Wow... just wow.
I signed onto FC just over an hour ago and have spent that time wading through this. There is so much here in this thread that I couldn't begin to address it all even if I tried. Here, though, is my attempt.
First, I have to say that yesterday I had a bad day at work (for which I am grateful, because I now have a job, but still...) and therefore, when I felt my fuse burning out, I had to walk away and hit "ignore" to keep myself from saying something harsh and way out of line. Sheryl was right; I was hurt badly. I do not like, however, to say something in the heat of the moment that I may later regret. Consider it my personal "pause" button.
I have to say, though, that Annella chiding me for "slamming" her seemed incredibly hypocritical since a few months back I issued a simple hello to both her and Jordandog and I was jumped as though I was a spectator with popcorn foaming at the mouth to see a dog fight. I no longer feel it worth my time to attempt to defend myself or anyone else to Annella as I feel nothing but pity for her now. She lost an amazing friend: me. I am like Mr. Darcy... my good opinion, once it is lost, is lost forever. People may attempt to earn it back, but I will not lie around as a doormat in an effort to make someone comfortable.
I do want to see, though, proof of my slamming
anyone based on their religion. I will be waiting for the proof.
As for my when a Jewish person that believes in Jesus is not a Jew... uh, why don't you
try reading the links I posted instead of arguing with me repeatedly about it? In fact, the entire statement here:
And since when can a Jewish person believing in Jesus, not a Jew? No, they don't practice Judaism, but they are still Jewish, are they not?
is quite incorrect. Messianics practice Judaism except for the fact that they believe Jesus was the Messiah. Looks like someone else should do their research, or at least read the links that an "Honest to G-d Jew" (TM) has posted for their reference. Honestly. I'll wait...
...still waiting...
Uh, I'd like to point out that Queen actually has a good relationship with both Sheryl and Sherene from my view here. I've said it several times before, and each time it has been ignored. Queen does not hate g-d or the bible itself, but the oppressive actions that people sometimes take on behalf of their interpretations of it.
As far as I know, I still believe in G-d... Why does everything have to be related to either being "Christian" or "anti-Christian"? Its a big big world, with many many beliefs in it. Quite honestly, I can't see any other way than to take some of the comments I've seen as personal. Anyone is welcome to disagree with me, to disagree with my faith, or to even hate me, but to disrespect me that way (and this isn't just directed at you, jcribb, because I know you well enough to know that your intention was not to hurt me with your words; whether or not they did is another story)...I'm at a loss for words. My heart is in my throat. I've done everything I could to give credit where it was due, to take words at face value, to defend where I saw injustice, and to be open enough to make friends with anyone wanting to be my friend
regardless of whether their religion or ideology matched mine. I don't see why its my name and my faith that has to get dragged in here, when, quite honestly, I have done nothing wrong. In fact, why drag Walks in? He has proven time and again to be steadfast and loyal to his faith and his people. Why drag anyone's faith, at least anyone who doesn't happen to agree, be they Christian or not?
Why y'all be hatin'? as a moral authority? I'll take that deal as long as you add a Sherene. Both of them have demonstrated time and again through their words on here, no matter how vexed or slighted (I've been on a Jane Austen kick lately... so sue me, lol) they may have felt that they have a good moral compass. for this:
I know people that have found God after MANY years of people praying for them. If you're any kind of evangelist at all---you should KNOW that.
I felt it was beautiful. I would like to say that it is easier to believe that people have found g-d as a result of prayer than it is to believe that someone has been cured of a deadly and incurable disease because of it. /endsnarkycomment