YES! I believe that we are created in the image and likeness of God with an immortal soul. We will live forever believe it or not. The question is, how will we spend eternity? In Heaven or Hell. This basically depends on our deeds and actions here on earth. These deeds and actions will be judged by Jesus when we die. If we have done his will we will end up in heaven. If not, we will go to hell. Heaven is a state of being where we are united to the One, True God. This is our destiny: to see God face to face and to be one with Him now and always and to the ages of ages. However, hell is also a state of being. This goes against popular opinion that says hell is a hot place with a horned animal running around with a pitch fork poking at us. No. Hell is a state of being where we are seperated from God; totally cut off from is loving, life giving embrace. This is why demons are so diabolical. There existence is opposed to the very reason they were created: to be with God. This is why they "roam the earth seeking the ruin of souls." As long as we repent for our sins, are true disciples and followers of Jesus, and obey his teachings and commandments, we cannot and will not perish! But we must stay humble and vigilant. How do we know the way to eternal life some may ask? Simple. Jesus, Himself, tells us. "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, buy by me" John 14: 6.
God bless and Merry Christmas to all!