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Topic: WTH happened in here?  (Read 51500 times)


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #180 on: November 01, 2010, 03:37:15 pm »
Okay noted....I'll pray for you, and please don't take offense to that.  I don't dislike you or jordandog.  We do have differing opinions and stances (understatement).  I myself last night agreed (with myself) that my energy can be better used elsewhere as there is much I want to see addressed in my own community, and my circle of family and friends.  I'm sorry for your health problems.  I have no desire to add to anyone's burden, and if I have.....I'm sincerely sorry.

This forum is just that....a forum.  Not the last line of defense by any means.  I loathe any kind of injustice, even if it doesn't seem that way to anyone else.  I've always jumped in defense of anyone I feel is getting backed in a corner or being slighted in any way.  By doing so, I draw the ire and fire myself.  There's no changing that about me, it's who and what I am.  Patience and longsuffering are not my best attributes.....there, I've said it!

I'm in no way superior or better than anyone alive on this planet.....just a sinner saved by His grace.  Do I fail....absolutely!  Have I sinned since I believed?  Yep!  Just because my belief is adverse to others unbelief, does not make me superior, better, higher, or more pure......just.....different.  Even the Bible calls our righteousness "filthy rags".  I'm not on a pedestal, but the lowest of sinners that God had to reach WAY DOWN to save me.  You have no idea what kind of life I led before I knew Christ.  You'd be so surprised.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #181 on: November 01, 2010, 04:36:33 pm »
My two cents for what it's worth:    I've had to work with people at various jobs where no matter how hard I tried to get along with them, there was a huge "personality clash" that made it impossible.  I have had no problems at all with jordandog's posts---I'm not saying I always have agreed 100% with them but for the most part they have been very well thought out and insightful.  There were even a couple of times that she posted things that I had wanted to post but she beat me to it and found a much better way to put things.  (One of those responses was one where she had noticed the "meaness" from the "Christian side" and I don't know why that didn't seem to bother any other Christians but me and one other... what an un-believer notices---they don't forget. )  I also feel the same about Annella's posts but for some reason when jordandog & Annella start addressing each other, things seem to get taken the "wrong" way and sparks start flying.  I think it's just a "personality clash" or a mis-communication problem both are GREAT people but not everyone can get along fantastically.  I really don't think jordandog has ever meant to exhibit bad behaviour toward Christians "because they are Christian",  I can't say that I've noticed her doing so anywhere on the FC forum.   

Sheryl, thank you for this. I was feeling like I had pounded my head into a wall one too many times last night after I got off here. If something hurts, we are supposed to just stop doing it, right? ;) I guess I haven't learned that lesson and probably never will - in other words, I will continue posting when I feel it is necessary. I am far from innocent and as much as I hate to admit it, Annella saying I 'tried to make myself appear like I was' really bothered me. That is in NO way a slight to you, Annella, if you read this. I know I am vehement about things I believe in and I can be very rude and offputting at times when I stand for those things. It is not an excuse, but sometimes the tensions, frustrations, and feelings of total ineptness that come from seeing people die/dying every single day gets to me. That results in me defending groups who are slighted (because I have NO tolerance for it) and being disgusted over how much time is spent worrying about things that are absolutely NOT important in the big scheme of life. This post from you brought me back to an even keel and for that I thank you! I am not evil, I wish no harm to anyone, and I don't hate people, though I many times hate their actions. That is a fine line to walk as far as putting words down that don't come across as aimed at the person, but instead, aimed at how they act and that is when I get myself into trouble - every single time. I appreciate what you said here: I really don't think jordandog has ever meant to exhibit bad behaviour toward Christians "because they are Christian",  I can't say that I've noticed her doing so anywhere on the FC forum."

My posts are NOT written specifically with 'they are christian/religious' so I am going to blast them, regardless of whether they might be right. That is just not how I think or operate. I base my replies on things I believe and perceive as incorrect and/or hurtful to another person or group of people - religion has nothing to do with it. Again, thank you.
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #182 on: November 01, 2010, 04:43:20 pm »
I just want to acknowledge what you said about yourself and the A.O.L. I have no words for you, I'm sure you have heard just about all there is to hear and have wanted to punch a few for opening their mouths and saying all the stupid "It could be worse. Oh, I know so and so and this is what THEY went through...blah, blah, blah." Just know you are in my thoughts. Keep fighting the good fight.
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #183 on: November 01, 2010, 05:34:40 pm »
I had refused to post in here again, no matter what was said (and there were many times I wanted to chime in with my two cents), but now I'm eating my words.

