At no point in the Bible does it say god made a new batch of people... Noah and his, "wife"...were still direct descendants of Adam and Eve; even if they are many generations removed, it is STILL the same set of DNA we are dealing with for all people that existed back then because they all came from just 2 people. Eve herself came from Adam, so god himself committed incest by taking part of Adam to make Eve. So every act of sex IS incest to this day if you believe the Bible; the "flood" only reinforces that point.
Okay in the Book of Generations depending on what bible you ar reading it does mention that there are other people besides Adam and Eve. Then he made a garden that pertty much was like ruling everything he had Adam name the animals and the Woman.
Another questions is that if we are all related why is it so hard to find the same blood type and cells for transfusions and organ repair?
Like I said in my previous post. No it doesn't specifically (Bible) say he made other people but this scripture makes you wonder:
And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him;
male and female created He them, and God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and
replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea.....etc. etc. Read Genesis 1:26-31
Now...just these few scriptures bring up various questions:
1. Who was God taking to about making man in His own image, since the Bible clearly tells that "no man hath seen God" at any time?
2. Was He talking about Adam and Eve or.....other people he created? Remember, Adam and Eve lived in a garden for awhile.
3. Replenish? What was needing replenishing? The Bible doesn't say.
When God gave the "Law" to Moses on Mount Carmel, he denounced incest as sin. Since God cannot lie (as the Bible states, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever), I can't see him calling sin okay one time, and then turning it around and calling it wrong. God would have provided a way for men not to sin. However, man has sinned no matter what, because it is his own choice (will) to do right or wrong. God gives man free will.
God was actually talking to the angels (whom He made), and was signifying (pointing to) His
own body in the future tense (the body of Jesus). Which was actually.....his own body that He made to walk around earth in.
God always spoke in past, present, and future tense's because He is not bound by time at all.....we are. There are no contradictions or inconsistencies in the Bible if you take, and study it as a whole. In fact, it reveals itself because scripture interprets scripture. It's a perfect puzzle that falls together the more you study it.
Since Moses wrote the first books of the Bible, and we know that the "Law" started with him, then we know that God talked with him about the beginning. Until Moses, there was no "Law" actually given, and/or God manifested himself to man before the flood? We don't know......just like I said before, a blood sacrifice was acceptable to God from Abel, but Cain's "food" sacrifice was not. Why? There had to be something saying such. However, the Bible doesn't say.
I believe every dispensation has it's own laws and practices, and we will be judged by what we know and live in our dispensation. We don't believe in sacrificing animals anymore because we live in the dispensation of "Grace" and "Redemption". Jesus died for our sins (God with us), and the practice of sacrificing animals does not apply anymore. No more than....say.....the dispensation that Adam and Eve lived. It doesn't concern us how we live today, but only what Biblical law applies to us now.