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  • To the Christian who thinks only those who accept Christ will go to heaven.... 3 6
Topic: To the Christian who thinks only those who accept Christ will go to heaven....  (Read 44796 times)


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Been reading all these comments and can't help but notice that those who don't believe in God are so angry at those who do.  I love the Lord and am thankful for those who are willing to stand up for Him.


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Been reading all these comments and can't help but notice that those who don't believe in God are so angry at those who do.  I love the Lord and am thankful for those who are willing to stand up for Him.

Maybe you should reread it with an unbiased pov. Considering this quote, you're obviously not.

If the beginning of the universe marked the beginning of time then whatever caused the universe to exist, exists outside of time and therefore is infinite.

Unless you have a time machine, this is completely unprovable and is based on a truckload of assumptions. Right here is where everything below this builds up way too high while having a very weak (arguably non-existant) foundation.

Whether you want to say that that cause was God or go with the mother universe theory which makes some unobservable untestable unknowable universe infinite and churns out many universes, the FACT is that whatever the causal agent is IS infinite and that's science, not religion.

A scientific hypothesis must be testable. For a hypothesis to be incorporated into a theory or turned into a law, it must be testable by experimentation or observation. If it is not testable, it remains only speculation.

This is far from science or religion. That's just a speculation with a obvious philosophy. Humans can't grasp the idea of infinite, but that does not mean that it is, without uncertainty, infinite. But there's absolutely no reason to sprinkle the christian god ontop of this (the link) to work in an agenda. Thus the whole "Can't prove it? Then it was my god!" I keep noticing with people here.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2011, 04:33:49 pm by Falconer02 »


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Walks, thanks for the advice. :)   However, I think there will be many ahead of me passing the info to me.  But, I do have a lot of questions!!!  :)


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Been reading all these comments and can't help but notice that those who don't believe in God are so angry at those who do.  I love the Lord and am thankful for those who are willing to stand up for Him.

It's true it's not always easy to stand up and defend our beliefs in God.  However, it's what He asks us to do in His Word. 


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If the beginning of the universe marked the beginning of time then whatever caused the universe to exist, exists outside of time and therefore is infinite.

Unless you have a time machine, this is completely unprovable and is based on a truckload of assumptions. Right here is where everything below this builds up way too high while having a very weak (arguably non-existant) foundation.

If I had a time machine I could only go back as far as the point where the dimensions of time began to exist. The beginning of the universe. TIME began to exist at the time the universe came to exist therefore time did NOT exist before the universe. If time did not exist then whatever was before the universe was infinite.

Whether you want to say that that cause was God or go with the mother universe theory which makes some unobservable untestable unknowable universe infinite and churns out many universes, the FACT is that whatever the causal agent is IS infinite and that's science, not religion.

A scientific hypothesis must be testable. For a hypothesis to be incorporated into a theory or turned into a law, it must be testable by experimentation or observation. If it is not testable, it remains only speculation.

This is far from science or religion. That's just a speculation with a obvious philosophy. Humans can't grasp the idea of infinite, but that does not mean that it is, without uncertainty, infinite. But there's absolutely no reason to sprinkle the christian god ontop of this (the link) to work in an agenda. Thus the whole "Can't prove it? Then it was my god!" I keep noticing with people here.

Most scientists agree that time began to exist when the universe began to exist (no religion involved) That hypotheses has been tested and incorporated into a theory. It isn't speculation. And I quoted a line that spoke of NON religious scientists. Therefore I did not use my link to sprinkle God on top of anything. I didn't even try to prove anything about God with my post. I simply showed how saying nothing can be infinite is not even a statement made by the prominent atheist scientists!

What isn't science is asserting to know with proof, WHAT caused the big bang because science has no way to test it. No matter what a person believes beyond the big bang is a matter of speculation/faith. But if we can know that time began to exist, then we can make a logical assumption that before time began, whatever there was had NO BEGINNING AND NO CREATOR.

Seriously Falconer, if you didn't have such a problem where my sources are concerned, I don't think you would even have disagreed with what I said. If you do disagree, then please explain to me how something can be bound by time and the laws of cause and effect before it even began to exist? Instead of rolling your eyes at my link, answer the issue that is in question??

But don't look to Stephen Hawking George Ellis or Roger Penrose because they are the ones who tested the theory that time didn't exist until the big bang. So I'm pretty sure they are not ridiculous enough to turn around and say that whatever was before our universe isn't infinite. As a matter of fact I KNOW they wouldn't because the same ones are the ones who threw the idea out there for the multi verse idea. So THEY do not believe that everything requires a creator. Which means that the buck stops with something that is eternal.


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Quote from Sherene:
What isn't science is asserting to know with proof, WHAT caused the big bang because science has no way to test it. No matter what a person believes beyond the big bang is a matter of speculation/faith. But if we can know that time began to exist, then we can make a logical assumption that before time began, whatever there was had NO BEGINNING AND NO CREATOR.

