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  • Anyone else here wonder how much money FushionCash is making off of us??? 3 4
Topic: Anyone else here wonder how much money FushionCash is making off of us???  (Read 23536 times)


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"The dude abides."


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teamfdn when are you launching your website? And what are the percentages your going to pay out?


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Every site in this industry keeps their margins private for a number of obvious and not-so-obvious reasons.  We are no different in that regard - it would hurt our business (i.e. profitability) significantly to disclose that information.

That said, I've got a pretty good idea of the margins that other sites are taking and the ones that are comparably sized to us tend to have lower user payouts.

We wont be disclosing our margins, no matter how much you demand it.  If you have a problem with this standard industry practice, well, you know where the door is.

Oh, and by the way...

Google knows about only 41 occurrences of 'forum natzi' on the whole internet -
They mostly seem to be typos...

Whereas it estimates some 36,000 results for 'forum *bleep*' -*bleep*%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a


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i can tell you this much as someone is who looking into opening her own gpt site and been looking into advertisers and the payouts from them.... the gpts sites... aminly fusioncash and one i won't name right now as they have the higher pay outs, are not making no where near as much as you would think! do you go to a job and demend the company to tell you how much they make? i don't think so and if you did i think they would laugh it off... that's basicly what this is.. a job. you are doing a service for a fee so who cares what they make. we should only be worried about what we make :)


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i can tell you this much as someone is who looking into opening her own gpt site and been looking into advertisers and the payouts from them.... the gpts sites... mainly fusioncash and one i won't name right now as they have the higher pay outs, are not making no where near as much as you would think! do you go to a job and demend the company to tell you how much they make? i don't think so and if you did i think they would laugh it off... that's basicly what this is.. a job. you are doing a service for a fee so who cares what they make. we should only be worried about what we make :) i'm gonna give one ex.... say the dishnetwork offer lots of sites have.. i've been a afill of them for about 2 years on my own and we don't get paid anything for you just signing up for the phone call even tho most gpts pay something for that much being done. we only get paid if you get the service even then you have to keep it so long before we get credit.


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Think about it. FushionCash is paying us to signup for things like NetFlix, Blockbuster, Discover Card.
So how much are these companies paying FC for bringing them business?
Ok for example. FC pays out $10.00 for signing up with Free Credit Report. Ok, so how much is FreeCreditReport paying FC for us being linked to their sign-up through FC's website?

I must say the FusionCash people have to be making a tidy little sum off of all of us. And I would even speculate that we're not even getting paid a half of what they're getting for our signups. Say NetFlix pays them $30 for each person who signs up with them through FusionCash. Well we're making $10.00 from FC by going through their website to reach Netflix. But, here's where it gets funny. If they're getting paid per person who signs up, where does it leave us, the people making them money? Netflix can deny the claim on us if/and when most of us only use the trial period to try and get credited through FC for our $10. But I'd be willing to bet that FC still makes money off of that signup, or at least a smaller amount for someone going through the FC website.

Gotta admit, a nicew tidy little racket. Wished I could have gotten in on the ground work of this.
Hell the Mafia has had a similar racket going for years. They'd shut down anything that use them as a go between for the unions.

Sorta makes you wonder about all these denied claims you see people posting about on these forums, why FC won't pay out.

that is why payout takes so long... to make sure nothing that is credited is reversed... if you don't get credit the site gets nothing from that sign up....  and hey your making money from it period. who cares what the % is your getting.. you could just go to and join on your own and get paid nothing is it's such a big deal to you


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He's right huh?
Yeah, I just don't see me believing that.
How much, I'm not at liberty to say.
Why? Because the forum natzi will ban you? Because you don't know? Because it's more than anyone would think of?
Sorry, but facts speak better.

We are not paid unless you are.
Hmm. Again. Facts speak better.
I can say Santa Clause exists. But what does that mean?
I believe in a fairy tale? Or just that, words mean what?

ok you say you don't believe that they get paid unless we do.. then do this. email all advertisers and all gpt owners and past owners that have no reason to denie anything. bet they all tell yo uthe same thing. you no pay. them no pay! that's why when a credit is reversed it's takeing back from your account. why hould they pay us if they are not getting paid.. .


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My My. Touchy are we?

your IQ simply fails to hit the mark.
Do you know my IQ? Have you access to that information? Please by all means tell me how you have come to this amazing conclusion.

I'd be careful, that sounds dangerously like a negative statement directed towards me.
Should I make negative statements towards you too? Maybe we can both point at the computer screen and call each other nasty names.
1. Observe the golden rule -- Treat others as you would like to be treated

is that some kind of zen thing?
if i answer that, will i have the answer to oneness with the universe?

I wasn't aware we were discussing religion. I was merely asking a question. Next time I'll try and be more explanatory in my questions, if you wish.

Here goes.
Or just that, words mean what?

Words mean what? There's no meaning behind them. Facts, speak louder than words(this is just a phrase mind you, I wouldn't want you to get confused again). What I'm getting at if you will( another phrase there), is that for me to believe what he's saying, I would need to see hard evidence. But of course, I doubt that will ever happen.

And lastly.
Also Clinton, stop trying to sound intelligent while simultaneously being illiterate.
natzi?  What's a natzi?  Did you mean "*bleep*"?

That's internet slang I do believe. I'm quiet aware the word is spelled "*bleep*". I have always used the phrase "Forum *bleep*" as "Forum Natzi" and I always will. That's just me, and my own little idiosyncrasies.
If you would like me to explain what a "Forum Natzi" is then I shall do so.

