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Topic: My new blog  (Read 140849 times)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1500 on: May 14, 2012, 01:36:50 pm »
Hi Kim,

You did have a nice dinner, just sorry you had to clean up, too.  That seems to change once the nest is empty, doesn't it?  Since 2 of mine are still here, they work together with helping with the chores. 

That is funny with your little visitor, lol!  I'm sure that chip bag moving was funny until you found the culprit.  Every once in awhile we have a tiny guest and now we keep the "honey" slats on hand.  They love honey and this is mixed with glue - once they step on the slat, they're stuck.  The cats always alert us now because of the way they'll hover by the stove and fridge.  That's when Roddy will place the 2 slats down in between the stove and fridge on one side, and the stove and counter on the other side.  Hope yours was just the one who got by Nala!

That was nice of Bob to give you the Calalily.  I imagine it looks neat in that yellow watering can.  I'm looking forward to seeing all of your finished projects with your props and flowers.

Last week of babysitting for awhile since school will be out after Friday.  She left her hubby - he was getting very mean - she and the kids are with her mom.  This isn't the first time.

Hope you are enjoying your time off.  Talk to you later!

Julie  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1501 on: May 15, 2012, 04:24:22 am »
Wishing everyone a happy Tuesday.  Although I was up early I didn't get online until now and I only have a few minutes.  We are on our way to pick Amya and Jess up from the airport on their return trip from Florida. 

Hope everyone is doing okay. 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1502 on: May 15, 2012, 03:27:55 pm »
Hey Kim!

Happy Tuesday to you, too!  Sounds like you have another busy day. 

Busy here with cleaning and babysitting.  This is the last week of babysitting since school will let out on Friday.

I have my class at 9:00 tonight, and it will probably go until around 10:45 or so.  Everything in the workbook is done and ready.

Have a great Tuesday evening with Bob!


~Julie~   :heart:


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1503 on: May 16, 2012, 03:39:38 am »

I'm glad your classes are about to wrap up.  I know you probably learned a lot and it was a nice change from routine but it will be good to free up some more time for yourself.  Last week of babysitting too?  You will have all kinds of free time on your hands!  What will you do?  Clean? 

I pulled my computer room apart yesterday and scrubbed all corners.  Now today I have to put everything back.  That is my focus for today.  This room gets to be a real mess with school and studying and I have a bad habit of just putting anything in this room that I don't want to take the time to put away right. 

Kittens are thriving but messy.  More later.  Have a great day.



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1504 on: May 16, 2012, 03:41:38 pm »
Hi Kim,

Yes, last week for babysitting.  I know I'll watch him occasionally for her - she, Roddy, and Veronica will be driving buses for the school lunch program during June and July.

I still have 3 weeks of class left.  Last night's was more difficult.  We had to acknowledge how our past has shaped our emotions, reactions, perspectives, and more.  Then there are coping strategies to learn that would help us to re-learn how to shape those very things that hold us back or have basically held us in their grip of depression, worry, worsening health issues, etc.  I have a difficult time going back in time like that - have already done so before and hated having to do it again.

That was a project with your computer room!  Did you get it all put back?

Have a great evening and a terrific Thursday!

~ Julie ~  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1505 on: May 17, 2012, 03:57:00 am »

I do understand how difficult it is going back through the past that has shaped our life.  It's horrible and I know you probably felt drained when you were done.  The thing that always gets me is that even when you tell someone what you went through I don't truly think most people understand the depth of the pain.  They hear your words but they don't really listen with their heart. 

Coping skills are very good but my problem is taking the time necessary to apply those skills.  It is an effort usually and I'm running so fast that I tend to just "feel" what comes natural more quickly than taking the time to think my way through the issue that is troubling me.  Comprende? 

Yes I got the computer room back in shape and it feels better having gone through and tossing things out that are not important.  I got all of my important paperwork filed and feel a little more in control again.  I still have some work to do in the bedroom closets but if I have to wait until a weekend after school starts it still will get done.