I wanted to acknowledge what Walks said, and I wanted to say something about it.  Then, I will never speak of it again out of respect, since I have a great amount of respect for Walks.  Here is my statement: it sucks, but I do not feel sorry for you.  I feel the ones deserving of pity are the ones who let the bad consume them, and no one could honestly say that about you.  I honestly believe that until the day your heart stops beating, you'll be raising a commotion and awareness for your people and your beliefs, and I admire you for that.  I could only hope for that strength myself.  So, I toast you, my friend.  L'Chaim!  Don't let anyone or anything stop you.   :thumbsup:


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #184 on: November 01, 2010, 06:23:19 pm »
Walksalone, all I can really say is hang in there (sounds like you are doing just that.)  Please take this with a grain of salt if you so choose, but I have already prayed for you (for your strength and spirit.) Your people are very fortunate to have you standing up for them and with them - keep up the hard and wonderful work!


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #185 on: November 02, 2010, 01:08:08 am »
Since when do you control this forum?  In other words, I should just sit back, and let you verbally tear down my friends, and yes...Christians, and say nothing.

I don't say, remotely consider, or think I control this forum, because I don't and I also do not care to, period. I am tired of you alone always jumping into every single thing I post and getting on your high horse about it. As for this:

This has been your complaint over and over.  That we actually stick up for ourselves, and you don't like it.....too bad!  You take one word and make a complete "throw down" over it, when you're so insulting to anyone who professes to be a Christian.  Yeah, Christians, because those are the ones your so foul to.

I have no problem now and have had no problem in the past with other christians on this forum. You are the only one I seem to have a problem with and I stated why above. I believe there have been only a couple times when I have had any kind of discussion with mack personally and it really has not been as huge a deal as you make it out to be. Stick up for people all you want, but stop telling me THAT is what I don't like. DO NOT accuse me of being foul to ALL christians, because I am not. What I don't like is how you approach things. You may be the nicest person in the world, but not on this forum and this is where I interact with you. I'm sorry if I don't have you up on a pedestal and I am not afraid of offending you if need be. If other people on here, who happen to be christian, feel I have insulted or been so foul to them on a continuing basis then let THEM speak up about it and stop speaking for everyone else. You are the one I keep hearing this from. Where are the rest of these posters I have been so awful to? Why aren't they voicing the same things you do time after time? You might do well to stop being the teacher for a minute and start being the pupil because I don't seem to have these go arounds with anyone but you. I have mentioned before you might do yourself a favor and learn how to approach someone who doesn't have the same beliefs you do because you are so close-minded you can't seem to get past that. Don't excuse your own rudeness and scathing remarks in the name of christianity - they are wrong whether you are a christian or not.
Goodnight all.

My rude and scathing remarks as you put it are not anything of the kind.  What I post is complete truth, and point out your ability to play the innocent when you are anything but.  Anybody who reads these posts can come to the conclusion that I'm coming to the defense of a friend, or discounting your posts as garbled nonsense, and you try to put other meanings and words to Mackenzie's post, when she had no thought or intent to post such a thing.  Your very good at this, and then playing innocent.

I have no problem approaching people with no beliefs or adverse beliefs in the world.  I don't think you would talk to me the way you do in real life, because believe me, you would get the same response, as you get here.  If you came into my church spouting this kind of stuff, you would be shown the door.  Surprised?  You shouldn't be.  I would no more have you come into the congregation of believers and wreck havoc than I would anyone. Remember, the Shepherd protects the sheep.

There are times when someone out of their ignorance may offend in word or deed because they know no better.  That's completely different than what your doing.  That isn't the case with you, is it?  You go out of your way to degrade anything to do with any belief in God or profess Christianity.  You claim to have been a Christain yourself, and now your not.  That was your own decision, but now it seems your out to subvert anyone else that professes Christianity, etc.  NO, I'm not the only one you have spewed your discontent on.  I'm the one who calls you on your garbage more than the others.  Case in point....Mackenzie above, and she hasn't been on this forum that long. 

