I'm not exactly new to the dance as I've been debating Athies on line for some time.I don't think I've ever come across a more millitant,self-indulgent bunch.I've studied the historical & archaeological proofs of the bible for over 10 years.I don't mind answering the tough questions-because I've asked them myself!But I can see that little good can come over butting heads with people who clearly have no desire to discuss the facts.And I agree,the burden of proof doesn't lie with the believer.All atheism has to offer is man made theory.
Practically everything in this quote is backwards. Let's discuss it-
1.) No (or very few) atheists here are militant or self-indulgent. Aside from this one posted from a schizophrenic who jumps from atheist-to-evangelical and back every 10 minutes (No offense, Marie), how many threads do you see posted that promote any form of atheism? Seriously, look through every page. Now add those up. Now do the same thing with the threads you see that have to do with jesus, hell, armageddon, god, christianity, angels, etc. So which group is militant and self-indulgent and which group is quiet and only brings up their views when the things being discussed are uneducated, make absolutely no sense, or are blatant lies like you've done here?
2.) You've done a very poor job at researching your facts for the past 10 years when all you do is copy/paste false information from biased creationist sites.
3.) You never answered any tough questions (atleast not to my knowledge). Instead you simply don't answer them.
4.) The burden of proof is always on the believer since they're the ones claiming supernatural and mythical events are occurring. Freethinkers are wise enough to not do that and skeptics have every right to challenge that claim. Why?
Reality says differently.5.) You're practically an atheist too, you know. Atheists just believe in one less god than you do. And those 'theories' you're speaking of? Try living without them. Swear off any understanding you have of gravity, evolution, and medicine and let me know how it goes. You owe
a lot to those man-made ideas.