I did not say God was real by fact. I simply said I choose to believe in Him. Belief in God requires faith...
You also claimed that "belief itself is God" - your quoted words.
As far as "faith" goes, that simply means belief in something without evidenceof it's existance. By asserting that your belief requires a lack of evidence in what is being believed in, you are inherently claiming that your belief is in something which cannot be proven to exist. Now, your tacit claim means that you believe in something which lacks evidence of existance and is therefore and irrational belief, (which is what teh invisible unicorn analogy emphasizes).
Your attempts to twist my words into something they are not have been dismissed.
This is not a "twist" of your own words; it is putting your quoted claims together according to their combined meanings and logical reasoning. Your objection is actually to what _you_ stated, (with the exception of the incoherent "they are not have been dismissed" bit).
Also, you are being hypocritical. Why? Because you assert that I cannot say I believe in God without that meaning His existence is fact.
Well, now that you have submitted your claim that you believe that "belief itself is god", that your "belief is real" and since in something which lacks evidence of existance cannot be assumed to be real/have existance, your claims are contradictory, (and therefore, hypocritical).
You cannot have your cake and eat it too.
Your non sequitur disregarded.
Do not make the rules into whatever is convenient for you at the time.
These aren't my "rules", unless you're implying that I invented logical reasoning. If so, I should be famous by now. Don't have a tantrum just because _you_ aren't being permitted to make up your own rules or, meanings of the words you chose to use to make outrageous claims, (sans substantiation).
This is inconsistent and serverely hurts your credibility. Luckily, I have not faltered in anything I have said and have lost no credibility in result.
The inconsistancies and contradictions are yours, as demonstrated in this reply above. Once again, your penchant for denying your own words turns around to and bites your hindquarters. The resultant loss of your "credibility" is represented by your inconsistant and contradictory claims.