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Topic: My new blog  (Read 141104 times)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #990 on: December 19, 2011, 01:58:38 am »

My son is out of the hospital and left with just two meds.  I'm hoping he doesn't take any of them and will just concentrate on controlling his anxiety by natural methods.  I'm trying to convince him to meditate.  He is here until this evening.  Long story but I picked him and his girlfriend up last night and will take them home tonight.  I gave him the book, the Power of Now to read hoping it will help him. 

I don't like taking too many medications together.  I think it complicates things and there are so many side effects it's hard to determine what is causing the problem, the real illness or the meds. 

I think having your friend assess the situation is a good thing.  It's as close as you're going to get to being a fly on the wall.  Even if he doesn't have a heart to heart talk he can maybe get an idea of whether things are strained between Randal and Bon and how they react when your names are mentioned.  Then you can go from there. 

I have all of my gifts wrapped and ready to take to school this morning.  I ended up giving away so many of the hats I made that I'm now going to have to make a few more because I want to send a batch of them to my daughters/grand-daughters and also some for Bob's girls.  A quick count in my head puts me at an additional at 12 more hats to make.  Not a problem though as I made one and a half on a one and a half hour trip to Erie last night.  :)  I'll stop tonight and buy the yarn and after I get off school on Tuesday at noon I will concentrate on getting those that I need done by Christmas Eve completed then I will mail the others but they will arrive a little late.  I'm still waiting on a gift I ordered for my grandson and SIL so their package will get mailed late anyhow. 

Off to play my games this morning before leaving for school.  TTYL,



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #991 on: December 19, 2011, 10:34:27 am »

I'm glad your son is okay and that they stayed with you last night.  It probably did them both good knowing you were there.  Not to mention you could be mom on hand for a bit.  I hope this situation will work out with him.

You gave some good thoughts about our friend trying to assess the situation with Randal and Bon.  Especially about their reactions when our names are mentioned.  I hadn't really thought of that one.

With all of the hats you are making, did you make one for yourself, too?  I know you will get all of the others done.  You have a great track record so far, lol!  What kind of style are they?  Like beret or beanie?

I'm with you about too many meds.  I used to panic if I had to take a Sudafed years ago.  And now I'm on a full page of meds.  It bothers me sometimes, but yet with everything I've been through thru the years I can understand why so many and why different ones.  There were such a variety of things that happened with me that they had to get everything in control.  There's been one or two dropped here and there, but there's so many that have been exchanged out for the same type or different strength.  Maybe one day more will be dropped...

Roddy and Veronica are back from grocery shopping - I'm in charge of stocking the pantry - they get it all out of order, lol.

Hope today was fun; I know they all liked your gifts!  Hope your test was aced!!!

Julie  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #992 on: December 20, 2011, 02:43:24 am »

Just a quick note.  We ran my son home last night.  It's snowing this morning.  I just hope it doesn't get bad before I get home from school.  I'm off at noon and have an appointment to get the oil changed in my car.  I really need to get to the grocery store for a few things and I need a few more *bleep* of yarn then I hope I can just hole up until we have to go back out on Christmas Eve for our first family gathering. 

The hats I'm making are varied styles but a lot of them are just basic hats.  I did make a beret for myself.  It's loose fitting and doesn't squash your hair and I feel a little French when I wear it.  Ohh la la. 

I'm so looking forward to this break. 

More later as I have an assignment to finish up before my 8 am class. 

See you about.


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #993 on: December 20, 2011, 12:28:35 pm »

Snow!  Sounds neat, but definitely understand about wanting to get home and hole up.  How much are you supposed to get?

Hope all went well at school.  Now you're off for a bit - that's great, because you need and deserve it

Does anyone ever ask you about making hats for them?  With everyone getting hats for Christmas, I can only imagine how many others would love to order one, at least for a price!

Doing a few things today in the house.  I had to fill out a form from SSDI about Veronica and her everyday activites, including what she can and can't do, and what she used to do and can't do now.  And I'm trying to finish up Christmas cards to a few people.  I usually do them earlier and I'm not doing very many this year. 

How did everyone at school like your homemade goodies?  I'm sure they loved them.

Talk to you later!

Julie  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #994 on: December 21, 2011, 02:19:23 am »

It snowed about an inch and then all melted off.  Today it's raining and I think supposed to be warmer again. 

Yes people ask me about making hats to sell.  They especially like the character hats with the ear lugs and the hats that are multi-colored and make their own stripes.  I probably will make some and take them in after the holidays to see if they will sell.  The hats I gave away were a hit.  I even had one girl get all excited about one of the tie dye looking yarns so I made her one during class yesterday and just gave it to her.  We didn't have anything to do in class for two hours so the teacher didn't mind.  It only took me an hour and a half to make. 

