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Topic: My new blog  (Read 140868 times)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1440 on: April 28, 2012, 07:42:40 am »
Thanks brenspencer.  It's tough.  The mama cat left them though and my boyfriend found the three kittens on a night when we were calling for 4-8 inches of snow and freezing rain.  We had to try to let them survive.  I didn't choose these kittens, they chose us.   :crybaby2:


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1441 on: April 28, 2012, 03:27:20 pm »

As you probably know from my FB posts we lost a kitten this morning.  My heart is breaking.  It wasn't doing too well last night.  I took it to the bedroom with me and held it and took an hour nap.  It laid on me and purred.  I put it on the floor later with the other two and while they were wandering aimlessly around the living room this one just sat and watched the activity. 

They slept the night and around 6:30 Bob got up.  Shortly after I heard them crying but when I went to get them that kitten was lying on its side and barely breathing.  Bob and I both held it, prayed and tried to get it to stir but its eyes were alreday glazing over.  At least we got to hold and pet it to sleep before it was gone.

I'm not sure what went wrong.  Perhaps it didn't digest its food and evacuate, maybe it got food in its lungs????  I don't know anything other than we have done the best we knew how to do.  I'm going to pay more attention to getting them to move their bowels in hopes that we can pull the other two through.  This is hard. 


Oh, Kim, I'm so sorry.  That is so hard, I agree.  I think it knew you were trying to help by the purring and I'm glad you and Bob held it like that, and prayed.  I do hope the other 2 will be okay and strong enough to make it.  That's so sad.

Keep me posted on the other two, okay?  Hang in there - you're a good mommy for them - they know it.




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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1442 on: April 29, 2012, 01:58:10 am »

Bob buried the kitten, along with the little mouse I washed in the washer, where he buried Cleo last summer. 

The other two seem to be doing okay still.  I dipped them in warm water last night trying to make sure they evacuated.  I didn't see anything from my washing but Indy is still licking their behinds and I'm hoping they are doing the necessary.  We aren't seeing any evidence though. 

The one kitten is getting playful, wrestling with the remaining kitten.  Its eyes seem brighter and he seems more aware of his surroundings.  I'm still not sure of their sexes yet. 

Hope your Sunday is a good one.  I have a bunch of homework and another test to study for today so hope I can get my mind settled enough to get done what needs to be done.  Tommorrow is my last day of intern at the ENT office.  Yay!

Kim  ;D :thumbsup: :wave:


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1443 on: April 29, 2012, 08:27:23 pm »
Hi Kim,

That's so sad burying them.  It's just hard losing our pets.  But little kittens are so sweet and it's just as hard losing them.  I really hope the other 2 will be okay.

I'm glad your last intern day is tomorrow!  Is this your last week with tests?  I hope you do well!

Roddy has a colonoscopy tomorrow.  He's having some problems and we're a bit concerned, so I really hope and pray that everything will be fine with him.

Hope you have a productive Monday and a great afternoon and evening with Bob and the pets!  Give the kittens a little hug from me.


Julie   :cat:    :heart:


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1444 on: April 30, 2012, 03:33:27 am »
Yes it is hard losing them.  You constantly wonder if you did something wrong or could have done more. 

I probably will have another test in Pharmacolgy next week.   I have one today too.  Lately I just can't focus and study though.  I'm no longer concerned with A's.  I just want to pass and move on.

I hope everything goes well with Roddy's test today.  Keep me posted.  How are you feeling dear lady?

Giving the kittens a hug will be no problem.  They have been loving on me so much! My hands, ankles and face is so scratched up!  I still want Bob to video tape them feeding.  The sounds they make are so sweet. 

Have a good day. 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1445 on: April 30, 2012, 03:47:25 am »
Happy Monday, Kim!

Good luck on your test today!  Keep hanging in there - you are almost done!!

I had an insomnia night, and still not tired.  So I'm going to try to get things done early so I can help Roddy out with whatever he needs later.  Plus, the little fella is coming today, too.  I also have some prep papers to do before tomorrow night - that's the first night of my 6 week phone conference classes for PHIP (Patient Help Improvement Program.)  I really hope it will help.

Hope your last intern day went well!  I know you are glad that's done for now.

Love those kittens!  Have a nice evening.

Julie  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1446 on: May 01, 2012, 02:36:19 am »

The test didn't go well but even the whiz kid didn't do well so I'm not going to beat myself up over it.  This teacher is well known for being a killer.  Actually there are other names for her but I can't say them here on this forum.   :bootyshake: 

I'll have one more test next week.  Yuk!  Some/most of my classes will be done this Friday except for hers.  She is known for keeping her classes to schedule right up until the last minute! No mercy! 

Hope Roddy does okay on his tests.  I know prepping for them is miserable.  It's just a crappy job!




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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1447 on: May 01, 2012, 12:26:33 pm »
Hi Kim,

Well, good news about Roddy!  The concern we had is not cancerous, so we're all thankful and relieved.  He's glad it's over and can relax now instead of worrying.

Sorry about your test - like you said, no need to beat yourself up over it.  Here you could be done Friday and off if you didn't have the one other teacher's test.  Yuck!

I'm watching 2 today, little fella and his big sister.  She has a hurt foot, on crutches, and has to have more x-rays done, so she came with him today; maybe tomorrow - I'm not sure yet.

How are the other kittens holding up?  I hope they are okay.

