i am going to say this to everyone. yes i have had bad things happen to me growing up, and even now as an adult. i have been shuned by 3 churches for asking ?s that they teach us. yes i am very angred and horrified by christianity and its teachings. i know i was myself a minister of the word. but can no longer do that out of good faith to my fellow neibors.
christianity i find is not for me, i feel it is taking my freedom of discovery, speach, religion away from us all. i believe personally that christianity is no better then the *bleep* were.
am i bashing you for believing that stuff, no i am not, we have our right to believe in what we want to believe in, worship what we want to. seek out what it is that we can believe in, to call our own, to seek out what our souls are crying out for. to seek protection and advise out from what ever source it may be. this is our right as americans...
all i ask though is as you can see christianity can be bashed and also be proven with the help of the bible to be false or ounter dictory, as well as any religion can. so please before bashing my religion which is pagans, i ask you to know the facts before speaking, we are not satanic, we dont molest cheldren, we dont kill anyone or animals.
only saying all this because i have readf several posts that talk about pagans, witchcraft, voodoo, spells, rituals in negative ways