Today is present wrapping day.  Bob and I laid everything out on the bed in the guest room so we know who is getting what and I also have to wrap the things I got for him.  I still have a few hats to make so I can send them and a box of other things to my daughter in WV.  I will be mailing a couple to my gdaughter in Cali and I need to make a couple for my son's girl in Erie and also my other daughter and her boyfriends' two children.  I probably won't see her until around the New Year though.  I'm going to try to make a few cookies today or tomorrow too to add to the candies. 

When is your bell concert?  All ready?  Feeling better? 

I'm still working on the games.  I wish I wasn't so addicted to them as I'm spending way too much time out there. 





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Re: My new blog
« Reply #995 on: December 21, 2011, 07:27:12 pm »
Hi Kim,

Our Kids' Choir Christmas Program was tonight.  It went well - I'm very proud of these kids.  So many of them are bus kids, and come from rough family homes.  They've come so far.  Their bell song, "Silent Night" was pretty - it was the first time they played bells accompanied by cd music.  Their songs they sang turned out nice.  Afterwards, they each (about 45) received a present from the church.  They were so excited.

Whew, though, it did wear me out - I'm tired now, lol.  My restless leg syndrome is kicking rear tonight after being on my feet so long.  I took my meds for it am hope they will kick in quick.

When you make some hats for after the holidays, can you place me on your list of ones who want to buy?  I love the beret styles!  If it's not okay, though, please let me know!

Our pastor, his wife, his dad, and his mom all love coffee.  So I got them each a tall heavy-weight Christmas mug and filled them with a bunch of goodies like candy each one likes, Slim Jims, etc.  For our two sets of neighbors, Veronica and I are giving them hot cocoa with mugs and marshmallows, and a little gift card: Walmart for our neighbors who had the fire; Starbucks for the other.  Not exactly homemade, but it's something we know they like.

I did get stocking stuffers for my household today, too.  We just need to finish Christmas for Roddy's mom and his brother/wife, sister/hubby, and our nieces and 1 nephew.  We can't afford much, but we'll do what we can.

I don't care for this weather right now, lol.  We want it to be cold for Christmas, and it's doing like up your way - it's getting warmer towards the weekend instead of cooler.  That's just not right...

I love the games too much, too.  I think I got a little burned out though trying to keep up with them and then when I hit the latest asthma rough patch and the food poisoning, and this new med that doesn't like me much in the tummy, I just don't have the energy to do them like I was.  I will get back on it, though.  Now that this program is behind me, that will help, too.

Hope you are enjoying your official Christmas break now!  I'll talk to you tomorrow! 

Julie  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #996 on: December 22, 2011, 02:38:35 am »

I'm glad the concert turned out well and that it's finally over.  Now you too can get some rest. 

What color of a beret would you like to have?  Send me your address again.  You do not need to buy one.  I had hoped to get one mailed to you as a gift anyhow but would rather know what color you like so it doesn't sit in a drawer unused.  Tell me what color for Veronica too.  It will be after Christmas of course but there is plenty of winter left.  I made one beret hat that I really like.  It fits real loose but keeps your head warm without squashing your hair.  I'm thinking that might be your style too.  ???

It sounds like you're pretty well prepared for Christmas.  We got our gifts wrapped yesterday.  I baked three types of cake mix cookies, chocolate with chips and nuts, chocolate with m&m's and carrot cake with pecans.  I love these cookies!  We took all of the candies I had made along with the cookies and made up red and green plastic plates (that I bought at 90 percent off last Christmas for a total of 10 cents each) and covered them with Christmas plastic wrap. 

We are meeting with my girlfriend Nellie this morning for breakfast.  Her birthday is the 30th so we'll treat her to breakfast and I made her a black hat with sequins on it for Christmas. 

I gave Bob one of his Christmas presents last night. He will be leaving the day after Christmas and I knew that he would want to play with his toy, a remote control helicoptor, so I gave it to him early.  As figured he did have fun with it until he broke a small piece off.  He was on Ebay last night ordering replacement parts.   :sad1:

He loves anything with small engines so I figure this will turn into a hobby.  We got one for Jen's boyfriend Sean too so they can compare notes on Christmas day. 

I got my grandson one of those remote control, helium filled clown fish too.  We haven't mailed their package yet but I can imagine he and his dad will have a good time with the fish.  They have vaulted ceilings in their living room and a big long hallway to fly the fish so they should be able to sit on the couch and make it go a long way. 

