My answers as to why you're so far out of the loop will be in a different color.
1. We can't seem to separate State & Church.
We have a very seperated church and state. The laws that affect churches are much more stringent due to tax standing 501(c)3 status than any other nonprofit organization
2. We have 2 parties instead of one Country.
This is a good thing, I don't agree with a damn thing that you say, why in the hell should I not be allowed to vote differently, what you're petitioning for is a communisitic state that we can view in history has not worked at all
3. We judge our candidates using criteria in the area of; morals, religion, gender style, life style, instead of judging them in the ability to do the job.
Some of us actually have morals and a faith, it's what makes the US so great, the fact that we can have these differences. Some of us out there vote pro-life regardless of R or D what you're saying here is we should move towards an Orellian 1984 type culture?
4. We, try to Westernize other foreign countries instead Learning their culture & thus having a more positive attitude or work relationship.
I actually agree with you on this one actually to a point. I don't like the fact how we using our military forces westernization upon other countries, however; your flaw is where you say positive attitude and work relationship. We don't need other countries to work, we don't need other countries to produce yet with higher taxes it's easier for countries to move over seas. Mega companies move overseas they impose their culture on locals. It's what happens regardless of intent.
5. Priorities are not focused & some less important issues are covered too much. eg. gays in the military, cliniton's fling
To some people, this is a big deal. And who the hell are you to determine what people think are less or more important?
6. Billions of dollars on elections.
Sort of agree here, but well, why does it matter? What pisses me off is how people run on platforms but as soon as in office those same special interest groups that donated want votes to go in their way or legislation brought up to benefit them. Hello there labor unions, I'm looking at you SEIU, AFL-CIO, the list goes on and on.
7. Little or no up dating education for those who have skills that are no longer useful.
How is this the governments fault? Educate yourself, don't rely on the nanny state to provide for you. Use your own skills to succeed, if they're not then get this, learn new skills.
8. Government fixing what is wrong here in our country b4 going out to help other countries.
Agree, we need to leave the UN and quit worrying about what the UN wants. This will not happen with a Democrat in office, especially one completely backed by George Soros. Let me guess, you don't know who he is or if you do, how him and the UN are so in the pockets of this Administration he currently is
9. Nobody, is found accountable for wrong doing even when caught in the act.
In what regards? The judicial system works.
10. Closet billionaires turning the tied due their donations.
Yes, look at the SEIU, AFL-CIO, George Soros, Think Progress,, Huffington Post all of them were billion dollar donors to the DNC and Obama's election. Nothing to see here and is status-quo.
11.Instead of taxing the people according their income status, they want tax breaks & right now we're still under the bush tax break policies.
Do you even know what IRS code is on taxes? Do you have any idea how much the top 10% pays in income tax? Have you done any outside research AT ALL using easy to find information from the IRS as to how tax works? Have you studied any tax law? The top 1% of income earners pay 35% of ALL taxes in the US. The bottom % pays between 2% and 0% based on current tax law. Have you looked into any of this on your own? Or is this strictly to what MSNBS has told you? You could easily look this info up on Unlike this stimulus and QE2 and TARP, tax cuts actually help cure a recssion, but they only work if you CUT SPENDING. I'm a fan of these cuts and I hope they continue obviously though that would mean welfare queens wouldn't get their money.
12. Wasting monies on profiling illegal immigrants. There are some people who look white but are full blooded Mexican, & there are some people that are full blooded American but look Mexican. Who do you think that immigration cops going to target. In a couple of years w/inner marriages or inner coupling you won't know who is who.
Immigration laws exist for a reason. Stopping people for a terry stop is not illegal if you have probable cause. Producing a valid drivers licences is not illegal if you've been stopped. Getting arrested for being in this country ILLEGALLY is not profiling.