehension of thermodynamic laws was given by "Falconer02" however, to expand his answer further, any closed {thermodynamic} system, (such as your junk in storage, for instance), will 'lose energy and decay'.  An open {thermodynamic} system is one in which exchanges of heat/matter/energy occur within teh thermodynamic parameters of that system.  That means that, in regards to evolution/mutation, such exchanges do occur, (and still are), in such a way as to account for changes in the energy state of the system.  There is no evidence that such energy exchanges and changes can to attributed to a hypothetical 'attending creator', (keeping in mind that 'faith' does not constitute valid evidence because it expressly consists of 'belief without evidence').
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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #933 on: March 14, 2012, 06:05:23 pm »
It's one thing to have a harmless "role-playing" game where children take on the role of say, a certain animal to help them develop their creativity.  It's another when they are asked to write their own "chants & spells" to advance to the next level ...

What's the real difference between "chants & spells" done in an imaginary setting to achieve imaginary 'magic' and "prayers in or out of church" to an imaginary being to achieve 'magical results'?

These kids are living in a "fantasy world", and when reality's going to bite them hard. :(

If so, no kids should be dragged to churches or, be 'forced' to pray at home/anywhere because such involves "living in a fantasy world" which will "bite them hard when reality bites", (that is, they come to rely upon mystical religious forces instead of upon their own fortitude, resources and personal responsibility for their actions).
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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #934 on: March 14, 2012, 08:52:11 pm »
What's the real difference between "chants & spells" done in an imaginary setting to achieve imaginary 'magic' and "prayers in or out of church" to an imaginary being to achieve 'magical results'?

That's an interesting point. I'm surprised I didn't think of that myself. I believe the answer from any extreme religious person will be around the lines of "one is fake, other is real" though since even the players will easily admit their games are fantasy/fake, and the religious will not, it only damages the religious's stance further for the obvious inability to reason which serves as the pipe to keep the blind faith flowing.

If so, no kids should be dragged to churches or, be 'forced' to pray at home/anywhere because such involves "living in a fantasy world"

Quite frankly I think the world would be a better place if instead of religious crazies blowing themselves up, we'd have d+d crazies threatening people with their fake +7 ATK magic sword. Ultimately the hypocrisy here is staggering.


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #935 on: March 14, 2012, 09:09:34 pm »
What's the real difference between "chants & spells" done in an imaginary setting to achieve imaginary 'magic' and "prayers in or out of church" to an imaginary being to achieve 'magical results'?

That's an interesting point. I'm surprised I didn't think of that myself. I believe the answer from any extreme religious person will be around the lines of "one is fake, other is real" though since even the players will easily admit their games are fantasy/fake, and the religious will not, it only damages the religious's stance further for the obvious inability to reason which serves as the pipe to keep the blind faith flowing.

However, such a potential claim, (that their particular 'imaginary game' is "real"), continues to lack evidence supporting that claim.  Once again, neither 'blind faith', (belief without evidence), nor insubstantive attributions, (relating an apparent effect to an improbable and unfounded 'cause'), constitutes evidence.  Either one insubstantive "fantasy" is as unreal as the other or, the hypocritical biases will shine through the 'doubletalk' of "having faith because something is believed" circularity.

Quite frankly I think the world would be a better place if instead of religious crazies blowing themselves up, we'd have d+d crazies threatening people with their fake +7 ATK magic sword. Ultimately the hypocrisy here is staggering.

This is exactly why some of the religious adherents around feel that such debates "go around and around" without resolution; such is entirely due to a failure to apply reason to the debate on the part of the religious adherents.  For some 'reason', (excuse), most of them would much rather 'attack' the holder of a dissenting viewpoint than that viewpoint itself.  My own theory for such a situation is that many religious adherents seem to perceive a challenge to their religious beliefs as a personal  challenge to themselves, (indirectly, it is however, challenges to positions are explicitly just that - a person is not the position they adhere to).
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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #936 on: March 15, 2012, 08:55:01 am »
Preteens flirting with each other and pretending to have sex in a nerdy game!? Call social services! Call the national guard! Never mind the gigantic issue with alcohol and drugs-- this silly game is endangering the lives of our preteens! News flash

     I'm sorry, I had to omit the rest of the good points from your last post falconer02, I got called in to work and only have a few moments to be on-line today.  So, I chose the one that I can most quickly respond to.  I have a "newsflash" for you regarding the "role-playing".  Perhaps it's because you don't have kids or perhaps it's because you are like most of the kids parents (I would be referring only to the kids' parents that I personally know that are having the problems), the "role playing" is causing the kids to have some serious problems.  These kids are under eighteen and shouldn't even be allowed on some of the sites they are participating in but they are there.  They've also set up their own "clans", "covens", "packs", etc. and in real life, their friends only call them by their "fantasy name".  They continue the "fantasy" for hours through IM, e-mail, texting, etc.  They role-play murders (as horrible as they can imagine them) and pretend to be killing family members, enemies, etc.  This is causing the children to be filled with anger, hatred and it's carrying over into their "real life" when one 7 year old just last week told his dad that he hated him and was going to kill him...simply because his dad refused to take him to a store to get some candy. (And while kids saying hateful things to their parents isn't anything new, this kid had been telling his "pact" that he could use his "mind" to control his dad.  It was when that failed, he got MAD.)