I was going to respond and answer this particular answer to the comment of not being able to test the actual start of creation.  You said it very well, Sherene.  I responded in another thread about this also.  For our world/galaxies/etc. to have come into existence there had to be some kind of intelligent creator.  Things are too perfectly made and made to work together for there not to have been a creator.


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Although I of course agree with you Julie. I am, in this case, not referring to any intelligence. Only that it is illogical to say, even by a materialistic scientist perspective, to say that infinity is not possible. And that it has been proven that time had a beginning along with the universe.


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I would love to answer your questions if only we can PM each other but we can't :'(, I also left my laptop on the bus(in a bag) please flame me Falconor and every FC member period even Kolher(FC Admin).

Sorry, but I have no idea what this means, or what you are saying here...

I'm saying i'll love to answer your questions in private but we can't message each other through the Personal message system(PM).

@falconer: How do I delete info in the browser if I don't have the laptop?


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Well you have the ability to plan and i'm pretty sure you do well with the limited knowledge you have. I believe mapping out events is called quantum mechanics if you get good enough with probability skills. Now imagine God using that but to the 100000 trillionth power times another 100000 trillion 

I actually am not doing too well at the moment. Not horrible or anything-- I'm making due and all and I'm in good health and shape. But it could be a lot better compared to my fantasy life. Aside from the cool forum with cool people, why do you think I'm on FC? lol

Even with planning things, the results I sometimes get could always be better. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say rarely do plans work perfectly. Even if I were to expontentially heighten my ability to plan into the trillions, I'd still be very imperfect.

Define pulls such an evil move, otherwise I agree on everything you just said.

Well when you have control over everything (including our 'free will') and you allow for horrid things to happen and also expel people into oblivion for eternity as many christians believe, that's completely evil. If this god is omniscient --knows you're going to end up in hell-- ultimately you're screwed from day one. I'll fall back on Epicurus's famous quote as I have time to time in the past-

This reponse is to your first comment.

I know it was fake but i've seen an idiot savant on T.V. Who mastered quantum mechanics. She can roll a quarter on the floor and predict the outcome of what will happen from over 20 feet anyway. Her quantum mechanics were great but nowhere near exponential or infinite and see had 3 blind spots in the show.

Not the he knows it so you never had free will argument again, I already made the parent argument for that. Last time I checked God didn't force people to love him or hate him even if he already knew the outcome. As for he allowed the Devil to do this, I would like for someone to proof another person wrong before he/she gets punished.


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yes!!!! read the bible he (God) didnt ask you to do anyof that all he ask is the you belive in him it says "he that belive in me shall not peraish but erverlasting life".B.I.B.L.E. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth it is all in  there it is simple  u can say u belive but n beliveing in your heart is he is the creater of all yhings an he did die for our sins before we had no choice an he died to give  us one so its up to you he also gave us free will. isnt that great with my mother and father i didnt have a choice with this fater i do an i choose CHRIST JESUS


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yes!!!! read the bible he (God) didnt ask you to do anyof that all he ask is the you belive in him it says "he that belive in me shall not peraish but erverlasting life".B.I.B.L.E. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth it is all in  there it is simple  u can say u belive but n beliveing in your heart is he is the creater of all yhings an he did die for our sins before we had no choice an he died to give  us one so its up to you he also gave us free will. isnt that great with my mother and father i didnt have a choice with this fater i do an i choose CHRIST JESUS

I choose Jesus toooooooooooooooooo  ;D :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :thumbsup:


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i have to agree with you there   shernajwine
i have been asking that question since i was 8 years old....if eveything needs a creator, then who created god, then who created was laughed at for years, but as i got older i was told to not ask ?s, but i didnt stop i still asked still search, and eventually had gotten shuned by 3 churches for it, so that is when my search eventually led me to Paganism, which i am now supportive of both wiccan and celtic, but folloowing celtic mostly....


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Yes, unfortunately for you, He will.  There is only one way through the gates of heaven, by accepting the Lord Jesus as the One who died for your & my sins.  No matter how many good deeds you have done, if you don't admit that it was only by the Grace of God through Jesus Christ that enabled you to do the wonderful things you do, it will all be done in vanity and at the encouragement of satan.  May the Holy Spirit burden your heart to learn more.
Have a wonderful day!


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i have to agree with you there   shernajwine
i have been asking that question since i was 8 years old....if eveything needs a creator, then who created god, then who created was laughed at for years, but as i got older i was told to not ask ?s, but i didnt stop i still asked still search, and eventually had gotten shuned by 3 churches for it, so that is when my search eventually led me to Paganism, which i am now supportive of both wiccan and celtic, but folloowing celtic mostly....

I don't know about other groups but I know that Jehovah's witnesses only reject questions if they think your trying to doubt the faith.  I've asked all sorts of questions without doubting the faith, questions like why is astronomy signs in the book of job, what's the meaning of abstain from blood etc. You know big questions, nothing happened and I got answers wasn't shunned of anything.


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I've got two questions one is to travislang i thought that was just in a movie I would like to know more. an my next is for teflonfanatic what is "abstain from blood "

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