Amazing that you feel yourself so superior to have claimed to know my financial status, my GPA, as well as my major.
No, I expressed doubts concerning the financial status of the typical college student and without documentation, GPA claims are dubious in light of a demonstrated lack of critical thinking skills, (at least here - who knows if you're shining them on at school). As far as your major is concerned, the actual statement made was an educated guess that it wasn't psychology, (again, based upon your replies here so far).
Ah I must have missed this message earlier as I just saw it-
I am so glad that you feel the need to come on a forum and insult others.
You think you have these great debate tactics, but anyone can see that all you do is avoid answering any questions or proving anything you say by putting the burden on the other person as well as using technical terms to attack their statements and claim they are invalid when they are not.
Moreover, I do not need your verification of whether or not I am financially stable, a good student, capable of critical thinking, and especially not on what my major should or should not be. Especially as it is clear you do not contribute much to society as every single time I have found the time to post on this forum you have replied usually in a matter of minutes- which shows that you are sitting in front of your computer unless you are breaking FC's rules and accessing them from a phone. I am mature enough to know that I could be wrong and that I am not capable of knowing someone's life story from talking to them on a forum for a few days (you lack this maturity), but just by your constant hostile tone it is easy to see you lack many social skills that are needed to be a functioning part of our society. Also, your arrogance in thinking that you can tell everyone on this forum what to do, decide if they are right or wrong, and tell what is true or not true about their lives shows immense immaturity and that you lack any ability to hold a civil, adult conversation as you believelf superior to all who you speak to that do not agree with everything that you say. Whether or not you admit this idea of superiority you show it in your habit of talking down to others, so denying it will not be necessary as it will only further prove my point.
That being said, people will take your arguments much more seriously if you consider that not everyone believe the same way you do and spend less time with subtle insults and more time proving your point.