Actually just because something is not considered a fact does not mean it is untrue.
That the earth is round was once not considered a fact.
Your example supports my contention, rather than yours since a previous "belief" that the earth was flat did not change the fact that it is round, (or, oblate spheriod). To extrapolate upon that; if a fact contradicts a belief, that belief is non-factual, (i.e., unreal, untrue, false, etc.).
Actually just because something is not considered a fact does not mean it is untrue.
Repetition of your arrival at a false conclusion based upon a false premise is unneccesary.
Good grief! Your technicality of words going around and around in a circle is making me carsick! Please, prove it's "a false conclusion based upon a false premise" already......... And why, indeed, is it unnecessary? Sounds one-sided, for sure.
These are neither technicalities nor circular reasoning examples; they illuminate what happens when someone bases a conclusion upon an initially false premise. The stated premise, (that "just because something is not considered a fact does not mean it is untrue"), is inherently false because the factual or non-factual nature of that premise is not dependent upon what it is "considered" to be. The premise is either factual or, it is not. In the instance pertaining to that premise, the earth never was flat despite it being "considered" to be flat. This means that determing that asserting something which has a non-factual basis as a conclusion, (i.e., that it isn't untrue when based upon an untruth), constitutes arriving at a innaccurate conclusion based upon a false premise according to the form of logical reasoning being replaced by the sophistry replied to.
In other words, it is far more likely that a conclusion which is based upon something which is untrue will be untrue as well, (as opposed to somehow transforming itself into a 'truth' based upon a lie).
Her repetition of the same unsupported conclusion was unnecessary since she'd posted the same previously. What seems even more "one-sided" is the specious way in which you and a few others expect your unsupported opinions and assertions to go unchallenged. Further, that you appear to have similar expectations that your dissembling, when challenged, constitutes a reasoned rebuttal.
Just because something is not considered a fact by 'falcon9' on the fusioncash forum does not mean it is untrue- Also, just because the existence of God is not considered a fact by some people does NOT make it untrue, you cannot show proof that God is not real...When something is actually not a fact it can usually be disproven (for example- it can be disproven that the world is flat) (it can be disproven that a brick is a liquid) (it can be disproven that 5 is not more than 4) ...Now, I am not claiming that God's existense is factual, but it is not considered untrue either- more of an unknown. This is why there is so much disagreement about it all over the world.
Now, do not respond to this and say that I admitted to not knowing if God exists because my opinion of his existense has nothing to do with this statement.