Gonna run and play my games so I can get ready to meet Nellie this morning.  See ya around. 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #997 on: December 22, 2011, 08:37:40 pm »
Hi Kim,

I didn't get too much rest today!  I did some cleaning, cooked brunch, and made a couple of pitchers of tea.  I also filled the bird feeders.  Finally after all of that I got on the computer to do some things and try to get a head start since I've been getting on late every day.  I knew Roddy hasn't felt well for a few days, and then yesterday, I noticed he was wheezing some (he does that when he gets bronchitis), and he started coughing and getting hoarse.  It got bad this afternoon, and once he coughed so hard he did something to his lower back/side.  He was in severe pain.  Mr. "I never go to hospitals" said maybe it might be a good idea.  We spent this afternoon and evening in ER.  They did chest x-rays, gave him 2 nebulizer treatments, 2 shots in the rear (steroids; pain), antibiotics, and muscle relaxers.  They gave him 5 prescriptions: steroids, antibiotics, albuterol, hydrocodone cough medicine, and muscle relaxers.  I've got him all settled now, bless his heart. 

Really, Kim, you know I would pay you for the berets.  If you change your mind on that, let me know!!  Veronica really likes the red wine-color and said to tell you that what you are doing is so sweet and thank you.  I'm not really picky, but I do like forest green or maybe dark brown.  I thank you, too, very much.  When my computer went down this last time, I lost a lot of email contacts.  If you wouldn't mind sending me a test email, that way I'll get yours back.  Then I can send you my address.  Oh, and yes!  I love the style you are speaking of - I'm picky about my hair being squashed so that would be perfect. 

You were really busy yesterday.  The first 2 cookies I like, too.  I've not tried the carrot cake with pecans cookies.  I love carrot cake so I would probably like them.  My son Adam definitely would!  You've accomplished a lot over a period of time, along with school, and everything else.  You've done great!

That's nice what you're doing for Nellie for her birthday!  You spoil your friends and love doing it, don't you?  On the other hand, they've got to be great friends themselves.

Neat about giving Bob one of his presents.  You can't go wrong with those kinds of gifts for men!  I hope he found a replacement part and that it comes in quick.  The remote control helium filled clown fish sounds really fun.  I haven't seen one of those before.

Well, I'm going to finish my paid things now before heading to bed.  Talk to you later!

Julie  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #998 on: December 23, 2011, 02:39:54 am »

Sorry Roddy is feeling badly too.  You guys need a vacation on a sunny beach to bake away all of the aches and pains. 

Thanks for letting me know about the colors.  I want to get some special yarns though so it will have to wait until next week.  I'll send you my email address.  No I do not want paid and yes I love to give to my friends and family.  I didn't get a whole lot done yesterday.  Laundry, sweeping and some crochet but somehow allowed the day to just slip away. 

Bob and I have opened a majority of our presents.  One of mine was a tiny, light weight box.  Inside there was a puzzle.  When I put it together there was a picture of an orange mountain bike and a message saying "It's in the camper."  Yep he bought me a new mountain bike.  It's a nice one.  The last bike I had was from a yard sale and wasn't in the best shape.  We'll have to get him one this spring so he can go riding with me.  Father's day? 

We did meet with Nellie for breakfast and I gave her her hat and a large piece of coral I had and also a large star fish.  She is decorating her one bathroom in nautical and these are nice pieces I had laying around that I can no longer use.  Bob's house just isn't the type you can do much decorating of that nature. 

She gave me cookies, zucchini bread, homemade bath salts, a bottle of patchouli oil and some hand creams.  She has been in my life since we were 15 years old so we go back a long way. 

I gave Bob his luggage, so he can pack for his next trip, and several pairs of cargo pants so I could make sure they fit before he case they need returned.  I don't have much more to give him other than the normal socks, underwear and tshirts.  The only remaining fun thing is a tshirt which shows the evolution process but the guy turns into a gokarter.   

Oh yeah he also got me a lava lamp and a sand glass.  I love my lava lamp for a night light in the bedroom and my bulb had blown out on mine.  I'll get a new bulb and have two.  I had recently started a small hour/sand glass collection so he added to it.  I only have three but they are all unique.  He got this one at Pier1. 

Going shopping for groceries today and need to finish up a couple of things in preparation for the get together on Christmas Eve at Jess's.  I have to get settled and catch up on some homework.  This time is going way too fast. 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #999 on: December 23, 2011, 07:41:31 pm »
Hi Kim,

I really enjoyed reading your message today.  So many neat things in it.  That's neat how far back you and Nellie go - those are our special friends, for sure.  I do have a friend, also a Julie, with whom I've been friends with since 2nd grade.  We were always know as Julie M. and Julie N. in our classes, so we'd know who the teacher was speaking to.  We live in different states, but keep up by phone and email.  She's hopefully coming down next fall.