Have a great evening with Bob and the pets.  My first phone conference for the class is tonight from 9:00 to 10:30.  It seems long, but they said the first one would be the longest.  I've done my pre-work for it - 4 wkbk. pages, 1 cd, and 1 dvd segment, and filled out a health time line form for how I am before starting the class.

Talk to you later!

Julie  :)    :cat:


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1448 on: May 02, 2012, 02:02:08 am »

That's great news about Roddy!  Celebrate today and eat a good meal.   ;D

Hope things went well with the two kiddies and that you didn't get overally tired. 

Bob built me a frame out of pvc pipe and put netting over it to keep little critters out of the garden.  The green beans and cucumbers have sprouted but something was chewing at them.  I have sunflowers and tomatoes started in the house and if the weather holds up I'll get the tomatoes in the garden next week and put the sunflowers somewhere throughout the yard.

I still need to take pictures and a video of the kittens eating.  Soon I hope. 

I got a message from the Surgeon General's office this morning saying I wasn't selected.  I'm not surprised and therefore not too disappointed. 

Let me know how your phone conference went. 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1449 on: May 02, 2012, 04:49:06 pm »
Hi Kim,

Sorry about the Surgeon General Office's non-selection.  It's easier to take a no if you weren't really expecting a yes.  If anything, you gave it a try!

That was nice of Bob to make the frame and netting for your garden.  I hope your sunflowers and tomatoes are able to put out.

The kittens must be doing okay, right?  I imagine they are so glad to see you both when you get home!  How are the others accepting the new pets?

I had to watch both again today.  This was a day of extreme pain to push through - arms/shoulders/back/knees.  My clavicle bones feel like they are going to crack if moved a certain way or pulled on when lifting something.  I hurt enough to want to get emotional, but fought it.  And I'm on the nebulizer still for what's going on with the asthma and sinus infection.  I hate complaining - this past year or so, in particular, has just been rough.  It's "g o i n g" to get better!

How are you doing?  Bob?  I haven't heard about Maya in awhile, I hope she is doing okay - growing, I'm sure!

Have a nice Thursday!!

Julie  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1450 on: May 03, 2012, 02:15:13 am »

The kittens are doing fine.  I tried to video yesterday but doing it myself while trying to feed them is like nailing jello to a tree.  I have to wait until Bob gets home earlier one night and isn't pressed with a task here at the house.  I've had quite a long honey-do list for him lately and this weekend is a big race at the track. 

I hate it when you are in so much pain.  I know you want to be a good friend and enjoy having the kids but when you are hurting so badly you need to learn to say no and just take care of Julie. 

I haven't seen Amya too much lately.  They are leaving for Florida on the 8th to visit with Jess's aunt for a week.  Bob is to take them to the airport.  I imagine I'll have her some when I'm off on break. 

I don't know if you can get to Jess's page from my facebook page but she has posted some recent pictures.  I'm going to send this message then try to post a picture taken recently at Shake and Steak.  I learned my lesson the last time I tried to write AND post a picture.  If the picture fails you lose the entire message. 

Take care today. 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1451 on: May 03, 2012, 02:17:50 am »
Here is the picture from Steak and Shake


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1452 on: May 03, 2012, 08:50:37 am »

I wanted to add my condolences on the loss of your kitten.  It is very hard to lose a pet.  We have had cats and dogs, mostly dogs, through the years, and even when they live to be older, it is sad.  We have cried many times while burying our pets on the property.  I'm glad to hear that the other two are okay so far.  I pray they will continue to thrive.



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1453 on: May 03, 2012, 02:07:09 pm »

The kittens are doing fine.  I tried to video yesterday but doing it myself while trying to feed them is like nailing jello to a tree.  I have to wait until Bob gets home earlier one night and isn't pressed with a task here at the house.  I've had quite a long honey-do list for him lately and this weekend is a big race at the track. 

I hate it when you are in so much pain.  I know you want to be a good friend and enjoy having the kids but when you are hurting so badly you need to learn to say no and just take care of Julie. 

I haven't seen Amya too much lately.  They are leaving for Florida on the 8th to visit with Jess's aunt for a week.  Bob is to take them to the airport.  I imagine I'll have her some when I'm off on break. 

I don't know if you can get to Jess's page from my facebook page but she has posted some recent pictures.  I'm going to send this message then try to post a picture taken recently at Shake and Steak.  I learned my lesson the last time I tried to write AND post a picture.  If the picture fails you lose the entire message. 

Take care today. 



That is a precious picture of her!!  Thank you for sharing that.  I spelled her name wrong in my other post - sorry about that.  She's really pretty.

I'm glad the kittens are doing fine - that's a relief.  It sounds like you have Bob pretty busy, lol!

I only watched the little fella today, and only for the couple of hours in the afternoon - much better for me that way for today and tomorrow.  Thank you for your concern and "gentle" scolding, lol, - you are absolutely right about what you said.  Thank goodness for friends to help us keep things in better perspective.  :)

Hope your last couple of tests go well this week and the one next week.

"See" you tomorrow,

Julie   :cat:


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1454 on: May 04, 2012, 02:05:30 am »

Thanks for your thoughts.  Good to hear from you.  Are your classes still ongoing?  How have you done?  Updates woman, updates! 



I wanted to add my condolences on the loss of your kitten.  It is very hard to lose a pet.  We have had cats and dogs, mostly dogs, through the years, and even when they live to be older, it is sad.  We have cried many times while burying our pets on the property.  I'm glad to hear that the other two are okay so far.  I pray they will continue to thrive.


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