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Topic: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?  (Read 34989 times)


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #30 on: January 11, 2011, 06:51:17 pm »
Love the sinner hate the sin. Love one as you love yourself.

Pointing out the splinter in ones eye without noticing the log in your own.

Again, you do not have the moral authority to condemn one to hell.

I feel no one has the right to condemn anyone to hell. Precher, Minister, Pope. Any human has no right to condemn!  :peace:


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #31 on: January 11, 2011, 06:54:36 pm »
I was sitting reading the bible one night I read all the way through Noah and the Arc. Well In the days that God made Adam and Eve, he made other people, animals, day night, all life right? Well he found that the world was corrupt in the days of Noah and his family so he found favor in Noah and had the ark animals and Noah his wife, his sons and their wifes. My question is what happened when God only left these people isn't there incest in order to repopulate the world? Doesn't that mean that we are all related and descendents from Noah? So are we marrying our kin? I don't mean to offend anybody just a few questions I though would be good to clarify.  :angel12:

When lot's wife was made into salt when she glanced at Sodom and Gomorah, Lot was left with his 2 daughters, the two daughters said  "let us lay with our father to populate the world again".. 

So very true! I remember that recently, thank you for a good fair answer to my curiosity!


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2011, 06:59:08 pm »

As if I care what the bible says lmao! "god" is just dog spelled backwards as far as I am concerned. And your bible babble is just a waste of time.

Excuse me? I feel you have it wrong, if you ask for my opinion, which I know your not! From all of the "dogs" I have grown up with and had bless my life "doG" is just God spelt backwards! Thank you for your comment but I just have a different view!  :angel11:


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #33 on: January 11, 2011, 07:03:05 pm »
At no point in the Bible does it say god made a new batch of people...  Noah and his, "wife"...were still direct descendants of Adam and Eve; even if they are many generations removed, it is STILL the same set of DNA we are dealing with for all people that existed back then because they all came from just 2 people.  Eve herself came from Adam, so god himself committed incest by taking part of Adam to make Eve.  So every act of sex IS incest to this day if you believe the Bible; the "flood" only reinforces that point.

Okay in the Book of Generations depending on what bible you ar reading it does mention that there are other people besides Adam and Eve. Then he made a garden that pertty much was like ruling everything he had Adam name the animals and the Woman.

Another questions is that if we are all related why is it so hard to find the same blood type and cells for transfusions and organ repair?

Like I said in my previous post.  No it doesn't specifically (Bible) say he made other people but this scripture makes you wonder:

And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.  And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.  So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them, and God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea.....etc. etc.  Read Genesis 1:26-31

Now...just these few scriptures bring up various questions:

1.  Who was God taking to about making man in His own image, since the Bible clearly tells that "no man hath seen God" at any time?

2.  Was He talking about Adam and Eve or.....other people he created?  Remember, Adam and Eve lived in a garden for awhile.  

3.  Replenish?  What was needing replenishing?  The Bible doesn't say.  

When God gave the "Law" to Moses on Mount Carmel, he denounced incest as sin.  Since God cannot lie (as the Bible states, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever), I can't see him calling sin okay one time, and then turning it around and calling it wrong.  God would have provided a way for men not to sin.  However, man has sinned no matter what, because it is his own choice (will) to do right or wrong.  God gives man free will.

God was actually talking to the angels (whom He made), and was signifying (pointing to) His own body in the future tense (the body of Jesus).  Which was actually.....his own body that He made to walk around earth in.
God always spoke in past, present, and future tense's because He is not bound by time at all.....we are.  There are no contradictions or inconsistencies in the Bible if you take, and study it as a whole.  In fact, it reveals itself because scripture interprets scripture.  It's a perfect puzzle that falls together the more you study it.

Since Moses wrote the first books of the Bible, and we know that the "Law" started with him, then we know that God talked with him about the beginning.  Until Moses, there was no "Law" actually given, and/or God manifested himself to man before the flood?  We don't know......just like I said before, a blood sacrifice was acceptable to God from Abel, but Cain's "food" sacrifice was not.  Why?  There had to be something saying such.  However, the Bible doesn't say.

I believe every dispensation has it's own laws and practices, and we will be judged by what we know and live in our dispensation.  We don't believe in sacrificing animals anymore because we live in the dispensation of "Grace" and "Redemption".  Jesus died for our sins (God with us), and the practice of sacrificing animals does not apply anymore.  No more than....say.....the dispensation that Adam and Eve lived.  It doesn't concern us how we live today, but only what Biblical law applies to us now.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 07:31:39 pm by Annella »


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #34 on: January 11, 2011, 07:19:26 pm »
Love the sinner hate the sin. Love one as you love yourself.

Pointing out the splinter in ones eye without noticing the log in your own.