I'm going to my daughters to visit today.  She wants advice on her yard.  We've kind of been on the outs lately because of the deal with the camper.  (I think I told you about it?)  She and I were so very close when she was little but she started changing in her teen years into a personality that I've had a hard time dealing with. I spend a lot of time gritting my teeth when I'm with her.  She can be a lot of fun but has a very pompous attitude.  She used to put a lot of stock into how much money people had, the amounts they spent on personal items and had married into a family with clout.  She threw the money, family name and their alliances around quite a bit.  She has since divorced and is now a pauper but claims to be happy but still has that "I am smarter, prettier, can run faster and am the BEST at everything I say and do" attitude.  There is nothing humble about her and she isn't interested too much in anything anyone else has to say or their opinions.  It's terrible to feel this way about your own child.  My other daughter has more money than this one ever had even with her marriage but is more down to earth and would do anything for anybody.  She made the statement once that she didn't know where she got her attitude because they both grew up in the same trailor park.  (Hey it was a nice park!)   :dontknow:

I wish I could get over these feelings when I'm with her because I want to feel as close to her as I did when she was a little girl again. 

Enough whining...I'll talk to you more later. 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1506 on: May 17, 2012, 11:03:29 am »
Update on my sister - she is in the hospital again.  Internal bleeding.  Will post more later.


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1507 on: May 17, 2012, 11:29:10 am »
Update on my sister - she is in the hospital again.  Internal bleeding.  Will post more later.

Hi Juanita,

I'm sorry your sister is back in the hospital with the internal bleeding.  I sure hope they can help get that in control.  My brother-in-law had spinal surgery yesterday.  His drainage tube either moved or has something wrong with it so they have to go back in today to fix that.  I'll continue prayers for your sister and her husband.  I hope you are doing okay with everything you've got going on.

~ Julie ~


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1508 on: May 17, 2012, 11:46:14 am »
Hi Kim,

I do like and agree with the way you said that about others hearing us but not really listening with their heart.  It is true for many.  Then there are the precious few who, though they may not totally understand, still have empathy, care, and concern for us.  And as far as the coping skills, I mucho comprende!

We still need to straighten up and clear out some closets.  You wouldn't think much would get put in them just being here for 4 years, but goodness gracious, I am wrong!  I'm trying to help Roddy straighten up and fix up his office better, too.  We still have some boxes in there to open and put things where they belong.

I hope you and your daughter did well together, today.  Did you two come to an agreement about the yard?  Yes, I do remember you explaining about her.  It's something to see just how alike or totally different our children can be from each other, including personality, attitude, motivation, and all kinds of areas.

You're not whining - it is as it is - these things will always be on our "mommy hearts."  Like with my oldest "prodigal" son right now.  His mil FB'd me last night asking if I'm still coming down there on Tues., that she has "arranged" for her and the girls to meet me.  Roddy feels like I should proceed with "caution" not knowing if I may be ambushed or not.  If it still works out, I've got the girls' gifts ready to go with me, including a little note for each.  In my oldest gd's note, I'll include my cell number and ask her to keep my note in her little purse or bag in case she ever wants to call me. 

I talked with Roddy about the flowers I'd like to get and where to put them.  His main concern is making sure they get watered, lol.  But Veronica and he both said they'd help with that, anyway.  How are yours all coming, along with the tires and all?

Hope you and Bob have a nice evening!


~Julie~   :cat:


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1509 on: May 18, 2012, 03:15:34 am »
Update on my sister - she is in the hospital again.  Internal bleeding.  Will post more later.


Prayers going out to you and your sister.  Yes keep us updated.  Hugs.



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1510 on: May 18, 2012, 03:24:34 am »

I actually had a nice day with my daughter.  She was never into yard saling...more of a high-end shopper and thought of yard sales as a bunch of junk and rednecks.  She finally saw the value of buying something that was high-end prices at really cheap prices.  She bought a nice necklace, a sun dress, several pots for her plants and really enjoyed herself.  We went and bought seeds to grow lettuce and herbs and got her a humming bird feeder.  I filled it before I left and am hoping she gets some birds.  She has three cats and a big patio window where they can see the bird so I think it will be a fun adventure for all of them.

I gave some suggestions for the yard that I think she liked but she is like me....she has to wait until she has the money to work on the projects. 

However, we tried to call my son and go visit him as we were in the area and he was acting strange.  I tried calling him five or more times last evening and he never answered.  Don't know what's up with him. 

Our flowers and plants are doing well.  I'm sure if you get yours planted Roddy and Veronica will help you out on the days you aren't feeling up to it.  Do you have full-sun all day? 

I agree with Roddy that you should proceed with caution but I'm hopeful that since they have remained in contact with you now for several weeks they will come through with their promises. 

