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Topic: My new blog  (Read 141238 times)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #690 on: September 22, 2011, 06:17:54 am »

Paperwork not too much.  I forgot my external hard drive when I packed so didn't have my genealogy files to make entries.  Duh!  However, I did talk by phone to my cousin in Germany and we're formulating a plan to work collectively on the book with another family member on a secure website. 

In addition I have been burning up my Ancestry membership going through newspaper archives finding articles on the family, mostly from our hometown of origin.  Interestingly enough I found that for a good part of my father's life he was known by his middle name instead of his first name!  I found identifiable things from his elementary school activities where his parents names were including but daddy was listed by his middle name.  He recited poetry and sang a bit.  :) 

I'm sore from sitting on my butt and using the mouse.  I need to get out and walk today and stretch out these bones. 

I'm meeting a friend for lunch tomorrow, going yard saling on a 40 mile stretch of road between here and the city and will spend the night with an old friend.  Saturday noon we have a luncheon planned then I will return to the track in the late afternoon.  I'll probably spend the day watching the races on Sunday. 

Bob never got back to the room until after 9 last night.  One of the karts got wrecked and they had to fix it before today's practice. 

I did go to see my old house in the country and tried to visit my old neighbors only to find they had moved too. 

Everything changes. 

Diana, if you are reading I tried to hook up on FB.  See you both out there soon. 

I took a picture of the shoe here at the hotel but I won't post it until I'm home.  I'd rather not advertise exactly where I'm staying right now.  :)   

Hope those storms leave your area soon Julie.  What songs are you doing for the Christmas show?  Seems way to early to be preparing but hey...the stores already have decorations up too so guess we're heading toward the holiday season.  Heck I don't even have my Halloween stuff up yet!

Later ladies. 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #691 on: September 22, 2011, 08:18:18 am »

I added ya when I got on last glad to have you hun xoxoxo


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #692 on: September 22, 2011, 08:55:19 am »
Diana,  I thought your Dr. Suess was funny.  I would have liked to share it on my page for a select few but I'm careful because of my grandkids.  lol



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #693 on: September 22, 2011, 09:50:20 am »
What a good idea and you don't have to keep up with a website.  Keep it up, yo.


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #694 on: September 22, 2011, 05:10:51 pm »
Goodness FB is in an uproar with everyone and the new changes!  I saw where there was a poll taken and it show about 63% don't like it.  I read some of the other changes they are implementing as well.  It involves music, listening to it, and suppose you see a friend is listening to something you like, you can join right in and listen with them.  There are other things too.  It just seems like a lot and it also makes everyone more public to everyone else, even if they are someone else's friends.  There was something mentioned, but I haven't seen it in the FB changes, that our posts may be monitored as well, and maybe even removed if they don't deem it worthy, so-to-speak.  I don't know --- I wish they would just leave things alone.  I'm tired of the games being messed with and messed up, too.  Sorry for the rant and thanks for the shoulder, lol!!

Hope you have a great weekend!  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #695 on: September 22, 2011, 05:33:00 pm »
Hey Kim,

I wrote to Dianna something about the FB changes if you want to read it, too.  You or she may know more about it than me and set me straight, lol, if there's something incorrect about anything I said.  I read about some of it in their article and the other thing I saw from other posters, but not in the article, so who knows, right?!

Lol, that would be me forgetting the external hard drive, too, so I can feel there for you!  I'm glad you have your cousin in Germany, and the other family member, who can work with you on this.  The Ancestry membership you have - is it real expensive - or are their different levels of membership for it?  I had joined one years ago but only did what I could through the free searches.  But I really need more than that.  I'll try to remember to look them up and see what I can find out.  I'm thinking it may be the same site as the one you are using.

That's fine about posting the picture after you are back.  It may go out to more people than it normally would with these new changes they are doing on FB.  They talk about privacy measures, yet they are making your info more available through friends of friends, etc.  One of my friends said she went in and changed the settings on every friend she had - that can take a long time.......

Storms weren't as bad today - a little quieter and less rain.  Our neighbors' trailer is definitely coming in the morning.  She asked me if she could come over early and wait with me for it.  They're so ready and excited to finally have a new home to live in.
My mom would have turned 75 yesterday.  Then in November, it will be 5 years since she died.  It's hard to believe it has been that long already.  Also, she died on my daughter's birthday.  And my daughter's great uncle died the year before that on her birthday.  She always has mixed feelings now on that day - she chooses to look at it that she can think of special memories of them that day.

Wow, that sounds great about your 40 mile stretch for yard sales.  Hope you and your friends have a really good catching up time!  Enjoy yourself - you deserve it!  Have a great weekend!

Julie  :)   


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #696 on: September 23, 2011, 02:38:13 am »
What a good idea and you don't have to keep up with a website.  Keep it up, yo.

Thanks for stopping by. We are a friendly group.  Come visit more often.   ;)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #697 on: September 23, 2011, 03:09:35 am »

I wrote a fairly long response to your message only to lose it before I posted!  Arrgghhh...

