Quote from jordandog:
And there you have the exact formula for today's growing Christian Coalition in politics. I don't think anyone, if they are being truthful, can deny this has happened and will continue to happen. Christians cry out and demand that this country follow "Separation of church and state" if it involves prayer being allowed in school (how dare anyone deny us that premise which our Founding Fathers deemed appropriate!), while at the same time have NO problem putting church and state together IF it will get them elected, push forth their agendas, and insure them the power to make policies which affect all of us who are NOT christians. The most hypocritical aspect in all of this? It is based on a 'supposed' morality we non-christians don't possess and that is a pile of crap! It doesn't matter if you know a damn thing about what a politician's stance is or have even a basic knowledge of constitutional rights. As long as you can claim you believe in God, have opened a Bible, or go to church, you know what you are doing when you cast your vote. Wrong!
This isn't directed at Sherna, anyone on here personally, just had to comment when I saw that part of the post I quoted.

Unfortunately, you are right in that there are many "Christians" who use religion to get their votes in politics. There are just as many who act the "Christian" when they are not for the same reasons. Once they are in their facade is seen. I disagree with both types. What ever has happened to plain good old honesty and plans best for the country and the people put forth to the people for a vote? It's very rare and it just seems it gets harder to vote because you don't know if they are lying or not.
I do believe very much so that it doesn't matter if someone is moral and good in their ways - Christians and non-Christians both can be moral and good. There are some who don't believe that like you said and to me that is wrong. None of us is any better than anyone else put here on this earth. I know some of the kindest people who do so much for others as well who are not Christians. I'm no different than them as far as people are concerned and what our constitutional rights are. I know Christians here in my town (well, they say they are and they attend one of the biggest churches in this small town) who look down on members who go to the smaller churches (country-type) just because they can't afford to offer the many programs the bigger church can offer, because of the way they dress or maybe look, or because a lot of the kids are attending the small church because the bus comes by and picks them up. They are usually labeled "bus kids" or "troublemakers", etc. Just because these smaller church people don't dress fancy, the kids wear jeans because that's all they have, they are looked down on. To me that is wrong. Those "bigger" church members, if they are genuine Christians, are no different, from the "smaller" church members. And in fact, the "smaller" church members are many times way much friendlier and make visitors to feel more welcome. Are the "bigger" church members really Christians or are they using it to their advantage like politicians like to do?
I'm sorry if I have rambled on - I didn't even intend on saying any more, but it just gets my goat when certain so-called Christians use religion to get votes, look down on others less fortunate, or cut down perfectly nice non-Christians, etc. I work with some of those church kids and will stand up for them anytime they need me to. And one more thing, my hubby worked in management for a few years before retiring a couple of years ago. He always said that it was amazing to him the difference between some of the non-Christians and Christians who worked for him. Not all, but some. He said several of the non-Christians were always more flexible about changes in their work schedule, going to help someone who needed help even if it meant they got a little behind in their own numbers, and didn't gripe near as much when they had to work overtime.
There are a lot of loving Christians out there, but there are a lot in sheep's clothing that are really wolves just waiting to take advantage of others. Those make it bad for genuine Christians and wonderful non-Christians both. Thanks for letting me vent.