Pascal's wager comes to mind here.
And it is one of your side's weakest, most "illogical, but trying to be logical" arguments ever. *sigh* How many times do we have to over this before the believers get that what they think is a "slam dunk" argument is actually an embarrassment to their intellect...
Point #1: Pascal's Wager is weak because there are many flaws in it; namely, it assumes you are believing in the CORRECT god in the first place.
It won't do you any good if Allah or Thor or Vishnu turn out to be the correct god. By statistics alone, the chances of YOUR god of choice being the right one are incredibly small (they all have the same amount of real world evidence: none). And so, you will not save yourself from the hell place even by believing in them all, because most demand exclusive worship, and who has the time to go to the thousands of different church services for the thousands of different gods you'd have to worship to be "safe"?
Point #2: Pascal's Wager is NOT an argument for the existence of god; it's an argument for
belief in the existence of god. "I believe it because bad things might happen to me if I don't"'s not actually based on any
real standard of evidence, it's based on a perceived advantage in your head. And in order for this argument to work, one must already consider the idea of a magical sky being who gives out rewards and punishments as a *reasonable* possibility, which atheists and agnostics don't. In other words,
one would already have to believe in god for Pascal's Wager to work.
Point #3: You really don't think an omnipotent, omniscient being could see through your belief as being a case of simply
"hedging your bets" rather than true belief? If Pascal's Wager is one of your primary foundations for believing in a god, it's ultimately useless in protecting you from the negative consequences it speaks of.
Point #4: Pascal's Wager claims you lose nothing if you're wrong and that when you're dead, you're actually, you know, dead. But is this really the case when you're dedicating your **one and only life** to a falsehood? Think of all the TIME, money, effort wasted; all of the things you might have done differently, all the things you held yourself back on because you were waiting on a god who wasn't there, all of the people's lives you negatively affected by being a stubborn crusader for a god who isn't there, **think of the progress of humanity that is getting held back because so many people devoted their lives to baseless wishful thinking rather than reality**. Think of the MILLIONS of preachers who could have been scientists instead and found a cure for cancer and prolonged all of our lives to be living to 400 years old...wouldn't that be just great? That is actually something that COULD happen, but y'all would rather sit around wasting time HOPING you'll get it when you're dead.
So no, I think you lose A LOT by believing in an INVISIBLE, inaudible god for which the only [proof you have is a fuzzy feeling in your head and a butchered copy of a copy of a copy book that was written by a bunch of primitive, superstitious goat herders and is no different than any other "holy god book" on the market.