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Topic: american politics  (Read 11305 times)


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american politics
« on: March 04, 2008, 12:42:14 am »
i'm sitting here watching cbs news and i'm just ..... bewildered.

with the economy so assed up, how can anyone THINK about putting a democrat in the white house?

this just blows my mind.

LOOK people..... BUSINESS drives the economy... sure there are several factors involved in determining economic health.... but the BOTTOMLINE.... IS THE BOTTOMLINE.

so, while the price of gas continues to go up.... as prices on everything GOES UP...... and wages are not... just who do yall think will pay for these "feel good", socialist-based, programs the democrats are famous for?

perhaps yall share NBCs news view..... when hillarys over $100 billion health care program was talked about a couple months ago.... they said "the program will cost the GOVERNMENT....."

the government? ... so, our elected representatives are going to dig into their pockets to pay for it?



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Re: american politics
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2008, 01:04:44 am »
not sure where you live but wages have gone up.... in pa anyways . min wage is 7.15 in july it goes up again to 7.50 i believe it is, then next july it is going up again.


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Re: american politics
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2008, 01:36:47 am »
not sure where you live but wages have gone up.... in pa anyways . min wage is 7.15 in july it goes up again to 7.50 i believe it is, then next july it is going up again.

minimum wage?

and that helps the majority of working amercians ..... that doesnt make minimum wage..... how?


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Re: american politics
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2008, 02:47:07 am »
not sure where you live but wages have gone up.... in pa anyways . min wage is 7.15 in july it goes up again to 7.50 i believe it is, then next july it is going up again.

Minimum Wage for PA will not go up again till July 2009 and it's going up to $7.25.

Minimum Wage for all states can be found here:


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Re: american politics
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2008, 02:56:52 am »
why are yall talking about the minimum wage?!?!... thats NOT what people talk about with "wages" going up or down... OR STAYING THE SAME.



according to the epi..... based on govern stats....

Inflation, conversely, driven up by higher energy prices, is growing about twice as fast as was the case one year ago.

This combination has led to the dramatic shift in the buying power of workers' paychecks. A year ago, real hourly and weekly earnings grew on a yearly basis by over 2%; this January (2008), they are both down by about 1%. Note also that over the past two months, due to the decline in average weekly hours—a function of the weakening job market—real weekly earnings are falling more quickly than hourly earnings.

These trends have important implications. First, falling real wages will likely lead to diminished consumption, reinforcing slower macroeconomic growth. Second, the reality of squeezed paychecks for most workers helps to explain the primacy of economic concerns among voters in the presidential primaries.


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Re: american politics
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2008, 03:25:26 am »
why are yall talking about the minimum wage?!?!... thats NOT what people talk about with "wages" going up or down... OR STAYING THE SAME.



according to the epi..... based on govern stats....

Inflation, conversely, driven up by higher energy prices, is growing about twice as fast as was the case one year ago.

This combination has led to the dramatic shift in the buying power of workers' paychecks. A year ago, real hourly and weekly earnings grew on a yearly basis by over 2%; this January (2008), they are both down by about 1%. Note also that over the past two months, due to the decline in average weekly hours—a function of the weakening job market—real weekly earnings are falling more quickly than hourly earnings.

These trends have important implications. First, falling real wages will likely lead to diminished consumption, reinforcing slower macroeconomic growth. Second, the reality of squeezed paychecks for most workers helps to explain the primacy of economic concerns among voters in the presidential primaries.

I was actually responding to joclt about the wages in her State as she was talking about minimum wage.

So it had absolutely nothing to do with your thread (my response anyway).


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Re: american politics
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2008, 06:00:58 am »
why are yall talking about the minimum wage?!?!... thats NOT what people talk about with "wages" going up or down... OR STAYING THE SAME.



according to the epi..... based on govern stats....

Inflation, conversely, driven up by higher energy prices, is growing about twice as fast as was the case one year ago.

This combination has led to the dramatic shift in the buying power of workers' paychecks. A year ago, real hourly and weekly earnings grew on a yearly basis by over 2%; this January (2008), they are both down by about 1%. Note also that over the past two months, due to the decline in average weekly hours—a function of the weakening job market—real weekly earnings are falling more quickly than hourly earnings.