Again, you do not have the moral authority to condemn one to hell.

I feel no one has the right to condemn anyone to hell. Precher, Minister, Pope. Any human has no right to condemn!  :peace:

I believe my words were:  If you don't get control of that putrid filthy spirit, it's going to drag you straight to hell.

If you don't believe the words and teachings in the Bible, you will go to hell.

If you commit sin and don't repent of it, you will wind up in hell.

If you neglect such a great price that Jesus paid for your sins, and turn your back on will be lost to hell.

If you don't believe the Bible or that God exists, then you will die in your sins and be headed for hell.

Since I'm a Minister of the Gospel I will warn anyone who rejects this Salvation and denounces God, or believes His existence, or His gift of sacrifice for our sins, is in danger of hell.  Point your finger at me all you want.  All your doing is saying that the Bible is not true, when it most assuredly says this very thing.  I'm commanded to warn the wicked AND the righteous that there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun.  I don't condemn anyone, but the Bible does say that by their fruits you will know them.  It doesn't take rocket science to know when someone is blasphemous against God.

Jesus didn't white wash anything when he talked with people.  He warned them of the consequences of sin.  He spoke of hell more than anyone else in the Bible.  

« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 07:34:02 pm by Annella »


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #35 on: January 11, 2011, 07:22:01 pm »
I was sitting reading the bible one night I read all the way through Noah and the Arc. Well In the days that God made Adam and Eve, he made other people, animals, day night, all life right? Well he found that the world was corrupt in the days of Noah and his family so he found favor in Noah and had the ark animals and Noah his wife, his sons and their wifes. My question is what happened when God only left these people isn't there incest in order to repopulate the world? Doesn't that mean that we are all related and descendents from Noah? So are we marrying our kin? I don't mean to offend anybody just a few questions I though would be good to clarify.  :angel12:

When lot's wife was made into salt when she glanced at Sodom and Gomorah, Lot was left with his 2 daughters, the two daughters said  "let us lay with our father to populate the world again".. 

So very true! I remember that recently, thank you for a good fair answer to my curiosity!

That's a good answer to your curiosity? Of course that was incest, but not favorably looked on by was sin.


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #36 on: January 11, 2011, 07:26:30 pm »
that's a good question i never that about that. i guess there could have been. but where ever they landed after the flood, did it mention about what was there?

No they didn't mention where they landed but it shouldn't matter if it was indeed a global flood and only left Noah, family, and animals should it?

Yes, the Bible mentions that the Ark landed on Mount Ararat.  Which is near Turkey.


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #37 on: January 11, 2011, 07:32:15 pm »
That's a good answer to your curiosity? Of course that was incest, but not favorably looked on by was sin.


Hey, I'm a Christian and yes I know that was incest and not favorably looked on by God, but it was an answer to my question that fit the topic. Unlike the offensive remarks you and some other posters have been going back and forth upon. I didn't ask for you to call eachother names, think your better then the other, or damn each other. I just had a simple idea for the forum that I thought would give me a varitey of answers but all pertaining to the topic not demeaning other people.


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #38 on: January 11, 2011, 07:39:13 pm »
What I think of incest? It is sin. What I think of the bible?  it is the true. We have to be very careful not to judge or condem. The bible says let God be the judge. As far as what God name say when spelled backwards. I really dont care. Who do? when you know him and have a relationship with him. Lets just look at DEVIL spelled backwards. It spells LIVED. How wonderful that is just what GOD wants us to do LIVE in righteousness. I love the LORD!!!!


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #39 on: January 11, 2011, 07:56:03 pm »
That's a good answer to your curiosity? Of course that was incest, but not favorably looked on by was sin.

Hey, I'm a Christian and yes I know that was incest and not favorably looked on by God, but it was an answer to my question that fit the topic. Unlike the offensive remarks you and some other posters have been going back and forth upon. I didn't ask for you to call eachother names, think your better then the other, or damn each other. I just had a simple idea for the forum that I thought would give me a varitey of answers but all pertaining to the topic not demeaning other people.

I was trying to give you a Biblical answer to your question.  I thought you were referring to incest as being a question of God accepting it (see your first post).  If you go back and read the thread, you'll see that I didn't start anything.  Since you have no idea of the history of qon, cuppycake, etc., you don't have the whole picture.  

If your a Christian, then your questions of such nature should be directed to your spiritual leader like your Pastor or Bible teachers.  Not exactly a good subject for a public forum.  Why would you want Biblical answers from complete strangers?  There are some on here who start threads to lure in Christians, only to "blast" them.  I'm not saying this is your practice so don't take this personally.  Since you are new, you have no idea what has gone on (mostly Debate and Discuss) against Christians.  