Nellie gave you some really nice things.  I love the patchouli myself.  I love what Bob did with the puzzle and giving you the bike.  That's is such a neat way to do that!  I love lava lamps, too.  They also give such a warm, cozy, and soft feel to a darkened room.  I've never thought about collecting hour glasses and sounds like a unique idea - they are neat, not seen often, and different.  Veronica and I collected a few sand glasses when she was younger because she saw one and loved it.  So we worked on those for awhile, and even made a couple.  All of your gifts for Bob really fit for what he does.  The t-shirt sounds funny!

Roddy's feeling pretty rough, but you know how men are.  He's enjoying the nursing and pampering.  He's got a horrible-sounding cough.  I've made him do the nebulizer every 4 hours, lol, and tease him for smoking that "peace pipe" since he likes to tease me about it.  Haha!  The way he is, though, I know he won't be well enough for us to go out of town to his mom's for Christmas with all of the family.  Veronica and Adam will go.  Then when he's better, we'll go and spend some time with them.

I had an insomnia night last night.  I literally did not go to sleep until 7:00 this morning.  I had even taken a sleep med and for some reason it just wouldn't kick in.  Maybe with all going on, or I was wondering if one of my new meds is doing it.  Oh well, maybe tonight, lol! 

Veronica baked a Dutch apple pie today.  It smelled so good in here and was delicious.  A friend made cakes and brought us 2 - red velvet and a turtledove cake.  I've never heard of the 2nd one, but it's really good.  It's like off-white colored icing (with teeny nuts), off-white cake (looks like banana bread), with bananas, pineapples, and cherries mixed in.

I agree - time is going too fast!  I hope you have a great time at Jess's.  I want to wish you and Bob and your family a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful family time together!  Later, my friend!

Julie   :cat:


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1000 on: December 24, 2011, 03:05:55 am »
Good Christmas Eve morning Julie, 

We ended up opening all of our gifts last night.  We're both big kids and it's hard to wait.  He has been playing with his new rc helicoptor and broke it so he ended up buying replacement parts on ebay already.  They'll be shipping from China.  It irritates me that so many of the things we purchase end up coming from other countries.  I try to be careful about buying USA made but unfortunately we are lacking when it comes to the production of electronics. 

Bob got me a really nice black coat, a green sweater, and a pair of silver earrings.  He is pretty good about selecting things I'll like and buying thoughtful presents.  I got him three pairs of cargo pants that he really needed, long undies, regular undies and some black socks too.  I have to wash everything up today so he can pack for Florida. 

We were supposed to go to my son's tomorrow and eat dinner but he and his fiance are arguing and he called to say not to bother to come.  It's a long story but they are both subject to temper tantrums and anti-social behavior.  That being said there was a change in plans of where we would eat our Christmas dinner so Bob said rather than do last minute meal shopping we would either just eat leftovers from Jess's dinner tonight or we'll go eat Chinese.  Chinese will be one of the only restaraunts open and hopefully we can have anything but a duck with its head still attached (reference to the movie A Christmas story).  Hee hee. 

Sorry Roddy is feeling badly.  I hope that by today he is feeling better so that his Christmas isn't compromised.  As with all holidays it is the spirit and not the exact day attached to a calendar that is the true essence.  This world has become far too commercialized anyhow and I'm all about doing the unexpected and trying to remember to be good to others all the time and not just a few times a year when a calendar is marked for a special occasion. 

Veronica's pie sounds yummy.  I love the smell of fresh baked foods. 

I hope you get a good sleep but don't manage to turn your schedule upside down.  I hate it when insomnia sets in.  I had it one night last week and was up at 2 in the morning.  I did manage to stay away until 9 the next night so got myself back on schedule. 

Did your other friend meet up with Randall for their meal yet? Have you heard from him at all?

I had a bit of sadness set in last night while I was marking the calendar for the upcoming year.  I always take the old calendar and leaf through it to pull the family birthdates and other events that I want to carry forward.  Doing that was eye opening to what all has transpired this year...starting school in February, finding out the major thing about Bob in the same month, starting counseling, etc.   I went to bed with a heavy heart and had a bit of a cry before I went to sleep.  I told him I wish he had never lied to me and had left me alone where I was living in my own apartment in that little town that I loved.  Things would have been a lot different for me had I never made the decision to move down here.  Maybe better, maybe worse...who knows.  I have to believe though that everything happens for a reason and that there is a lesson in this for me or I would lose all hope in this world. 