Today I'm going to work around the house some but I have some business calls to make and a couple of scarves to finish up. 

I leave Tuesday for WV so have to start thinking about what to pack.  Later gator. 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1511 on: May 18, 2012, 07:35:37 pm »
Hi Kim,

I'm glad you and your daughter had a nice day.  She got some pretty neat things, too.  That was nice of you to help her out in setting things up.

Wonder what's going on with your son?  I hope you will hear from him soon.

That's great your plants and flowers are doing well.  The front of our house is full sun most all day.  The back has more shade.  There are few trees as of yet, except for what we've planted.  All of our trees at at the back half of our property.  We've tried adding a couple of more trees each year.  There are many maples mixed in the trees in the back.  We've planted maples at the front part of the property but there aren't enough trees there to shade them and they don't survive.  Neither did our peach trees and crab apple trees.  Oaks have done good, and we're going to add a couple of pecan trees next year.  They are everywhere in our town with the groves and the business farms.  They are great shade in the summer and, as Veronica says, are spooky in the winter, lol.

Okay, enough of rambling.  Hope you have a super weekend!

~Juju~  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1512 on: May 19, 2012, 03:39:36 am »

We have mixed areas of shade and full sun.  I just have to experiment with where the different plant types do the best.  We have plenty of trees and some of them are really old with lots of dead branches.  We have one that concerns me as it is close to the pool.  If it should come down on its own we'll be in big trouble. 

I did talk to my son yesterday.  He said he is just depressed but didn't want to talk about it.  They have him trying a new medication.  I can't remember the name of it but it is one that messes with your seratonin so it takes a while to work.  He doesn't have another appointment until June 22. 

I guess I'm going to a local beach (lake) today with a friend from school.  She called yesterday to ask me to go with her.  She is having a problem with her knee.  She had surgery last year but something still isn't right.  She needs a full knee replacement but the doctor is reluctant because she is only 48 and the knees usually only last about 15 years.  My thoughts are that I'd rather have a good knee for 15 so I could get some exercise.  Otherwise you're just going to continue to gain weight and feel poorly which isn't going to help the existing knee one bit nor your state of mind. 

My daughter and I joined Weight Watchers online.  I'm going to track on my own and she'll use the site for her tracking.  I don't know how easy it will be to stick to it.  WW takes a lot of planning and once school starts I don't know how disciplined I can be.  Yuk.  But I do need to lose this weight.  I feel horrible. 

Gotta run.  Bob is up and I want to visit with him before he goes to work. 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1513 on: May 19, 2012, 06:12:15 pm »
Hi Kim,

I joined Weight Watchers when Veronica was around 4 years old.  A friend wanted me to join with her - it was free to join, just pay the weekly or monthly fee.  Since I was working at the time, I could afford the payments and buying the food.  I was very strict with it, and jogged at least 3 to 4 mornings a week with neighbor friends.  I mostly ate the weight watcher meals and desserts, then included fruits and veges and snacks where I needed.  I ended up losing 35 lbs. which put me back to pre-pregnancy weight from all 3 of my kids.  When I got sick a few years ago, all of that weight came back on.  With the asthma, allergies, diabetes, chronic bronchitis, stress, body giving out, and I couldn't even jog anymore, it was horrible.  Now I can't afford to do the program - but I know it works for me.  I hope it works for you and your daughter.  I really enjoyed doing it, too.

Sorry to hear about your son struggling with that.  Meds can do that, yet they are supposed to help, right?  I hope they kick in for him so he'll feel more normal.

That's a shame about your friend's knee - I agree with you about having a good 15 years, especially while younger where she can exercise.  I hope you both had a nice time at the "beach" today!

I studied for about an hour this morning for my class.  Now I have to ask 3 people (family or friends) about 8 questions each, and then analyze them to help see what they all see about me on a daily basis.  That should be fun (not!)

Talk to you tomorrow!

Juju  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1514 on: May 20, 2012, 03:03:48 am »

Yes WW does work but it does take time to plan.  I ordered a new pedometer and I hope to start walking again.  I just haven't been very good at sticking to anything in the last couple of years. 

We had a good time yesterday but my shoulders are a little burned and sore.  My friend Nellie is coming down today so we can work on her daughter's wedding video. 

Lots of other little piddly things that needs done too, purse cleaning, new google calendar for this semester, water plants, etc so it's another fun filled day as usual.

See you around and about.


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