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  • To the Christian who thinks only those who accept Christ will go to heaven.... 3 6
Topic: To the Christian who thinks only those who accept Christ will go to heaven....  (Read 44227 times)


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I think it really depends on how people define "accepting Jesus into their lives". Those reading the Bible literally would take it to mean that only Christians can get into heaven. That means Moses, Wise King Solomon, Noah, King David, etc. are all going to hell, since they all lived before Jesus was born, and therefore could not have known Jesus. What an uncaring God, if that were the case! I tend to favor the teaching more in line with the Catholic doctrine that says if you live your life in line with the teachings of Jesus -- whether you knew about him or not -- that you were living with the spirit of Jesus in your life. This is why those great, holy figures of the past would still be allowed into heaven.

I think that can even extend to atheists that may have heard about Jesus and the Bible, but choose not to believe. Most atheists I know try to rationalize religion to the point that they cannot see how aspects of religion can coincide with their own life experiences. "If God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving, why would He allow Hitler to exist or cause such atrocities?" I think it is good and even what God want us to do, to question our lives and use our God-given talent of using our rational mind. I mean, did Jesus banish the apostle Thomas to hell for not believing in Jesus' resurrection without the physical proof? I'm thinking that if Thomas was alive today, he might possibly be that scientist that cured cancer, but remained an atheist because he never had physical proof for God's existence... If an atheist lives a good life helping their fellow man, and their only fault is that by using their God-given talent to rationalize away from religion / God's existence, you could still get into heaven because unknowingly, you've actually accepted Jesus into your life.


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You can call yourself whatever you want but as long as you know and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour He is and that He was born of virgin conception, He lived a sinless life, He voluntarily gave His earthly body to take the sins of all believers to the cross of calvary, He was buried, He arose & appeared again in three days, and He is in heaven preparing a wonderful place until time for the rapture.  Then He will call the professed believers ~ those that have died already then those still living ~ to meet Him in the air to be with Him during the next seven years of tribulation.  He and His Grand Army will then defeat satan and all the demons.  We will then live with him for 1,000 years on a wonderfuly restored earth.  Then it is heaven forever. 

Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Christian, Protestant, etc. are all the same in the Lord's eyes if they have placed their trust in Him and His works.  I praise the Lord that He will let any type of sinners repent and enter into His grace.
Have a wonderful day!


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I have a few questions.

1. Thessalonians 4:16 is talking about saints, are we all going to be saints someday?

2. How are we restored to a paradise on earth if "all good people go to heaven"?

3. "He and His Grand Army will then defeat satan and all the demons", nowhere in Revelation does Jesus lead angels!!!!!!!!!!!!! does this mean that Jesus is Michael the archangel??!!!!

Ivstephanie hit the nail on the head, accepting Jesus in your life is not empty belief but doing the will of his father in heaven, JESUS WAS JEWISH

Not every one who is saying to me Lord, lord, shall come into the reign of the heavens; but he who is doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens.(Matthew 7:21 Young's literal)

Also there's going to be a resurrection of unrighteous so those who died before knowing Christ or even his father(Yahweh,Jehovah, Jahweh YHWH etc) will get a second chance.

And have hope toward God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust.(Acts 24:15 KINGS JAMES VERSION)


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Quote from teflonfanatic:
@Jcribb: What did Paul mean when he said fellow WORKERS to Aquilla and priscilla in Romans 16:3?

In Romans 16 Paul greets several people, with the most notable of these being Priscilla and Aquila. Both Aquila and Priscilla were in Rome until about AD 49 when Claudius expelled all the Jews from the city (Acts 18:2). Paul met the couple when he came to Corinth (ca. AD 51). They did further ministry in Ephesus (Acts 18:19) around ca. AD 53. From there they went to Rome. It is likely that they were not the first ones to bring the gospel to Rome. A church was probably already established as it is noted that Paul greets the church that met in the their house (16:5).

They were fellow workers in the cause of spreading the gospel of Christ throughout Rome.  They were more known than others and apparently they had church in their home for Christians.

Right Paul meant the gospel, it's our work as Christians, call it work through grace of faith, but Paul still said that they are WORKERS in Christ.


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My thought is that if god exists why would he behave like humans. From the bible you can see that he is jealous and possessive. Wanting followers to seek only Him. Who would grant free will and then demand obedience. This is how a human would behave. Or better put how one would create a mythical being in order to serve a human's purpose. The world needed obedience, law, order, ethics and morals that is what religion provides. As for heaven and hell I believe them to be tools to get people to comply. We are scared of death and the unknown what better way to play on this fear than to promise heaven awaits you when you die as long as you follow certain rules. It is a nice thought but unrealistic. You only get one life so live your life like you want, treat others as you want to be treated for your own sake and not for God's.   


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My thought is that if god exists why would he behave like humans. From the bible you can see that he is jealous and possessive. Wanting followers to seek only Him. Who would grant free will and then demand obedience. This is how a human would behave. Or better put how one would create a mythical being in order to serve a human's purpose. The world needed obedience, law, order, ethics and morals that is what religion provides. As for heaven and hell I believe them to be tools to get people to comply. We are scared of death and the unknown what better way to play on this fear than to promise heaven awaits you when you die as long as you follow certain rules. It is a nice thought but unrealistic. You only get one life so live your life like you want, treat others as you want to be treated for your own sake and not for God's.   

Where created in his image to the last detail. Even the Hebrew word for God which is Elohim is used for Judges, mighty ones, ANGELS and rulers.