I have my first appointment with what will become a joint counselor.  I have to meet with her first for an hour before Bob and I go in together.  The appointment is set for January 19th.  It will be hard to find a mutual time for us to meet as a couple since he will be gone three weeks of every month from January to March. 

I still sway back and forth and run hot and cold in my feelings.  This is very hard.  There still isn't a day that I don't think about it and my stomach churns.  I know if money was different I probably wouldn't have stayed here and that's not a good reason to keep it together.  I do care about him a whole lot, love him, but I still would have preferred to be separate to see if my feelings were strong enough to overcome this situation from a distance. 

Enough blabbering.

I wish you and yours a great Christmas too.  I'm thankful for the relationship you and I have forged and can't believe how much a part of each day you have become even though we've never met.  Thanks for being there for me through what has been a very difficult year. 


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1001 on: December 24, 2011, 03:08:59 am »
All I can say is that things are hard right now with the current economy. I myself have been out of work, but do have medical issues. So, I am trying to deal with things myself.


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1002 on: December 24, 2011, 06:14:37 am »

Yes things are difficult for many people right now.  Being my age I've gone through a few financial hard times and have also seen better.  I hope your medical problems don't keep you down.  It's hard to keep your happy levels when you aren't feeling well but it's important to try to keep a positive outlook.  I try.  Fail at times too but keep plugging. 

Happy holidays to you!



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1003 on: December 24, 2011, 06:54:06 pm »
All I can say is that things are hard right now with the current economy. I myself have been out of work, but do have medical issues. So, I am trying to deal with things myself.

I agree totally about the current economy.  I've been out of work since May and also have some medical issues and a pile of medical bills.  I hope things improve for you health-wise and financially.  Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

Julie  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1004 on: December 24, 2011, 07:35:19 pm »

Happy Christmas Eve to you!  We're like big kids around here, too, lol.  You got some really nice things - yep, he does have a good knack of choosing things for you.  The silver earrings sound lovely. 

 I did the Christmas stockings this afternoon.  It wasn't a few minutes later Roddy started talking about the stockings.  He was asking the pets if they wanted us to pass them out yet, lol.  Then Adam came in and asked his dad if we were doing the stockings instead of tomorrow.  A few minutes later, Veronica came in the room and asked us if the stockings were ready.  I got the "hint" and okay pass them out.  Well, afterwards, they were talking about opening the presents now.  We always do a couple the night before and the rest, with the stockings on Christmas morning.  All 3 kept acting giddy and trying to hide grins.  So I gave in.  It wasn't long until I found out what was going on.  They had all put in together and gotten me a Kindle Fire, including the cover, and a $25 gift card to Amazon.  Adam had already added 4 games on there and set up my email, FB, and some others.  All I had to do was browse and enjoy.  That was really neat - I totally didn't expect it!  I really like it a lot.

Unfortunately, Roddy isn't well enough to go to his mom's tomorrow.  Veronica and Adam are still going, though.  I'm staying with him just in case.  He actually seemed a little worse today, so I don't want to leave him.  We'll go back down when he's better.  Like you said though, it's the spirit of the day.

I'm sorry about your son and his girl friend.  Maybe they'll be over it tomorrow and at least maybe they'll enjoy the day, in spite of themselves.  I laughed when you described the duck with the head attached, ha ha - that is a good movie.  I hope you and Bob enjoy your time together since he's leaving so quick.  I'll be thinking of you since it'll just be Roddy and I, too.

I've heard nothing from Randal.  All of the family have gifts for the girls and are frustrated with this situation.  My in-laws have been very supportive of us, and have really been trying to keep up with me to make sure I'm doing okay.  One of my in-laws told me the other day she's ready to go to Bon's mom's house and ask her to have Randal bring the girls over.  But she's just venting - she won't actually do it.  I haven't seen anything on our friends' walls about them going to eat with them yet.  But I'm sure they'll call and let us know afterwards.

Yes, you have definitely had a tough year, with a lot of ups and downs.  The thing is, several different areas of your life were affected at one time.  I'm really proud of you and how you have persevered through everything.  You've done very well in school, helped to tolerate having Jess and her issues with you in your home, helped take care of Amya, went through that with Bob, just to mention a few.  You have maintained a positive outlook even through the down times.  I hope the joint counseling will be helpful to both of you, and that it will help him move on away from that other and onward with you both.

You have also been a great friend and encourage to me as well.  It wouldn't be the same at all in here without talking to you daily.  We are definitely going to have to try and meet one day in the near future!  I'm very thankful for our friendship.  :)

Oh, and you can blabber as much as you want, lol.  You know I've done that to you many times!

You and Bob have a wonderful Christmas tomorrow!

Julie  :)

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