Epic statement of the day. The last few posts have shown that this is getting a little too odd for me to comment on.
And Darkmistress-- I'm not questioning, bashing, or calling you a fake nor do I want to. From my POV you seem like you have your head on pretty straight. You seem to be more of an agnostic-theist than an adamant christian because you actually see some massive problems and question them.
I am not "agnostic-thiest". If I had to classify my religion then it would be Catholic. I just am who I am. I am a good person who tries to live by the ten commandments on a daily basis. I have made plenty of mistakes, and when needed I have asked GOD to forgive me for them, then I try not to repeat them. I believe in GOD, and in Jesus, I believe Jesus died for my sins, and I believe GOD loved me so much that he allowed his only son TO die for my sins. I believe when I die, I will be judged, and at that time all will be revealed, and I will find out 100% for sure what was true or not on this earth. If you asked me right now do I believe I would go to heaven, or hell? I would say I believe I will go to heaven, though I did not always believe this. I do not question GOD, Jesus, or his works on earth, however I DO question man. As hard as it might be to believe, this is all true. No where does it say we can not question things, or question man/other human beings. I will continue to question man to the day I die, for I will never walk blindly following what man has lead. Only GOD is infallible/perfect, man is not. It does not matter if GOD is working through some men/women, they are still human beings and NOT GOD himself, and they are not infallible, so they DO make mistakes, misunderstand, judge, and etc... So all of this take in, this is why I question the Bible, not all of it mind you, but some of it I do, yes. I also question how some people interpret the Bible, and GOD's works. I question what those who claim to be experts say is true or not true, in GOD's eyes, because they are not GOD, and they are basing their wisdom and knowledge on a book written by man, as well as what they think, feel, or their opinion. I say this because there are WAY to many "experts" who say different things, who have different versions to the "truth" in regards to the Bible, and GOD. So who is right? Are Catholics right? Christians? Baptists? and etc... Who is to say who is right, and who is wrong? This is why I question. It has nothing to do with my faith, belief or trust in GOD.