You know what there isn't any government that knows how to properly spend money period. Further more money is wasted on stupid over priced crap and inflated salaries. It really has nothing to do with spending money on decent helpful programs. The government runs on our money and should serve us. As it is they do not serve us so our money is wasted to line their pockets. Personally I would rather have them actually for once do something that benefits all Americans on a daily basis. Not to mention if health care is paid for through a flat tax that means even illegals will be paying for it. That sounds good to me. Instead of hospitals closing from the strain of dealing with all of the mexicans having entirely too many babies have them pay for OUR health care every single time they buy something. If everyone has to prove they are American in order to have health care then that leaves them out yet makes them pay. And I am all for making them pay.
great point.
jaz and cuppycake(?), i liked huckabee as well.... mainly for his tax proposals.
he took georgia for the repubs.
and while i'm not too crazy about mccain... i dont really know too much about him. its more just a personal uneasiness..... but considering the choices....
the lines of politics have really blurred to the point that its hard to get a good read on alot of these folks.
this month.... "oh. i against this....." ....NEXT month..... "after reconsidering, i now am in favor of this.."
no, youre trying to get votes.
in the end..... i agree with george carlin.... the comedian.... who said.... "the chairs may change around, but the people who run the country will always run the country."
what concerns me is just how much "we the people" will get pissed on.