This is not something completely new. I have been hearing the last few years that we are in danger of being forced to accept Sharia Law. How weak and submissive do the people who make such ridiculous statements think the American people are? 'We the People' will never accept Sharia Law, do they think we're all nuts? Or maybe they think Americans scare so easily that they can whip us all into submission by running their mouths long enough to make us tired enough to just give in?
I don't and cannot know for sure, but I suspect the second is more accurate. We have a nation that makes me absolutely furious in that it's citizens do NOT exercise their right to vote! The silent ones in many ways are the ones responsible for things that are ludicrous becoming law and then they are the first to complain. How many voting people do you know who would accept Sharia Law? I don't know any and that includes the Muslims I know and work with, have for years. How many of our leaders have shown any interest in adopting Sharia Law? Again, I haven't seen a single such proposal. The only thing that is actually true occured in Oklahoma during the recent November 2nd election/vote. And what exactly does it even say?
Ballot Question 755 in Oklahoma: a proposed state constitutional amendment banning the consideration of Sharia and the law of other nations or cultures generally, in court decisions. This was the only proposal I am aware of that even mentions the law. In effect, nobody has really proposed it anywhere as becoming a law, so I have to ask myself how real is the threat? Think about it and leave the fearmongering out of it.
Great Britain, on the other hand, is now fostering 2 sets of laws and governing within it's own nation. Why? Because they became so fiscally irresponsible that the only way they could get any monies back into the country was by accepting Sharia backed funding. So now there is the laws of Parliament to meet out decisions and also Sharia Courts and Laws being applied to their Muslim citizens. One thing that is vital to remember is that Great Britain has over 4 times the number of Muslims we do and their overall population is much less than ours. In effect, this makes it appear as though G.B. is slowly and steadily being taken over
by their own doing. They backed themselves into a corner and are now wondering what the heck happened. They have NO 'separation of church and state' there. They have instead a National Church and it is invasive in all matters including laws and governing. Do you see that happening here in the U.S.?
Falconer wrote:
But I'd like to see biblical ideas out of politics first since I see it still spreading around massively. Considering the christians have the upper hand and that sharia law is pretty wacky for any rational person, you quell the major one first to show the more extreme one that they don't have a chance. One fight at a time here.
I have to agree with that 100%. If we allow the erosion of one, we open the door for another to come in,
but only if and when we allow it.