Someone has been trolling 4chan too much, methinks.
I actually laughed at this. Oddly enough, I don't even go to 4chan!
but love you too Falconer,
So, then, Creation is just as much a possibility as Big Bang, etc. I choose Creation.
Furthest from. One teaches about progressing our knowledge through discovery and testing of the newfound unknown and building upon that through proofs. The other is trapped in ancient and superstitious thinking. Whenever real science contests creationism and corners it, creationists will create loophole reasonings (such as ID). Examples include "Each day in Genesis represents an entire eon!" or "The dinosaurs disappeared because they weren't on the ark!" which is just bull. I see it used
all the time and it's absurd. It avoids the problems with it's own argument completely while attacking the other side. Srsly, wth?
When you cripple the foundation of religious reasoning, the entire thing falls apart because there is no legitimacy. Because of this, there is cop-out reasonings like ID to crutch it back up. When you cripple the foundation of a scientific reasoning, you better the world around you. The fact that you're reading this post is proof of that. will say that ID is pseudoscience and any reputable scientist will discredit it due to it being untestable. It's just speculation. Evolution and abiogenesis are testable ideas and have actual proofs to them that you can see and (via microevolution and experiments) interact with. And since creationism teaches about your super-defined deity, I think ID is sort of a double negative because you're supposed to show trust and faith in
your god, whereas ID just says that there could be
a god or gods which loosens the legitimacy of that one god you support.
Because we can all trust a science site that says man came from apes!
I'm sorry to mock your source, but this site is taking things emotionally rather than stating unbiased logical information.
"Mixing god with science is like mixing astrology with astronomy"
excellent example of intelligent design is the DNA molecule
Nature is an excellent example of the DNA molecule. ID is just trickery here unless you have some foundation that can be tested for it. states that matter + energy + information = incredibly complex life.
Evolution states that matter + energy + random chance = incredibly complex life.
Evolution does not state that. I'm not even sure what this means.
Since the Intelligent Designer is God, there are many people who will try to discredit anything that comes from Him, because God can't be seen or touched or won't prove it openly.
Given the lot of proofs I've posted, it would seem that this god is just more of a deceptive emotional trait.
How did something like the world come into random "matter and energy" existence and make itself automatically know how to make the sky, space, stars, ground, plants, waters. etc.? That's going too far.
This is another eye-of-the-beholder argument. What if we evolved in a world where we had 3 suns, 5 moons, oceans were lava, we breathed methane, and had 6 eyes that only saw infrared light? That would be normal to you, and this current world would be completely bonkers in your mind. Everything you listed could be improved
greatly to suit our needs. You seem to get this notion that nature is this precision marksman that can strike a bottle a mile away. It's not. Nature holds a shotgun and blasts it's intended target until it hits it. Those little round bb's that hit the bottle then have the challenge of struggling to survive. I'm sure this isn't the best example, but I think you'll get the point.