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Topic: WTH happened in here?  (Read 51529 times)


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #240 on: November 05, 2010, 08:53:25 am »
Anytime someone resorts to name calling or cursing, they have nothing intelligent to contribute.

Aw, did I hurt your feelings by using a naughty word?  Sorry, but I live in the real world where people are not afraid to use certain words for emphasis on occasion.  You should put on your big girl panties rather than being self-righteous and skirting the issue, because there is nothing wrong with it.  You have proved by your posts that a person can be perfectly vile without using an expletive.

Quote from: marieelissa
I like Richard Dawkins...I don't hear him calling people names or any of the stuff atheists on this forum do..something to take into consideration.

You obviously haven't seen/read much of his stuff then.  I can remember specifically when talking to a group of people at a lecture, he referred to those who deny evolution as unintelligent.  Instead of being so afraid of being called an ill name, why don't you analyze the accusation and see if the person is right.

No feeling hurt, just pointing out that cussing and name calling went out with grade school.  Now I'm vile?  Wow, it just gets better and better with you....... lol


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #241 on: November 05, 2010, 09:00:29 am »
You know have made many implications in your statements to me and others about my intelligence or lack of it. So, I'm just going to ask you straight out. Do you think I am unintelligent?

No, I don't think you're unintelligent, hon.  I'm sorry if that offended you; I considered putting "no offense, Sherna" but didn't.  You just have to understand that I think your sources contain a lot of brainwashing and many would not pass real-world, unbiased scrutiny.  Also the fact that the god debate can be wholly handled from a logical perspective; it makes me sad that people pass right over the common sense aspect and assume that if someone says god can be proven scientifically, that's good enough for them.  :(

My beef is entirely with Annella.  She only treats Christians who agree with her with respect, everyone else be damned.
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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #242 on: November 05, 2010, 09:05:15 am »
All I was saying is that there are MANY threads where you, qon, and Walksalone have had conversations where we did not agree.  All of those threads have led up to this one.  This thread is not unique by a long shot as there are numerous threads with the same content of downgrading, cussing, calling names, goading, etc.  Get your facts straight because I never called anyone a swine.  Go back and read the thread.  

People can still read both of our posts and get a good idea what's been going on from the beginning.  However, you really stepped it up after I came back from the Philippines.  Unless you've gone back and deleted some of your posts?  I've actually saved, and printed off every one of such threads.

Get your facts straight because I never called anyone a swine.
Just who are you telling to get their facts straight? Me?! The remark about the swine (*below) was made by Walks, so do NOT tell me to get my facts straight, I was posting a direct quote. I don't need to go back and read the thread - I am the one who remembered it right off the bat without even thinking about it. Like I said, I have around 4 posts in it because I wanted nothing to do with what it turned into. You however are throughout the entire thread, so don't blame me for it and what it led to.

*Walks:« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2010, 08:54:52 pm » Message ID: 253826 Quote  
Alright now!!! Y'all watch calling each other swine an such in here.....JC might put you in time out!
Unless you've gone back and deleted some of your posts?

Seriously? You have a lot of nerve Annella to even remotely suggest that. I have never deleted a post on here and never will. You think I am not going to stand behind what I write? You have them all printed, so go and check off each one on your list against my post history if you are that obsessed with this.

I'll repeat myself one more time. Sheryl asked about a specific thread leading to this one. There may be a million other ones, but THIS one was the answer to THAT question.

You might want to rethink who is going to look the fool when comparing our posts against each other. Seems to me you are the one who has done the majority of stirring things up with everyone, not just me. You seem to have a huge amount of paranoia and feelings of being persecuted around here. You might want to take a serious look at where that is coming from because if you are strong enough in your beliefs, you really should NOT be bothering with the petty nitpicking and making implications that hold no water. It seems every post has some underlying meaning to you.  You see an 'anti-christian' message in just about all of them and that's a problem.

I'll repeat MYSELF one more time so pay attention.  All I was saying is that there are more threads than this one, or the one you are referring to, that you and I have butt heads.  In fact, we don't agree on anything.....and never have. You have made it real plain that you don't believe in God or the Bible.  Since my life is centered around God and the Bible, we will NEVER agree.

Oh, you think I'll look the fool?  Well, I challenge anyone who wants to go back, and read our posts, and then put them together, make up their own mind, and who is stirring up what.  Obsession (as you put it) has nothing to do with it.  Truth is truth, and no implications of any kind have been made by me at all.  This is your same "oh I'm so innocent, and your misunderstanding what was written, blah blah blah".