But back to my earlier question. Just what is FusionCash's take in? I mean hell, I'd love to sit back while someone else does all the work for me. 

Well lets see. Setting up the website. Contact between sponsors and advertising. Lets see creating the links to hinge it all together. Marketing, which has never been a strong point for me. Hmm what else Am I missing?

I can admit. It is, per-say, more than sitting back and doing nothing. There is the work you'd have to put in to make it happen. And of course, the obvious upkeep. But, that still doesn't take an extreme amount of time to do.

So what's the take? Partly, I'm just curious to know.
I mean, if I'm making someone money, I think I'm entitled to know what percentage is being garnished for the services. That seems like a very resonable request.

how are they sitting back while all the work is done for them??? who do you think goes tru every man offer and gets the credit.... who do you think goes tru all the referrals. all the sign up and so on..... umm sorry but last i checked they do more then we do.. we click a few buttons and get paid... oh such hard work! lmao


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actually not really, and  dont care.. but to me they get paid when you get paid. so why shouldnt they . get paid they were nice enough to make this site for us to make money .. goes around comes around and its a good thing in my opinion. go Fusion make that money


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Oh, and by the way...

Google knows about only 41 occurrences of 'forum natzi' on the whole internet -
They mostly seem to be typos...

Whereas it estimates some 36,000 results for 'forum *bleep*' -*bleep*%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

rofl....i guess clinton and his comrades use that internet slang on an uber secret forum that google can't touch.


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Every site in this industry keeps their margins private for a number of obvious and not-so-obvious reasons.  We are no different in that regard - it would hurt our business (i.e. profitability) significantly to disclose that information.

That said, I've got a pretty good idea of the margins that other sites are taking and the ones that are comparably sized to us tend to have lower user payouts.
Ah, and there in lies the point. Why would it hurt business?
Is it because if the proverbial "plow mules" found out they were being led around with the proverbial "carrot and stick" they would all leave? Destroying profit margins? Exposing the Pyramid Scheme for what it is?
I will concede the issue though. I can see why, and understand the need to keep such information withheld. So I'll leave off that question, for now, I apologize if it offended you.

Would you be willing to discuss the profit margins and percentages of these mentioned other sites?

We wont be disclosing our margins, no matter how much you demand it.
I don't think I "demanded" anything.
Speculate. Theorize. Comment upon. Raise suspicion's. And above all, question. Yes, I did those. I question anything. I'm by nature a skeptical individual.

If you have a problem with this standard industry practice, well, you know where the door is.
A door? Where? Does it have a good view? Does Pizza hut deliver within it's area? Oh I see, pardon me, you were making a generalized phrase towards me leaving if I didn't find things acceptable.
Why would I leave? I have no reason to leave FushionCash. I, like many other billions of people on Earth, like money. Why would I leave? I find money acceptable.
Am I being told to shut  up or get off Fusion Cash? Is that a threat? I wouldn't think that's very nice. I was merely asking questions. Might I say, awfully defensive for just questions. If you have nothing to hide, then don't act so aggresively.
You advertise free speech for the forums. Wouldn't it go hand in hand with the saying "practice what you preach"?

3. Do not paste links to other sites -- This means no referral links whatsoever - even in private messages
It's nice to know there are rules about posting links.
Oh wait, your an Administrator. So you know that already. My mistake. I apologize.

What if I break this rule? You will be banned for a minimum of 7 days.

Far be it of me to think that those in positions of power always abuse those same rights and privledges.
But I digress, I apologize if I've made any such assumption. You are after all a Forum Administrator. Fair, Objective, and never taking a side. I've been mistaken on many things before. Again, I apologize.

Whereas it estimates some 36,000 results for 'forum *bleep*'.
Really? That's quite a bit.

rofl....i guess clinton and his comrades use that internet slang on an uber secret forum that google can't touch.
Correct me if I'm wrong. That would only cover open or public forums?
I'm sure there are quite a few sites on the intuhnet that are members only. Requiring a signup to even have access to forums, including being able to even view posts? So that would mean Google wouldn't have acess to the hundreds, if not thousands, of private forum boards? Hmm. I've been wrong before.

But let me straighten this out again and explain myself. I apologize again for any misunderstanding.

When I said
everyone on the 10 or so other forums I post on
I merely meant the word "everyone" in a generalized way. I.E. The use of "we" amoung nobles and monarchy as a generalization. The royal "We", used as a denotation for all nobles.
The number use of "10 or so" was used as a generalized term as well. Example: Several fish. The use of "several" doesn't really denote seven fish. But a more broader number.

Again I apologize, you probably already know this, I was merely explaining myself.

teamfdn, my "comrades" and I, find you very amusing.
Please to continue to be keeping the amuesment up. Your really a funny guy.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2008, 07:23:22 pm by ClintonShawIII »


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good god, man.

and i thought i had a lot of time to waste.


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Everyone should have a hobby.


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You are almost as crazy as the guy in this thread so I'll just quote my reply from there:

Quote from: Administrator
You have completely lost touch with reality and I will no longer reply to you

thanks for the laugh though

edit: and in case you're wondering, I'm the one that deleted your signature.  It's vulgar and annoying and I don't want to look at it :)
« Last Edit: April 08, 2008, 06:54:23 am by Administrator »

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