Condensed version.  FB changes are inevitable.  It's a free social network.  I am careful what I post and prefer other venues for different types of communication.   :dontknow:

I know what you mean about missing your mom.  I'm glad your daughter it taking a positive approach to how she remembers the events attached to her birthday.  How is she doing btw?  You haven 't mentioned her condition lately. 

Ancestry is costing me about 20 a month but it is a necessary guilty pleasure.  I am frugal in other areas to offset the cost. 

My cousin Phil is such a blessing and a joy to me.  He is such a nice guy, a great researcher and will be a wonderful help to the book.  He is probably providing most of the information and I'm just inputting the data. 

It's raining here this morning, not storming though.  I hope it clears up as it will make for a miserable day at the track and put a damper, no pun intended, on my yard saling.  ;D

Gotta run.  I hear Bob stirring and I want to get his oatmeal and nanner ready for him. 

Have a good day. 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #698 on: September 23, 2011, 05:52:24 pm »
Hi Kim,

Were you able to get yard saling in?  Hopefully the weather cooperated for you.  No storms here today.  It was warmer than of late but has cooled down nice tonight.

Our neighbors trailer came today!  The delivery people had to use our driveway to bring it in and through because of a large cross-over post over theirs - it would have knocked it down.  The trailer is a beauty.  The focal point inside is the kitchen with it's extra long island and 3 windows going across the kitchen/dining area.  It has so an airy openess about it that it seems to give the feel of a double-wide.  Their furniture is being delivered tomorrow and electricity turned on Monday.  They are really happy and relieved to finally have it here!

As for the kids' Christmas program at church, it does seem early to start practicing.  But they are doing 5 songs, 2 with sign language, and another song with handbells.  Since they only meet on Wednesdays, then take out Thanksgiving and a couple of other nights for something the church has going on, we only have about 7 or 8 practice nights.  They are doing 2 carols:  "Joy to the World" and "Hark the Herald Angels Sing."  Then there are two songs you don't hear much: "There's a Song in the Air" and "The Holly and the Ivy," in which a short presentation is given to tell what the holly, ivy, thorns, etc. represent as far as Christ's birth, death, and resurrection.  The next song, "Silent Night" is done with handbells playing harmony with the song playing on cd.  It's beautiful.

I hope you have a super weekend!  Talk to you soon!

Julie  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #699 on: September 24, 2011, 03:32:33 am »

The Christmas program sounds wonderful.  Maybe you'll video tape it and you can post it somewhere so we can all see it?????  I can imagine it will take a lot of practicing and hard work.  It will be nice to have a project to focus on though won't it? 

It cleared up nicely here and I did get just one yard sale in.  I had lunch with an old co-worker who is 71 but still thinks very young.  Had my favorite sandwich in the world, an artichoke sub with mushrooms and fried onions and provolone cheese at Penn Station.  I came into the city to my other friend's house and stayed here with her two dogs while she was at work.  She owns the sister to my one dog Indy.  We went to a greek restaurant and I had a good bbq rib dinner, then we went to Wally world and bought yarn so I can make her a baby afghan she needs for a gift in December.  I started on it last night and got about 6 rows done before bed.  We were going to go into the heart of the city to see a new memorial they put up for 911 using two of the steel beams from one of the towers but we just got plum tuckered out and came home.  We might go down today.  We have a luncheon planned at a well-known steak house with several friends at noon then I've promised some kids I know that I would stop by and visit with them and their parents/grandparents on my way back to the track today.  I told Bob I would spend the evening at the track and go out for some of the races tomorrow.  That will pretty well wrap it up here for us.  We might do a little sightseeing before we go home but not sure.  I'm feeling pretty tired and I'm sure he is exhausted.

I have to pick my books up on Tuesday and school starts Wednesday so I'll soon be back to the old bump and grind.  Sad to say that this reprieve from the SD just makes me want more of the same.   :'(

I'll bet the neighbors new trailer is nice.  I haven't seen too many of the newer models but the last ones I did see are really lovely.  I'm glad they are finally getting resettled.  It seems like a long time since the fire to me and I'll bet it feels like forever for them.  They can get all settled in before the holidays and finally get back to normal. 

TTYL.  Be good to Julie today. 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #700 on: September 24, 2011, 03:05:21 pm »

Since my hubby mans the sound booth at church, he'll set up his camera to film the program.  Thanks for asking.

I'm impressed with how much you are able to cram in your weekend with your friends and with Bob.  I have never tried your favorite sandwich, but I'll make a deal with you.  If and when I am able to come through your way on vacation one day, I would love to meet in person and let you take me to try one!!  All of your meals out sound delicious and are a great variety! 

It's hard to believe you are having to back on Wednesday.  I agree with you about you wanting more of the same.  But I do admire how far you have come since last year and your positive "get up and go" attitude!! 

I updated a new Navy picture on my FB page of our son at work on the ship.  On Wednesday night, hubby and I both received emails from him.  It was really great to hear from him.  He's still hanging in there.  At least November is crawling a little closer, right?

My daughter is away for the weekend babysitting for a friend up here.  Her friend and her hubby are at the fairgrounds helping to set up and help run, then clean up for several country singers and bands coming for a program.  They are getting paid for it.  Dtr is getting paid for this so that's some extra and needed money for her, too.