  Parents have gotten better at keeping an eye on their kids in our area because of "children-snatching" but they have no idea that their kids are spending so much time on-line "role-playing" with pedophiles and dirty "old men".  I know three of them in our area that spend as much time as possible on the role-playing sites.  They know how to "spot" a child and they pretend that they too are about the child's age.  Are you telling me that you wouldn't mind if you had a seven year old daughter or son involved in sex "role-playing" games with an "older pervert"?

     I know one family whose children have been involved in an on-line game where they have been making their own chants and curses.  The seven year old boy has had to have his parents come pick him up from school a few days a week because he's so hysterical...the teacher's can't calm him down.   The parent said the boy's face was "pale white", there's no way he has been doing this for attention.  The parents can't calm him down at home.  He's been seeing "people" that no one else sees, he's been talking to "voices" that no one else hears.  He's undergone several medical tests, nothing found.  He's undergone several "counseling sessions", and the verdict was "he's doing it for attention".  The parents are upset because they know he's not, but relieved because they thought they were going to have to have him "committed".  Now, his nine year-old sister is currently having the same problems.  I know this family and know for a fact, these kids didn't have these issues until they started spending so much time with their "role-playing" on-line.  They're obsessed, they can't think of anything else.  They don't care about their schoolwork, they don't care about anything...except their "fantasy gaming".

     None of those mentioned above are "christian" families.  If they hold any "religious" beliefs at all, they've never shared them with me.  They are all well-to-do families and the parents both work alot of hours at very well-paying jobs.  They are tired when they come home and so as long as the kids are "quiet", they're happy.  Perhaps this is the "norm" for kids these days, I don't know.  I find it disturbing.

     I've gotta get to work, it's going to be a LONG, "grueling" weekend...dread it.  :(

    Hope yours is great!!


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #937 on: March 15, 2012, 04:27:01 pm »
the "role playing" is causing the kids to have some serious problems.

Yes, just like 2,500,000 other things in the last 5 years according to extremist fearmongerers.

These kids are under eighteen and shouldn't even be allowed on some of the sites they are participating in but they are there.  They've also set up their own "clans", "covens", "packs", etc. and in real life, their friends only call them by their "fantasy name".  They continue the "fantasy" for hours through IM, e-mail, texting, etc.

Though the idea is foreign to you, my friends and I had our own Counter-Strike and Team-Fortress clan back in highschool. It was really fun and it brings back some good nostalgic memories of us being up till 3 AM on random weekends playing at LAN parties. That's actually the first time I think I used the name "Falconer" online. We never called each other by our online names though-- that was pretty corny. We'd have clan matches with other clans all around the US. I'm still friends with the majority of the guys who I played with. Obviously people can get addicted and take the games too seriously, but it's easy to break (usually due to just getting bored with the game) unless the person has some random mental issues. This goes with real sports too though- some people can take them too seriously to the point of being irrational and it gets scary. I've seen this plenty of times during PE in highschool-- one kid even smashed a hockey stick over someone's head causing him to bleed terribly. But, from an aerial POV, having these crazies who take games too seriously is nothing out of the ordinary.

They role-play murders (as horrible as they can imagine them) and pretend to be killing family members, enemies, etc.  This is causing the children to be filled with anger, hatred and it's carrying over into their "real life" when one 7 year old just last week told his dad that he hated him and was going to kill him...simply because his dad refused to take him to a store to get some candy. (And while kids saying hateful things to their parents isn't anything new, this kid had been telling his "pact" that he could use his "mind" to control his dad.  It was when that failed, he got MAD.)

Little kids with overactive imaginations saying mean and absurd things to their parents and friends. Seen this plenty of times myself. And no, I don't think it's odd at all. I don't like it (obviously), but like you thought I'd say- it's nothing new. Remember, he's SEVEN and lives in a media-enriched country. I probably did something similar after watching Star Wars when I was 5.  :P

but they have no idea that their kids are spending so much time on-line "role-playing" with pedophiles and dirty "old men".  I know three of them in our area that spend as much time as possible on the role-playing sites.  They know how to "spot" a child and they pretend that they too are about the child's age.  Are you telling me that you wouldn't mind if you had a seven year old daughter or son involved in sex "role-playing" games with an "older pervert"?