I'll make a note not to answer any more of your Biblical questions.  It was an honest mistake.  I try to help those who don't quite understand certain aspects of the Word, and give them a clearer outlook on what it says.  I misunderstood that was what you were seeking.  There was nothing to alert me that you were a Christian until you made the declaration.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 08:01:32 pm by Annella »


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #40 on: January 11, 2011, 08:20:06 pm »
That's a good answer to your curiosity? Of course that was incest, but not favorably looked on by was sin.

Hey, I'm a Christian and yes I know that was incest and not favorably looked on by God, but it was an answer to my question that fit the topic. Unlike the offensive remarks you and some other posters have been going back and forth upon. I didn't ask for you to call eachother names, think your better then the other, or damn each other. I just had a simple idea for the forum that I thought would give me a varitey of answers but all pertaining to the topic not demeaning other people.

I was trying to give you a Biblical answer to your question.  I thought you were referring to incest as being a question of God accepting it (see your first post).  If you go back and read the thread, you'll see that I didn't start anything.  Since you have no idea of the history of qon, cuppycake, etc., you don't have the whole picture.  

If your a Christian, then your questions of such nature should be directed to your spiritual leader like your Pastor or Bible teachers.  Not exactly a good subject for a public forum.  Why would you want Biblical answers from complete strangers?  There are some on here who start threads to lure in Christians, only to "blast" them.  I'm not saying this is your practice so don't take this personally.  Since you are new, you have no idea what has gone on (mostly Debate and Discuss) against Christians.  

I'll make a note not to answer any more of your Biblical questions.  It was an honest mistake.  I try to help those who don't quite understand certain aspects of the Word, and give them a clearer outlook on what it says.  I misunderstood that was what you were seeking.  There was nothing to alert me that you were a Christian until you made the declaration.

I didn't mean to offend you at all. I just posted the question because I have been discussing it with a friend and I just wanted to see other peoples views. I hope you can forgive me! I am not one to purposely tear people down.


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #41 on: January 11, 2011, 09:30:20 pm »
I didn't mean to offend you at all. I just posted the question because I have been discussing it with a friend and I just wanted to see other peoples views. I hope you can forgive me! I am not one to purposely tear people down.

You didn't offend me, but you have no idea of the history of some of the posters in this forum.  You can click on a persons user name, and it will bring up all their posts.  They are pretty consistent with their abuse of Christians and what we stand for.  What you read on this thread is nothing how nasty they can get....especially qon.  Educate yourself on who/what you are actually dealing with. 

Spiritual questions will pique the Christians interest (on this forum) thinking someone needs answers to something Biblical.  It will also attract the enemy to cause discord and discontent among those trying to help.  Your a Christian, I'm not telling you anything new.

I'm not your "timid" Christian Preacher, my stance is no nonsense, and bold.  I Love the lost, and will do everything in my power to lead them to Christ.  However, I have little time for mockers, false accusers, etc.  We would no more allow someone to come in during a message and start calling us names etc.  They would be asked to leave....if not.....they would be thrown out.  Of course a public forum is different....but they need to know that I won't put up with their attempt of discord and meddling. 

Time is running out, and we must grab as many as we can and get them on the "life" side.  However, there are those that have made the choice to reject it and made it known in plain terms.  They have made it their job to disrupt anything pertaining to God on this forum.  While I pray they see the "light", I have no time or patience for those who are blasphemous against God.  I have to work while it is day, because it's getting dark quick!

Forgive me, as I offended you by mistake.  Keep the Faith, and God bless!


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #42 on: January 11, 2011, 09:56:27 pm »
May God Bless everyone! Even those whom may not believe. I have some odds with the faith but I have never given up on it! I would like someone to explain the answer to my original question in more detail as I am still confused.  ???


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #43 on: January 11, 2011, 10:25:51 pm »
May God Bless everyone! Even those whom may not believe. I have some odds with the faith but I have never given up on it! I would like someone to explain the answer to my original question in more detail as I am still confused.  ???

Maybe I missed the question or what answer you actually needed.  Thought I answered in depth, but maybe I didn't understand the question.  If you could detail it in another way, I will try to help.  Sometimes there are no answers to things that happened before our dispensation of time because it's not there (in detail) and doesn't concern us, and/or we would not be judged as living in that dispensation.  However, the Bible does "flow" together.  The more you study it, the more it becomes definite Truth.

There are Concordance's that interpret in Hebrew and Greek (Old Testament-Hebrew, New Testament-Greek). Sometimes a translation of a word or sentence can give a whole different outlook to meaning in scripture.  There are also Commentaries that help shine insight into the customs of the day and age.  I'll try my best to answer if you can detail what exactly your seeking.

Being at odds is okay, but not to disputings of the Word (which I don't believe you are doing).  The fact that you have not given up on it, tells me that God still is "cementing" you, and loves you very much.  So you need some clarification about something...okay.