These trends have important implications. First, falling real wages will likely lead to diminished consumption, reinforcing slower macroeconomic growth. Second, the reality of squeezed paychecks for most workers helps to explain the primacy of economic concerns among voters in the presidential primaries.

I was actually responding to joclt about the wages in her State as she was talking about minimum wage.

So it had absolutely nothing to do with your thread (my response anyway).

ok, sorry.

i'm getting a headache anyway.... thinking about all this mess.



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Re: american politics
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2008, 06:16:33 am »
Wages are wages. The government is finally taking care of the poor who can do nothing but get a minimum wage job, everything is going up and finally they can make more than the 5.15 they used to make.
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Re: american politics
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2008, 07:00:22 am »
Jlb, i have to agree with you,

Wages are wages. The government is finally taking care of the poor who can do nothing but get a minimum wage job, everything is going up and finally they can make more than the 5.15 they used to make.

 most employers cant afford to pay a decent wage because they are not making enough money, because of the economy here, just something to think about

John Smith started the day early having set his
alarm clock (MADE IN  JAPAN ) for 6 a.m.

While his coffeepot
  was perking, he shaved with his
Electric razor   
He put on a
Dress shirt
Designer jeans
Tennis shoes
 After cooking his breakfast in his new
Electric skillet
He sat down with his
To see how much he could spend today. After setting his
To the radio
He got in his car
Filled it with GAS
 (from  Saudi Arabia )
And continued his search
for a good paying AMERICAN JOB.
At the end
of yet another discouraging
 and fruitless day
Checking his
   (Made In  Malaysia ),
for responses from any employers
Joe decided to relax for a while.
 He put on his sandals
Poured himself a glass of
And turned on his
And then wondered
Why he can't find
A good paying job


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Re: american politics
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2008, 07:12:02 am »
I cant believe anyone would vote republican after the last election...i was shocked the man was in office again..thousands have died fighting a war in a country where the people dont even want them there.. to bomb the hell out of a country just to turn around an rebuild it with money that coulda been used to fund healthcare, schools..etc..

I would literally rather see a baboon in office then another certain communities enlistment has dropped down by 50%...nobody wants to be injured  fighting in a war then come home to $3 gas...not alot of  people are buying that .."if you die for your country you did so with honor" crap anymore..hell soldiers are shooting themselves just so they wont have to go back..

Big business/lobbyist pimped the hell out of the expense of America...there was a time a woman or a man of color did not have a chance in hell of being president...i think the America is finally thinkin..."the definition of insanity is doing the same shyt ova an ova and expecting different results"....I have never felt so unsafe in my own damn country..i feel my voice has been shouted down by the wealthy, an interest groups...USA bombs countries then tells the folks whose homes have been leveled, families come on over an resettle here..then wonder how 'terrorist' get the chance to cause chaos on american soil..

the quote below is one i tend to agree with:

"It''s becoming more and more apparent that this is not Hillary''s run for the presidency. It''s Bill''s.

As much as I appreciate the many good things Bill Clinton did and the few I abhor, I urge him to cease and desist,

America does not need another dynasty ala Bush. We need fresh insight into America''s problems and the role America should play in the world.

The Clintons don''t seem to get it. "Why?" they ask themselves, "Why is Obama winning so much. ?"

I don''t have answers for anyone but myself, but I can pretty well guess for the rest. The reason Obama is so popular is that the vast majority of Democrats, many independents and a few Republicans (True Republicans, that is) is that we are all sick unto the very depths of our souls of the partisan, bitter, unscrupulous, mean spirited, counterproductive, scorched earth warfare of the past two Emperor Bush terms.
We have had enough.

We want our country to be respected again.

We want our country to be looked up to and trusted again.

We want to live in peace and not try to exploit the rest of the world for oil, for power, for wealth, for military dominance.

Been there, done that. And it sucks".

It''s time for a change.
Posted by ObservantX at 07:55 PM : Feb 19, 2008

these are just my own personal views..
« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 09:02:15 am by LendaL »
"Remember some people are alive simply because it is illegal to shoot them"


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Re: american politics
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2008, 07:46:20 am »
Wages are wages. The government is finally taking care of the poor who can do nothing but get a minimum wage job, everything is going up and finally they can make more than the 5.15 they used to make.

the government TAXPAYERS have always taken care of the poor.... well, since FDR...... THATS part of the problem....

but thats NOT what i'm talking about in this thread.... neither the "poor" nor the "working poor".

meadowsmay1130 has a good, STRONG point with her comment.... and i couldnt agree more.... building up the world while tearing your own house down isnt helping a damn thing.

i'm too tired right now to go deeper (been working all night)

but, i'll be back later tonight.