I'll answer any post I want to if I deem it necessary.  No insults thrown out about my posting as petty or whatever is going to stop me.  Frankly, your the last person I need to provide any explanation to about how and what I post. I don't really give a rip if you like it or not.

I never said that there were NOT more threads because they are a LOT of them.
Why no answer as to you telling ME to get MY facts straight when you are the one who seems unable to?
Why no acknowleding of your implying I might have deleted posts?
Why can't you answer to these things, especially when you seem to jump in and answer direct questions I pose to others and not to you on a regular basis? Do you do this when you are in a room full of people - answer even when YOU were not asked the question or your views on something?
Sheryl writes a post you don't like and you jump her? She went outside the party lines and you don't like it? You also didn't like the 2 people who cut me some slack, tried to tell you they didn't see what you see, and were encouraging to me either did you? I was more than willing to leave things alone as far as you and I go until I saw that YOU were never going to alllow that to happen.
Do you actually read your words before you post them because I see an awful lot of editing going on long after your initial posts are put up here. I ask becuase you trying to play innocent in all this is absolutely ridiculous and based on fantasy. That is what Sheryl was trying to get across and you did not like that one iota - why? Again, she crossed the 'party line' and voiced what she feels (which she has every right to do) and you didn't like that, did you? Is there NO view but your's on here that is acceptable?

I addressed Sheryl on some accusations that she lobbed at Christians that were actually what you unbelievers do. She had her facts completely wrong and I addressed it.

As far as deleting posts, I think some of our conversations were on Marieelissa's threads that she deleted.  As far as I can tell from my printouts.  Either that or they are hid somewhere and I can't find them.  I found enough though.

If I edit my posts, it's for punctuation or vocabulary.  However, what's wrong with editing, the option is there for anyone to use it.

Don't try and turn this around and say I play the innocent.  I stand behind everything I post.

You were more than willing to let things go?  What things?  Lets face it, we are opposites and that's it. Never will change.  
« Last Edit: November 05, 2010, 09:09:04 am by Annella »


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #243 on: November 05, 2010, 09:09:04 am »
You know have made many implications in your statements to me and others about my intelligence or lack of it. So, I'm just going to ask you straight out. Do you think I am unintelligent?

No, I don't think you're unintelligent, hon.  I'm sorry if that offended you; I considered putting "no offense, Sherna" but didn't.  You just have to understand that I think your sources contain a lot of brainwashing and many would not pass real-world, unbiased scrutiny.  Also the fact that the god debate can be wholly handled from a logical perspective; it makes me sad that people pass right over the common sense aspect and assume that if someone says god can be proven scientifically, that's good enough for them.  :(

My beef is entirely with Annella.  She only treats Christians who agree with her with respect, everyone else be damned.

Okay, well I appreciate that you don't think I'm a walking dunce cap. So give me some credit at least because I have looked at your sources. I have taken the time to read the material on godisimaginary (I really don't think many on here who are Christian ever really did that) I watched your videos you linked to, I have looked up my own sources for the opposing sides. I have bought and read Richard Dawkins books and others. So I didn't just stumble across a website and think "Oh, well this sounds good enough for me."

I did research and I find the other side wanting. Just like in a courtroom trial, both sides presented evidence and I reached a verdict based on that evidence. You disagree, that's fine. But I didn't pass right over common sense. I think the definition of that would be, ignoring all opposition with hands over eyes and ears and you're wrong. That's willful ignorance and not common sense to me.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #244 on: November 05, 2010, 09:27:21 am »
You know have made many implications in your statements to me and others about my intelligence or lack of it. So, I'm just going to ask you straight out. Do you think I am unintelligent?

No, I don't think you're unintelligent, hon.  I'm sorry if that offended you; I considered putting "no offense, Sherna" but didn't.  You just have to understand that I think your sources contain a lot of brainwashing and many would not pass real-world, unbiased scrutiny.  Also the fact that the god debate can be wholly handled from a logical perspective; it makes me sad that people pass right over the common sense aspect and assume that if someone says god can be proven scientifically, that's good enough for them.  :(

My beef is entirely with Annella.  She only treats Christians who agree with her with respect, everyone else be damned.

I tried treating all of you unbelievers with respect, and got mocked and demeaned for it.  If you don't like the comeback, then change how you address me.  Not all Christians agree either.  If they have scripture wrong and/or trying to answer a question on here incorrectly, I will try and set the record straight.

Loyalty to your brothers and sisters is very important to me.  You don't give the opposition power to use against a fellow Christian.  Because of 2 postings yesterday, both you, and jordondog, have pounced upon, and used those postings against me today.  When in all actuality I posted nothing but truth. 