Have a great Sunday.  You be good to Kim, too, okay?

Julie  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #701 on: September 25, 2011, 05:09:25 am »

I met with a small group of friends from BMG yesterday at the Steer Inn in Indy.  This place isn't much to look at but it was on the Dives and Diners show last December and the food is great.  I'll be posting pictures to FB later this morning. 

We got downtown to see the 911 memorial too and it is real nice.  We went to Circle Centre Mall too.  My friend Marilyn had never been there so I made her go with me.  We didn't buy anything but it was fun testing all the perfumes and oils.  :P

It is supposed to rain 1-3 inches today and possible storms.  I have to check out of the hotel at 11 and go to the track so it's going to be a pretty miserable day.  The team is telling us the tents and karts all have to be packed up and we'll be on the road late this evening.  I think that's a bit much to expect for a man almost 60 who has busted butt all day and then we have a 6-7 hour drive back home tonight!  The team owner will be flying back to Erie and all of the other workers live here in the Indy area so they don't have the commute we do.  I will be following Bob in my vehicle while he drives the sprinter with the karts.  I know him and he will push through but I have a hard time staying awake and with nighttime driving so I'm not looking forward to this trip. 

Heard some possible bad news about my TAA payments.  There is a possibility that my funding will run out when my unemployment runs out. That certainly isn't what I was told originally but one of the other girls that went to school at about the same time as me, and is due to run out of UC with this last extension, was given this news last week.  I'm going to try to find out where I stand this week but may have to just start looking for a job and give up schooling.  We shall see.  No sense worrying about it.  It just is what it is. 

I'll check out your son's picture on FB.  I haven't been out there too much to look around the last couple of days. 

Have a good Sunday and I'll be in touch. 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #702 on: September 25, 2011, 08:17:07 pm »
Hi Kim,

I'm amazed at how much you were able to fit in with your friends!  You'll be ready to rest tomorrow.  For that matter, Bob will too.  Honestly, I agree with you about how much he's done and then traveling so long tonight.  You are probably still driving even as I am writing this.  One good thing, though, is having tomorrow at home to rest (at least I hope so.)

That's nice getting to see the 911 memorial.  As far as testing perfumes and oils, I remember doing that with my friends on the weekends when we would go to the malls, money or not (when my asthma wasn't as bad.)  Can't do that now.  :(

We've had some bad storms today again.  All of the dirt roads were under water.  There was another storm heading our way afterwards that had hail and high winds but it kind of slowed up and fizzled out before it reached here.  We needed the rain badly.

Our neighbors got their furniture yesterday - she's so excited.  Tomorrow or Tuesday they are supposed to get their electricity (can't remember which day) and their water.  They'll be so relieved to finally get moved in and begin their new "chapter" so-to-speak.

I'm sorry to hear about the possible TAA payment problem.  If it's not one thing, it's another.  I sure hope it won't come to that.  You are right - worrying sure won't help the situation (like with my DIL.)  And it seems that jobs just are not easy to find right now. 

Have a great Monday, okay?  Talk later!

Julie   :cat:


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #703 on: September 26, 2011, 04:36:34 am »

We got home about 1:30 last night.  I drove the entire way.  He kept saying he would drive but I was doing okay staying awake so gave him the rest.  I still managed to get awake at 6:30!  Maybe I can take a nap this afternoon.  The SD is home today it seems as she hasn't yet left for work.  I would have liked a day at home alone go. The house is the usual mess she leaves it in.  Our housekeeping styles don't match at all.  Feeling frustrated on my first day home.  Grrrr....Oh well have lots to do today so hopefully my mind will be occupied enough that I don't dwell on her doings.  I have to remember to genuinely smile and not grit my teeth and grimace.  Gives me a headache and I look mean.  :BangHead:  :P

I have an email out with my questions about TAA to my PA contact.  Hopefully she can get me the answers and soon.   

Glad things are coming together for your neighbors. 

Be good to Julie today.   


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #704 on: September 26, 2011, 03:13:33 pm »

I'm so glad you both made it home okay.  That was a long trip.  Sorry about the "messy" homecoming.  I feel bad that you have to keep dealing with that.  But I do hope you were able to get things done you wanted to, including the nap!  By the way, I cannot "see" you looking mean, lol!

Storms are coming in again.  Hail is predicted, again, with 45 to 55 mph wind gusts.  It didn't happen the last time, but it is looking very possible now.  You would know I would get on here to write you and do my paid things, that that's the perfect timing this storm is coming in.  Our electricity was off for an hour and a half yesterday and so it may do the same now. 

I hope you get answers, too, with your TAA.  It would be sad to have gone this far and not be able to finish it because of something they are doing to mess things up. 

I had a good day today, except for this cough.  The congestion has gone lower in my chest, so I guess I'm fighting the bronchitis again.  But my energy level is still pretty good.  I like being able to get things done so I'm taking advantage of that, for sure!

Have a good evening and a great Tuesday!  Talk to you later!

Julie  :)

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