This was sent to me and I just wanted to share it on here. It regards the question of Obama's birthplace and where he is trying to lead America; and the response of "We the People.." to him directly.
According to you tube, there have been 6 million hits in 4 days. It is definitely well-put!!!
This site is SPEWING in IGNORANCE! Ignorance begets Ignorance!
Are you all blind that video is everything that the President wants for the people the only reason you guys are ranting is because it is it has been twisted around to make it look like the President is against the American people. For example, Right now, he is trying to extend the Bush tax cuts not in the original form in which it is to give the rich tax cuts but to give the MIDDLE CLASS & LOWER EARNING people the tax cuts. Us, the people with little or no money. Thanks to those who voted for the Republicans we the middle class & lower will not receive those tax cuts that had been denied us for years. The Republicans want to give tax cuts to everybody including the Rich. The Rich who have benefiting from this for years. The in video the people want change but it is the Republicans that don't want change. They like just the way it is. The President wants change but how can we change when the Republicans block every effort that the President is trying. If you hurt the President you are only hurting yourself. You may not see that now but you will. And you have only yourself to blame.
Your ignorance on this topic really shines through with this post. At least with Jamyz I can have intelligent conversations and while we differ greatly in opinions on quite a bit of things we can at least see eye to eye on others.
Your problem is you have a blind love of all things democrat and all things Obama. Your posts show nothing but that. I've tried in past posts to show you this however; you only ignore them and then come and talk about people being ignorant.
The wealthiest 1 percent of the population earn 19 percent of the income but pay 37 percent of the income tax. The top 10 percent pay 68 percent of the tab. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent—those below the median income level—now earn 13 percent of the income but pay just 3 percent of the taxes. Also, usually when it comes time for tax returns, the lowest taxed persons receive back the highest amount back, and some don't pay any in taxes at all.
What you're not seeing nor are you even I think considering is capital gains and death tax which are included in these tax cuts. Capital gains is the same across the board regardless of income status. Sell some stock? Capital gains. Cash in on Bonds? Capital gains. Cash out an IRA / 401k / Mutual fund? Capital gains. Die? Your estate will be taxed at 55%.
ALL OF THESE ARE INCLUDED IN THIS TAX PLANThat's where this big outrage is coming from because guess what, you don't have to be rich for any of these things to apply to you.
As far as "Destroy the Country" I have my own conspiracy theroies on that and I don't think it's a R or D that's behind it. I seriously think we're trying to have a One World Government. A unification and a one world economy which I think will do more to harm than anything else.
Jaymz, you and I have talked about this before but seriously both sides of media are in it for their own gain. Regardless of what they are. Fox or MSNBC or CNN or HLN. They go to their base and they have thier own demograhics they try to run in and they do it strictly for ratings. I see zero difference in the ilk and garbage that Beck and Hannity spew from what Olbermann and Matthews vomit. One is right and the other is left. They do it for ratings and wow factor, but seriously you can't condemn one without condemning the other because there is honestly really no difference in between the two.
Levine is a warmongering neocon. PS. Him and his idiot friends are nothing more than just pro war, pro big warmachine, pro big government, but in a different way. Palin is the exact same. Please stop listening to them and then saying Oh man they really hate government. Creating more war is nothing more than creating big government. It's coming to the same end but with a different means of getting to that end.
Cutting taxes works if you slash the crap out of government and government programs. If you want all of these programs then taxes have to go up, it's a very simple math. Thing is, our government is spending more then they take in and until we either fix one or the other we're going to be in this problem. Things though really won't get fixed though until we go through like they say in sports "a rebuilding year". Both sides working together to actually fix the problems. I'm very open to both sides working together but both sides would need to sacrafice in order to have that happen. End the social welfare programs and end wars and we'd be swimming in money again. Stop bailing out banks and auto companies and everyone else. Let the free market actually work the way it's supposed to and it would get this, actually work. By forcing countless rules on some but allowing others (AIG comes to mind) to gamble with tax money and be bailed out if it screws up won't fix anything.
Get the union control and other lobbying orgainizations out of Washington. K street shouldn't be allowed to be a multibillion a year cash cow for industries. Unions shouldn't be allowed to donate to pac's nor should they be allowed to control so much they bankrupt states. I'm looking at you California, New York, MA, and your out of absolute control union contracts that have bankrupted the state to a point of almost no return.
All in all, debating and discussion inherently means the ability to at least listen to other peoples point of view and not calling them an idiot if you just don't agree with them. So far, it's actually pretty good going save a few people here that can't seem to grasp that simple concept.