Okay, yeah, it would be a great idea to let everybody and their brother take part in the fruit basket, right? Not!
Think about it from this standpoint. I just got done reading and replying to a thread of people complaining there aren't enough offers already for them to make their $25 goal each month. And I of course, in all my infinite wisdom, laid down the plan on how they could complete their $25 and more each month, without much difficulty. Much of that money would come from doing 3 survey offers on SSI, GiveYour2Cents, and Samplicious.
Now, what we have to keep in mind, is that survey companies look for a certain group of people, and once they've reached their quota, guess what happens? That survey closes down, and no one else can take it. So, you have to imagine, if there are too many hands in the pot going after these surveys, does that not DECREASE the odds of each of us completing those surveys each day for ourselves? Ever hear of the adage "too many cooks in the kitchen"?
Nope, I'm happy with it being just US and Canada. I'm greedy, and I want the best chance to make my money, with as little competition around as possible.
I can't talk against the added advantage we would all have if we opened up to the rest of the world, in terms of finding more referrals. You all have a point there. But our first task is to make the $15 requirement in offers, and if we add on more bodies, than that task becomes a lot more difficult for all of us. That has to be considered before the referral bonus, IMHO.