Oh yeah! I agree with you with kids being on the internet too much and there are always dangers of the crazy online pedophiles that Chris Hansen targets. But you must understand that the majority of the online games are protected decently. There are whole FAQ's that are usually presented (and sometime mandatory before you begin) explaining the dangers online. Heck, you can't even swear in the majority of them without the game doing the "****!!!!" censoring. To your question though- I'm fairly certain my 7 yr old son/daughter wouldn't even know what the heck the pervert is talking about, and I probably wouldn't let them be playing anything online if it involved major gore or sexual themes. Because they're 7. The mistake is on the parents side for not taking an interest in the child's interests, not the game itself.

An example is this- I say that because a rottweiler bit a kid on the arm once, nobody should be able to own dogs and should just avoid them entirely because they can be dangerous. Wouldn't you think I'm overreacting and fearmongering? It's the exact same thing here that you're doing with these types of games.

I know one family whose children have been involved in an on-line game where they have been making their own chants and curses.  The seven year old boy has had to have his parents come pick him up from school a few days a week because he's so hysterical...the teacher's can't calm him down.   The parent said the boy's face was "pale white", there's no way he has been doing this for attention.  The parents can't calm him down at home.  He's been seeing "people" that no one else sees, he's been talking to "voices" that no one else hears.  He's undergone several medical tests, nothing found.  He's undergone several "counseling sessions", and the verdict was "he's doing it for attention".  The parents are upset because they know he's not, but relieved because they thought they were going to have to have him "committed".  Now, his nine year-old sister is currently having the same problems.  I know this family and know for a fact, these kids didn't have these issues until they started spending so much time with their "role-playing" on-line.  They're obsessed, they can't think of anything else.  They don't care about their schoolwork, they don't care about anything...except their "fantasy gaming".

1.) If he's not doing it for attention, he could be suffering from the same thing Marieelisa (thread originator) was suffering from. I remember she was saying the same thing (voices), and she a major mental disorder that grew as she grew.
2.) So the kids are playing too many online games and their grades are slipping? GROUND THEM FROM THE GAMES. They obviously have growing addiction issues. Or maybe it's easier for them to pay all those needless doctor and med bills and think it's magical curses at play (false attributions). It sounds like bad parenting. Though they're not my kids, so who am I to judge? These are just my educated assumptions.

None of those mentioned above are "christian" families.  If they hold any "religious" beliefs at all, they've never shared them with me.  They are all well-to-do families and the parents both work alot of hours at very well-paying jobs.  They are tired when they come home and so as long as the kids are "quiet", they're happy.  Perhaps this is the "norm" for kids these days, I don't know.  I find it disturbing.

Now you're on the right track. I don't find it disturbing, but more of just annoying and uncaring at the avoidance of problems. They're parents, so they should be paying attention. If they're not, they're just bad parents. That's really all there is to it.

I've gotta get to work, it's going to be a LONG, "grueling" weekend...dread it.  Hope yours is great!!

Likewise. Take is easy and make the best of it!
« Last Edit: March 15, 2012, 05:41:29 pm by Falconer02 »


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #938 on: March 15, 2012, 04:59:16 pm »
the "role playing" is causing the kids to have some serious problems.

Yes, just like 2,500,000 other things in the last 5 years according to extremist fearmongerers.

They role-play murders (as horrible as they can imagine them) and pretend to be killing family members, enemies, etc.  This is causing the children to be filled with anger, hatred and it's carrying over into their "real life" when one 7 year old just last week told his dad that he hated him and was going to kill him...simply because his dad refused to take him to a store to get some candy. (And while kids saying hateful things to their parents isn't anything new, this kid had been telling his "pact" that he could use his "mind" to control his dad.  It was when that failed, he got MAD.)

Little kids with overactive imaginations saying mean and absurd things to their parents and friends. Seen this plenty of times myself. And no, I don't think it's odd at all. I don't like it (obviously), but like you thought I'd say- it's nothing new. Remember, he's SEVEN and lives in a media-enriched country.

As a further general example of "role-playing", there are generations of little girls who role-played with dolls.  At least some of such role-playing involved either reflecting observed anger, hatred, love, kindness which may have carried over into their lives.  

I know one family whose children have been involved in an on-line game where they have been making their own chants and curses.  The seven year old boy has had to have his parents come pick him up from school a few days a week because he's so hysterical...the teacher's can't calm him down.   The parent said the boy's face was "pale white", there's no way he has been doing this for attention.  The parents can't calm him down at home.  He's been seeing "people" that no one else sees, he's been talking to "voices" that no one else hears.  He's undergone several medical tests, nothing found.  He's undergone several "counseling sessions", and the verdict was "he's doing it for attention".  The parents are upset because they know he's not, but relieved because they thought they were going to have to have him "committed".  Now, his nine year-old sister is currently having the same problems.  I know this family and know for a fact, these kids didn't have these issues until they started spending so much time with their "role-playing" on-line.  They're obsessed, they can't think of anything else.  They don't care about their schoolwork, they don't care about anything...except their "fantasy gaming".