I don't have to answer to you, Sherene, jordondog, walks, Sheryl, or anyone.  All I have to answer to is God.  He's the one who weighs words and intents of the heart.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #245 on: November 05, 2010, 09:39:26 am »
Do I know any of you people?

Huh? What do you mean?...I'm assuming you are having problems with some members?...I don't read all the posts, so I don't know what's going on up in here, LOL...Maybe because I tend to stay away from the more controversial topics.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #246 on: November 05, 2010, 09:40:12 am »
Hello Anella, how are you today?


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #247 on: November 05, 2010, 09:45:37 am »
Hello Anella, how are you today?

Good!  It's a beautiful day!  Some clouds rolling in as rain is predicted this weekend.  Are you making some money?  I have to get busy myself or I won't have enough to cash out when the time comes.  I get  Have a blessed day.

Mypug04, can I make a suggestion?  In order to get your $3 a month for posting in the forum, you need 30 substantial posts. They should have some "meat' to them.  You don't have to write a book, but it would be good to write something contributing to a thread.  I've looked over your previous posts, and there's not much in most of them.  Start a topic that you like, or find a subject in the threads that are interesting to you, and at least write a small paragraph for each thread if you can.  Contribute something also in your own opinion.

I want you to get that $3 every month.  If I can help you, let me know.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2010, 09:55:21 am by Annella »


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #248 on: November 05, 2010, 09:59:07 am »
Alright now!!! Y'all watch calling each other swine an such in here.....JC might put you in time out!

Drown yourselves Swine...haha

Marieelissa, Thank you for posting with me this morning.  I appreciate it more than you know. :heart:


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #249 on: November 05, 2010, 10:04:02 am »
I addressed Sheryl on some accusations that she lobbed at Christians that were actually what you unbelievers do. She had her facts completely wrong and I addressed it.

This is what you are refferring to?

(Thanks for answering my question jordandog, that was what I was wanting to know.)  So now I have more random questions for anyone....  This thread was started by walks, if his previous postings were so degrading to christians then why even join him here on THIS thread?   "downgrading, cussing, calling names, goading"  by non-believers to christians HAPPENS, it happens on forums and it happens in REAL LIFE---it ALWAYS will and alot of times I think it's because christians "bring it on" by their "baiting, egging it on, keeping it going, insulting un-believers intelligence, by judgmental & superior attitude, and yes  GOADING".  If not, they would simply quit wasting their time and walk away.  It doesn't seem like a wise choice to me for a Christian to keep going back when they know more WILL follow.  I've had Christian friends check out FC and they wanted nothing to do with FC at all period once they saw the forum.  They've asked me how I can be a Christian and post here because they don't believe it's a place where a Christian should be "wasting their time", or the comment "NO good Christian I know would have anything to do with this", and they've said alot worse so obviously they weren't impressed at all with ANY of the Christians on here.  I have started threads that were Christian-based, NONE of the non-believers went to that thread and caused any trouble---so I don't know why a christian would "park" on their threads and attack them.   :peace:  Just something to think about.

Since when can you, or anyone, tell another person that their OWN perception of a situation is "wrong"? Sheryl wrote how she sees it around here, which I give her a LOT of credit for doing because I am fairly sure she knew it would NOT be 'welcomed with open arms', and you are stating she was incorrrect/wrong? You also feel that her friends who looked through here, and also drew their own conclusions, were wrong? I'm sorry, but that is coming across as 'superiority' right there, loud and clear. We don't [I don't] have the 'right' to tell anyone their opinions are just wrong - I can tell them I don't agree, but to say they are not right, wow. :confused1:
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #250 on: November 05, 2010, 10:22:41 am »
I addressed Sheryl on some accusations that she lobbed at Christians that were actually what you unbelievers do. She had her facts completely wrong and I addressed it.

This is what you are refferring to?

(Thanks for answering my question jordandog, that was what I was wanting to know.)  So now I have more random questions for anyone....  This thread was started by walks, if his previous postings were so degrading to christians then why even join him here on THIS thread?   "downgrading, cussing, calling names, goading"  by non-believers to christians HAPPENS, it happens on forums and it happens in REAL LIFE---it ALWAYS will and alot of times I think it's because christians "bring it on" by their "baiting, egging it on, keeping it going, insulting un-believers intelligence, by judgmental & superior attitude, and yes  GOADING".  If not, they would simply quit wasting their time and walk away.  It doesn't seem like a wise choice to me for a Christian to keep going back when they know more WILL follow.  I've had Christian friends check out FC and they wanted nothing to do with FC at all period once they saw the forum.  They've asked me how I can be a Christian and post here because they don't believe it's a place where a Christian should be "wasting their time", or the comment "NO good Christian I know would have anything to do with this", and they've said alot worse so obviously they weren't impressed at all with ANY of the Christians on here.  I have started threads that were Christian-based, NONE of the non-believers went to that thread and caused any trouble---so I don't know why a christian would "park" on their threads and attack them.   :peace:  Just something to think about.