*** just as i started to post i saw LendaL's post.... and just want to say.... i'm NOT  bush fan either... as a matter of fact, he just about turned me from repubs.... BUT, before i'd vote for socialism, i'd rather move out of the country.

NOT that i am saying i would if a socialist won.... but i already pay enough in taxes.

maybe you dont.

lastly.... cause i'm really beat.... BUT i was cracking the hell up when some super-rich hollywood types show their support for their democrat.... perhaps if taxes effect them as they do us, theyd have a different view...

brad pitt to his wife ~ "hunny, after doing our taxes, we'll only make $50 million this year."

its a hard life, i guess.



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Re: american politics
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2008, 09:59:06 am »
I cant believe anyone would vote republican after the last election...i was shocked the man was in office again..thousands have died fighting a war in a country where the people dont even want them there.. to bomb the hell out of a country just to turn around an rebuild it with money that coulda been used to fund healthcare, schools..etc..

I would literally rather see a baboon in office then another certain communities enlistment has dropped down by 50%...nobody wants to be injured  fighting in a war then come home to $3 gas...not alot of  people are buying that .."if you die for your country you did so with honor" crap anymore..hell soldiers are shooting themselves just so they wont have to go back..

Big business/lobbyist pimped the hell out of the expense of America...there was a time a woman or a man of color did not have a chance in hell of being president...i think the America is finally thinkin..."the definition of insanity is doing the same shyt ova an ova and expecting different results"....I have never felt so unsafe in my own damn country..i feel my voice has been shouted down by the wealthy, an interest groups...USA bombs countries then tells the folks whose homes have been leveled, families come on over an resettle here..then wonder how 'terrorist' get the chance to cause chaos on american soil..

the quote below is one i tend to agree with:

"It''s becoming more and more apparent that this is not Hillary''s run for the presidency. It''s Bill''s.

As much as I appreciate the many good things Bill Clinton did and the few I abhor, I urge him to cease and desist,

America does not need another dynasty ala Bush. We need fresh insight into America''s problems and the role America should play in the world.

The Clintons don''t seem to get it. "Why?" they ask themselves, "Why is Obama winning so much. ?"

I don''t have answers for anyone but myself, but I can pretty well guess for the rest. The reason Obama is so popular is that the vast majority of Democrats, many independents and a few Republicans (True Republicans, that is) is that we are all sick unto the very depths of our souls of the partisan, bitter, unscrupulous, mean spirited, counterproductive, scorched earth warfare of the past two Emperor Bush terms.
We have had enough.

We want our country to be respected again.

We want our country to be looked up to and trusted again.

We want to live in peace and not try to exploit the rest of the world for oil, for power, for wealth, for military dominance.

Been there, done that. And it sucks".

It''s time for a change.
Posted by ObservantX at 07:55 PM : Feb 19, 2008

these are just my own personal views..

AMEN! i don't think it could of been said better!


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Re: american politics
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2008, 12:30:23 pm »
TBH Our country is not something to be looked up to. It hasn't been for years. Back in the days of Ben Franklin it was but not now. Our government cares more about other countries then about Americans. If our country is so freaking great then why do we not have the health coverage that countries like Canada, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom have ?


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Re: american politics
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2008, 05:08:52 pm »
TBH Our country is not something to be looked up to. It hasn't been for years. Back in the days of Ben Franklin it was but not now. Our government cares more about other countries then about Americans. If our country is so freaking great then why do we not have the health coverage that countries like Canada, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom have ?

there are two BIG problems with your point....

1) how are the above countries doing in the REST of their individual economy's?
2) just because every other country in the world does something.... doent mean we should do it as well.


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Re: american politics
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2008, 11:00:06 pm »
this isnt polotics but jlb this is for you, i thought you might like it

Which Gender is Intelligent ?


A Proof of which Gender is Intelligent An English professor wrote the words:

" A woman without her man is nothing"

on the chalkboard and asked his students to punctuate it correctly..

All of the males in the class wrote : "A woman, without her man, is nothing."

All the females in the class wrote : "A woman: without her, man is nothing."

Punctuation is powerful!!

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