1.) If he's not doing it for attention, he could be suffering from the same thing Marieelisa (thread originator) was suffering from. I remember she was saying the same thing (voices), and she a major mental disorder that grew as she grew.
2.) So the kids are playing too many online games and their grades are slipping? GROUND THEM FROM THE GAMES. They obviously have growing addiction issues. Or maybe it's easier for them to pay all those needless doctor and med bills and think it's magical curses at play (false attributions). It sounds like bad parenting. Though they're not my kids, so who am I to judge? These are just my educated assumptions.

For kids too young to accurately distinguish between "fantasies" & 'reality', being indoctrinated into their parents' religious beliefs at an early age can undermine a child's ability to make such disctinctions to a significant degree.  Oftentimes, that degree is so extreme that a child may become unable to determine the difference between 'prayer/chanting' and wishful-thinking.  To be fair, such wishful-thinking is very often encouraged by the seemingly 'harmless' birthday wishes while blowing candles out on a cake, (this is essentially a 'magical ritual' implicitly intended to promote the idea that such 'magic' works - just as 'prayer' is promoted to 'work').  There is no essential difference between "fantasies" except in specific content.

None of those mentioned above are "christian" families.  If they hold any "religious" beliefs at all, they've never shared them with me.  

There are, no doubt, instances of other xtian famillies whose children engage in such role-playing games without apparent ill effect.  Be that as it may, for xtians to denigrate one form of 'fantasy role-playing' while overlooking the white elephant of their own 'fantasy role-playing' activities is a hypocritical stance.  This just indicates a preference for one "fantasy" over another.
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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #939 on: March 16, 2012, 01:14:53 pm »
For kids too young to accurately distinguish between "fantasies" & 'reality', being indoctrinated into their parents' religious beliefs at an early age can undermine a child's ability to make such disctinctions to a significant degree.  Oftentimes, that degree is so extreme that a child may become unable to determine the difference between 'prayer/chanting' and wishful-thinking.  To be fair, such wishful-thinking is very often encouraged by the seemingly 'harmless' birthday wishes while blowing candles out on a cake, (this is essentially a 'magical ritual' implicitly intended to promote the idea that such 'magic' works - just as 'prayer' is promoted to 'work').  There is no essential difference between "fantasies" except in specific content

I 100% agree as it has already been demonstrated countless times on this forum.

There are, no doubt, instances of other xtian famillies whose children engage in such role-playing games without apparent ill effect.  Be that as it may, for xtians to denigrate one form of 'fantasy role-playing' while overlooking the white elephant of their own 'fantasy role-playing' activities is a hypocritical stance.  This just indicates a preference for one "fantasy" over another.

Overall I don't think belief systems have anything to do with games. They're completely separate entities aside from the make-believe hypocrisy you brought up. One belief system isn't going to ensure addiction or non-addiction to a new player of World of Warcraft. That quality varies from person to person and in different variables (alcohol, drugs, gambling, overachieving, games, etc.).


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #940 on: March 19, 2012, 01:58:48 pm »
 :-[ I so sad for you... If you haven't been through a rough time and a better and greater outcome has come out of the situtuation...WE CALL IT A BLESSING than I guess you weren't one of his choosen children???? :peace:
Mrs. Gettis-Brooks


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #941 on: March 19, 2012, 02:53:16 pm »
Who do you think keeps the people and universe in sync?  Of course there is God because the universe did not just appear and run on its own.


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #942 on: March 19, 2012, 04:58:58 pm »
Who do you think keeps the people and universe in sync? 

What causes you to believe that "the people and universe" are "in sync" and further, that such requires a "who"?

Of course there is God because the universe did not just appear and run on its own.

The 'reasoning' is faulty; 'of course there is an invisible pink unicorn because the universe did not just appear and run on its own', (speciously concluding that the IPU exists because the universe exists).  A premise cannot constitute its own supporting evidence, (circular reasoning), so unless evidence directly attributing the "universe" to any supernatural being can be produced, it's mere speculation.
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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #943 on: March 19, 2012, 05:03:22 pm »
If you haven't been through a rough time and a better and greater outcome has come out of the situtuation...WE CALL IT A BLESSING

Others would call that 'life'; perseverance through determination and taking personal responsibility for one's actions, (instead of palming events off as "god's plan").

than I guess you weren't one of his choosen children???? :peace:

Naturally, you are privy to such a list of "chosen" and can produce it, otherwise you wouldn't be making unfounded claims.
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #944 on: March 19, 2012, 05:55:00 pm »
You know he may be fake to you but alright with me. :angel12:

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