God blesses the sinner, even though they are not aware of it.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 12:20:35 am by Annella »


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #44 on: January 11, 2011, 10:44:56 pm »
Personally, I think incest is repulsive. You aren't supposed to be intimate in those ways with family members. However, I think it's only considered incest up to a certain point in family ties. Either way, I won't be marrying my cousin, or any other relative.
As far as the topic of the Bible (and subsequently, religion) goes, I won't touch on that topic. It's highly controversial, and everyone has their own thoughts, views, opinions, etc. Which we are all entitled to, but it tends to spark wars, which can easily be avoided if we all just agree to disagree, believe what we choose, and let others do the same. We all have free will, we all have our own minds, and we all make our own decisions how we see fit.

Oh that's all well and good, if it works.  However, Christians are targeted on here all the time (see Debate and Discuss).  Some Christians won't go in there anymore because of being flamed, called names, and cussed at.  Only because we claim we are Christians.  We are accused of being intolerant, when actually it's the other way around.  

When I'm answering a person's Biblical question to help them out (read this thread), and then get flaming and derogatory remarks about Christians/Christianity/God/Bible from those who just want to start trouble, then it's time to say something.  I didn't start this, but I'll finish it.  I'll stand up for the Lord and my Faith anytime and anywhere. If they think they can shut me up?  lol

Besides, qon, cuppycake, and a few others never disappoint to provide such great study topics for my Bible Study group at church.

You seem to be forgetting that Christians are NOT the only ones targeted. Everyone is a target, as we are all different and have varying thoughts/views/beliefs/opinions etc. Maybe here, on FC, Christians seem to be targeted but Christians in turn do their fair share of the targeting. Which you have done simply by quoting my post and starting your response with "Oh that's all well and good, if it works." And who are you to pick me out and direct your comments towards when I said nothing to offend Christians, or any other faith. Did I call you names? No. Did I verbally bash Christianity? No. Did I talk down on any one? No. Did I bad mouth any one's religion? No. And No, I didn't do anything to 'start trouble'. So before you go around speaking of people 'targeting' you for being a Christian, check your own actions and be sure that you are not a hypocrite in the fact that you are doing just as you claim to be a victim of... Targeting people who are not as you.
And lastly, I never claimed to not be a Christian and I never claimed to be a Christian.
And by the way (this is for any and all, not just you) Any one can claim to be a Christian. But going to church and acting Godly on Sundays (and for some, Wednesdays as well) doesn't make you a Christian any more than quacking makes you a duck.
Take this for what you will, as I can only imagine how wrong you will receive my comments. Have a nice day. (:

For one thing shadetree, you are wrong.  I was not targeting you for anything.  It was just an explanation (for whomever is reading this thread), and was not meant to single you (or your post) out for anything.  If you took it as a personal affront, then I'm sorry.  It was not meant to be.  I live my Christianity every second of my life. Sundays and Weds., are just another day to me, except it's a day to "gather" with others of like precious faith as a family.

Accept my apology as nothing was aimed at you personal or otherwise.  However, you do not have many posts and that tells me that you must be fairly new, or you don't frequent the forum often.  cuppycake and qon (among others) are notorious for singling out Christians and flaming them on this forum.  Please take my suggestion and go read all of our posts in "Debate and Discuss".....unless they have deleted their posts.

And that's where you would be incorrect. You did target me, (whether intentionally or not) as my post didn't need any further comments or explanations. Nor did it pertain to your previous experiences with others on the forum, in the past. It was plain and simple, just a read (or don't read) and move on, which you did not. That was all I meant by that.
And what difference does it make how many posts I have? It doesn't.
As far as Queenofnines and Cuppycake goes, I've not any issues with them. They state their opinions, just as you or I do. Which, we all have a right to do. If you don't like what they say, then ignore them. By acknowledging them, you only encourage them and thus bring the "hate" upon yourself.
You should exercise more caution in your words, your anger is showing (and I'm not referring to our comments to each other). Which, there is no need for.
Also, I've no desire to read what they have posted in the past, as it's in the past and has no effect on me. Again, it's their opinions, which I respect as I do yours. If you cannot do the same, then I fear you may be slipping. Are you not, as a Christian, taught to tolerate those whose views differ from your own? So you disagree with them, fine. Let it be and instead turn your focus & attention to those whom you have positive interactions with.
Why must you continually bring up the past? Move on, let it go, and don't let it bother you because otherwise, you only give them the satisfaction of getting under your skin. Which only brings a darkness upon you.
Lastly, I accept your apology, and I in turn hope that you don't take any of this the wrong way as it's not meant to offend or attack you in any way. Have a great day Annella. Be well, take care, and exercise caution. (:

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