Most if not all Christian religions teach that God is a type of being. This is false the word God is a title that means what I listed above. God's nature or being is actually spirit as Jesus himself says.

"God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."(John 4:24 New American Standard Bible)

Angels are also called Elohim(God)

 God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.(Psalms 82:1 KING JAMES VERSION)

He demands worship because he created all things including Jesus.

14 “And to the angel of the congregation in La·o·di·ce´a write: These are the things that the Amen says, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation by God,(Revelation 3:14 NWT)

 11 “You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created.”(Revelation 4:11 NWT)

While not explicitly stated in scripture it's clear that the almighty(mightiest of the mighty spirit beings) cares about his own vindication more then the blessing of his servants, which is why Satan is allowed to rule this world, to prove that he is a liar and him and humans can't rule without him and he gives us the free will to find that out for ourselves. It's also the reason why the Almighty doesn't always intervene when people are in times of great distress such as the holocaust, trafficking etc.

For more info read the whole entire book of Job...


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Believe What you want to be believe. If you reject Christ as your Lord and Savior. There is a place for you Hell. I hope you find understanding. God is loving and dont want anyone to perish.


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Believe What you want to be believe. If you reject Christ as your Lord and Savior. There is a place for you Hell. I hope you find understanding.


God is loving and dont want anyone to perish.




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I believe that everyone that asks God for forgiveness for everything that he/she have done wrong will get into heaven; but we have to  remember that unlike people God looks at the heart of a person.


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So your telling me... that anyone who does not accept christ will be doomed to eternal suffering???
so what if...... i cured cancer. ended world hunger and made sure every child in the world got and education?... but heres the catch. i was an outspoken athiest who mocked religion and denied it completely. would your god send me to suffer for eternity, despite the fact of all the good i had done?

Good works won't get you there... and denial of GOD who sent HIS only SON to die for your sin issues a curse. you can take it from there.
  good point i don't think that you have to be a christian in order to enter heaven as long as you have faith in him and do his will.


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So your telling me... that anyone who does not accept christ will be doomed to eternal suffering???
so what if...... i cured cancer. ended world hunger and made sure every child in the world got and education?... but heres the catch. i was an outspoken athiest who mocked religion and denied it completely. would your god send me to suffer for eternity, despite the fact of all the good i had done?

Good works won't get you there... and denial of GOD who sent HIS only SON to die for your sin issues a curse. you can take it from there.
  good point i don't think that you have to be a christian in order to enter heaven as long as you have faith in him and do his will.

If you do his will you'll put the father and his kingdom first because that's what Jesus prayed for...

 9“Therefore, this is how you should pray:

      ‘Our Father in heaven,

may your name be kept holy.

10    May your kingdom come.

May your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.(Matthew 6:9-10)


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So your telling me... that anyone who does not accept christ will be doomed to eternal suffering???
so what if...... i cured cancer. ended world hunger and made sure every child in the world got and education?... but heres the catch. i was an outspoken athiest who mocked religion and denied it completely. would your god send me to suffer for eternity, despite the fact of all the good i had done?

Good works won't get you there... and denial of GOD who sent HIS only SON to die for your sin issues a curse. you can take it from there.
  good point i don't think that you have to be a christian in order to enter heaven as long as you have faith in him and do his will.

If you do his will you'll put the father and his kingdom first because that's what Jesus prayed for...

 9“Therefore, this is how you should pray:

      ‘Our Father in heaven,

may your name be kept holy.

10    May your kingdom come.

May your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.(Matthew 6:9-10)

... as useless as the computer it's typed on, my dear! Why don't you try believing in something you can see with your own two eyes, Hell-take a picture of the lord if you find him, take some video or something with you chatting with him on a summer's day-saying that exact prayer!!!
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So your telling me... that anyone who does not accept christ will be doomed to eternal suffering???
so what if...... i cured cancer. ended world hunger and made sure every child in the world got and education?... but heres the catch. i was an outspoken athiest who mocked religion and denied it completely. would your god send me to suffer for eternity, despite the fact of all the good i had done?

I know what you mean you think it's irrational to believe in a document full of things unseen, but it's about as real to me as feelings and I can't see those, I can rationalize the expressions of people as happy or sad etc but I can't literally see emotions.
Good works won't get you there... and denial of GOD who sent HIS only SON to die for your sin issues a curse. you can take it from there.
  good point i don't think that you have to be a christian in order to enter heaven as long as you have faith in him and do his will.

If you do his will you'll put the father and his kingdom first because that's what Jesus prayed for...

 9“Therefore, this is how you should pray:

      ‘Our Father in heaven,

may your name be kept holy.

10    May your kingdom come.

May your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.(Matthew 6:9-10)

... as useless as the computer it's typed on, my dear! Why don't you try believing in something you can see with your own two eyes, Hell-take a picture of the lord if you find him, take some video or something with you chatting with him on a summer's day-saying that exact prayer!!!


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I belive if you do good things in this life you will be rewarded Hebrews 6:10 "god is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them". buuuut it says nothing about if you dont belive ( dont take my word though cause it might) just do good things and see the outcome maybe youll find faith that theres somthing bigger than you if not than thats your choice but to bring people down and tell them theres nothing out there... now does that seem noble?


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Putting this out the

every person i know that believes in some kind of god is pretty cool and pretty respectful
every atheist i know are complete jerks to all other "believers"

the person that started this post is just backs ups what im saying, but i was taught to forgive

i hope everyone finds God you will find that you will always be loved

Romans 1:16 I am Unashamed of the Good and Holy Jesus Christ.


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