I think people seem to forget that believing in God comes with a responsibility to change your life and turn away from sin. Can a rapist go to heaven? I think so but only if he repents of that behavior, if he continues to engage in such acts he is willfully rejecting God. Just because he believes in God he is still rejecting him. And I don't believe in every case of death bed conversion and repentance either. It depends on the sincerity of the person pleading with God for their salvation. If it just comes from a fear of hell instead of a love for God it doesn't matter.
Question. I'm sure you've answered this in the past, but I can't remember. And I'm not trying to get in a debate here-- I just want your .02. If a crazed pedophile kidnaps, beats and rapes an 8 year old and then becomes a believer and begs for forgiveness, will he go to heaven? What if that 8 year old grows up, is all majorly f'd up mentally (can't hold a job, relationship, etc.), finds absolutely no comfort in religious dogma or spiritual ideas and speaks against them, drinks constantly, and ends up dying due to drinking-- will that person go to heaven even if he/she did not damage anyone else but him/herself?
This is a very emotionally charged and upsetting issue, so I want to give a completely honest answer in how I believe and why. But understanding you don't have my beliefs, you will not agree with me obviously. So I'm taking you at your word that you are not looking to debate my answer. Because my answer is based on my faith in a God that you don't believe in. Keep that in mind, while you read my response.
Firstly, I start with a premise that the spiritual things of this world are completely real. I believe that satan uses people to kill steal and destroy every good thing in a persons life. He can use anybody, christians, wiccans, muslims it doesn't matter.
So I believe that a crazed pedophile who beats and rapes an 8 year old and later turns to Christ for help, if in his heart he hates what he did and wants forgiveness he will get it. Because the bible doesn't say that Jesus died for only certain sins. The 8 year old has suffered a traumatic experience, not just physically but emotionally and spiritually. But I believe satan will use that experience to destroy the rest of that 8 year olds life, IF the 8 year old as he/she grows up lets him. Satan could use what the rapist did to guilt the rapist and shame him for the rest of his life, causing depression and low self worth which could lead to more rapes and other horrible acts. Whereas when he turns to Christ he is made a new person and he begins to hate what God hates and love what God loves. He is a new person.
The 8 year old as an adult has the opportunity to let God heal his hurts. God will use other people to show his love to this hurting person and he/she makes a choice to live in bitterness and drink his life away or let God love on him/her and change his/her life. It's not the 8 year olds fault of course but satan had a plan to ruin more than one life with such an act. And each individual makes a choice of what path to take and who to serve. The bible says you either serve God or satan. If you aren't living for God, satan is your master. If the child ends up rejecting God later in his life, he made a choice.
I have said before, I have been raped. And it took a long time before I realized that hating that person and letting that wound never heal was causing other areas of my life to suffer and that's exactly what satan intended. I don't know whether the person who raped me regrets what he did but because I forgave him and because I prayed that God would save him and change his life...I was able to move on and it doesn't even phase me to talk about it anymore. I don't hate the person, I pity him and hope that he found God. The hurt is completely gone. I made a choice. There are trials that come in peoples life and though not everything that comes their way is caused by them, they still have a choice to make with what to do with it.
My husband cheated on me while I was pregnant and I thought my world was crumbling to be betrayed in such a way. I already had one failed marriage from a cheating husband and here it was happening all over again. BUT somebody told me, take the face off the person and realize that there is a spirit using them to kill steal and destroy my family. And I went home and I looked at my husband and I looked at my babies and I decided I wasn't going to let that happen. So I prayed for the girl who my husband cheated on me with. And I was able to forgive her, and not only that but I wish I knew where she was today because I want to hug her and tell her that I forgive her and I want to tell her about a God who loves her so much that she doesn't need to find solace and validation in married men! I forgave my husband and our marriage has only gotten better!!
I could have let that pain and hurt destroy something precious but I didn't. Through knowing how much God has forgiven me of my horrible deeds and how much he loves me I could forgive and love other people. It took some effort on my part, to put down my "flesh" and sinful nature to want revenge and to let that all build up but I made a choice and I'm the better for it.
This answer was long and I wanted to give examples of my own traumatic experiences because it helps you to understand that I'm not being unsympathetic to the person in your scenario. I know you don't believe in my God, but I do and thus the basis for my answer.
I am really hoping that you are not going to call me delusional at this point because I decided to give a vulnerable answer so that I could be personal with you. Please don't abuse that. I am at your mercy.