Since when can you, or anyone, tell another person that their OWN perception of a situation is "wrong"? Sheryl wrote how she sees it around here, which I give her a LOT of credit for doing because I am fairly sure she knew it would NOT be 'welcomed with open arms', and you are stating she was incorrrect/wrong? You also feel that her friends who looked through here, and also drew their own conclusions, were wrong? I'm sorry, but that is coming across as 'superiority' right there, loud and clear. We don't [I don't] have the 'right' to tell anyone their opinions are just wrong - I can tell them I don't agree, but to say they are not right, wow. :confused1:

Absolutely wrong what she accused Christians of doing. They are very serious accusations.  If what is being said is's wrong.  I can't sit back and say the accusations are correct when they aren't.  Opinions are one thing, but to accuse someone of something they don't do, should be addressed.  There's a difference.

If her friends are looking at the D&D forums, then they're going to see some adverse postings. Why she decided to reprimand the Christians when we are not the ones name calling, cussing, mocking, etc., is another misjudgment. I told her that D&D is not the only place they can post.  It does say "enter at your own risk". If they didn't like what they saw in here, then they have other threads to post in.

If she thinks my postings are to rough, that's an opinion, and she's entitled to it, but not to false accusations.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #251 on: November 05, 2010, 10:53:07 am »
@marie: Once again you show what a low troll you can be by bringing up something from my personal history and trying to use it as some kind of insult.  Do I make fun of you for being raped?  No, no I don't, because I would be a horrible person if I did.  Shame on you for acting like the seriousness of what I went through somehow shows unintelligence or weakness of my character.  We all go through tough times in our lives, and to throw it back in someone's face (especially when they're an entirely different person now) makes you the equivalent of, I dunno...scum.

I shared that part of my life because it was relevant to the discussion at the time.  I'm not ashamed of it because there's nothing TO be ashamed about.  What's ironic is if I had remained a Christian, you all would be priding me on my "powerful personal testimony", so stop being a hypocrite.
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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #252 on: November 05, 2010, 10:57:57 am »
Christians bring it on???  Christians are "baiting the unbelievers, and egging it on???  Insulting their intelligence with our judgmental and superior attitude???  We attacked them???  The Christians are goading the unbelievers???

Watch out, Sheryl.  Just because you're a believer, if you disagree with Annella, she'll bite your *bleep* head off.

Do you have blinders on, or do you actually believe what your accusing Christians in your post?  If you don't think it's a good place for Christians.....and believe we're wasting our time, why are YOU here then?

Wow, in her few short months here, Annella has just continued to take a downward spiral into being more and more of a *bleep*.

Your rebuke is uncalled for. There's no substance to your accusations to believers/Christians on this forum.  In fact, you insulted us.  Thank you very much. :angry7:

Boo hoo?

Wow, qon, you can't even follow the rules in here about keeping it PG.  I thought you were more mature than that...


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #253 on: November 05, 2010, 11:00:03 am »
Plus I must add, you're not too bright if you believed in God due to you starving yourself and being 70 pounds at 16. That is a really bad disease and you may have gotten over it but it's a mental problem. You probably thought you were fat or there are some other things that can trigger that. I will agree the mind can play tricks on you but not all the time is it the mind.

You went to God out of fear or it seemed like the right thing to do because you might die. You tested God is what you did. So God may have manipulated your mind and gave you what you wanted.

You got all religious...which after being released from the hospital and hearing what doctors had to say, not sure why you continued the faith.

You went to God not out of sincerity but more of Let's see if you're there, prove yourself to me, I am scared I will die type of deal.
Marie, that is a very good post.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #254 on: November 05, 2010, 11:00:35 am »
So give me some credit at least because I have looked at your sources.

I'll go one step further:

I don't think you're unintelligent because...
a) You were willing to look at my sources (most Christians don't bother).  At least in the beginning...I think I may have scared you off now.  :P
b) You have been genuinely nice to me (the opposition) for the most part.  You're a rare breed indeed and something that more Christians should strive for.
c) You've been through a lot of tough things in your life and remained strong.
d) I'm sure you're a good mommy to your 3 beautiful kids!
e) Anything else I can't know because I haven't met you in person/known you long enough.
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
-- Carl Sagan

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