However, lately, you have made it a point to come after me time after time on this forum.  Anyone can read the posts for themselves and come to their own conclusions.  Thing is, I'm not backing down from you anymore, and you don't like it.  As far as telling me that I should be a pupil, I'm a pupil everyday, so is every Christian.  You try your best to descredit my stand for God, and all it does is pull the cover off of what is in your own heart, and what's driving you. 

It's sad. :(  However, it's not to late for anyone to find the road back to life, and the God who loves them more than they can ever imagine.  The Bible says that God is married to the backslider.  Even though we may have left Him, He never leaves us....though we have a time appointed unto us for this decision.

Thank you Annella, you are much appreciated!


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #186 on: November 02, 2010, 01:34:45 am »
Thank you Mackenzie.  Your a true friend, and your heart is not clouded.  The Word says that our soul would know those of like precious Faith.  I knew your spirit from day one.  May God richly bless you. :heart:


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #187 on: November 02, 2010, 01:36:02 am »
Thank you Mackenzie.  Your a true friend, and your heart is not clouded.  The Word says that our soul would know those of like precious Faith.  I knew your spirit from day one.  May God richly bless you. :heart:

That means a lot :) I only hope to be as strong in my faith as you one day.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #188 on: November 02, 2010, 01:54:25 am »
My two cents for what it's worth:    I've had to work with people at various jobs where no matter how hard I tried to get along with them, there was a huge "personality clash" that made it impossible.  I have had no problems at all with jordandog's posts---I'm not saying I always have agreed 100% with them but for the most part they have been very well thought out and insightful.  There were even a couple of times that she posted things that I had wanted to post but she beat me to it and found a much better way to put things.  (One of those responses was one where she had noticed the "meaness" from the "Christian side" and I don't know why that didn't seem to bother any other Christians but me and one other... what an un-believer notices---they don't forget. )  I also feel the same about Annella's posts but for some reason when jordandog & Annella start addressing each other, things seem to get taken the "wrong" way and sparks start flying.  I think it's just a "personality clash" or a mis-communication problem both are GREAT people but not everyone can get along fantastically.  I really don't think jordandog has ever meant to exhibit bad behaviour toward Christians "because they are Christian",  I can't say that I've noticed her doing so anywhere on the FC forum.

I disagree, but your entitled to your opinion.  
« Last Edit: November 02, 2010, 02:54:49 am by Annella »


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #189 on: November 02, 2010, 10:49:26 am »
hello, I'm new here  :angel12:

I do not know WTH happen here lol


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #190 on: November 03, 2010, 10:12:13 am »
Just caught up on this thread. A lot has happened apparently since I have last been on.

Walks, thank you for sharing those personal things about yourself. You didn't have to but knowing something personal about a person who is faceless and far away, connects us even when we don't know each other. You're in my prayers that God give you strength but that He also give you peace. He doesn't want us to walk around with a chip, He wants us to be happy right? And it is possible to be happy even amidst adversity. I know we have different beliefs, but I can't imagine that the one you call "Creator" and the one I call "Creator" are different in that regard.  :)

As for jordandog and Annella....I think I see what Sheryl is saying. I personally have never felt attacked by jordandog, I have felt her frustration in replying to something I said that she really disagreed with (homosexuality=sin for example), I have felt she took something I said the wrong way, but I never felt attacked.

In the beginning, when Annella first came on the forum...both of you clashed and both of you admitted several times that you may be taking things the wrong way. It has just climaxed to the point where, the majority of what the other says seems to strike sparks. I don't know.

Maybe you can start over? Forget past posts and start fresh? Am I naive in thinking yall could do that?  :dontknow: :)


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #191 on: November 03, 2010, 04:59:40 pm »
Sometimes there is no "stilling the waters" with two opposing sides.  Forgiveness can be applied in any situation, but that doesn't mean you must put yourself in another vulnerable position, or place yourself right back in the line of fire.  I've tried to make peace many times only to have it mocked, thrown back in my face, or called false/fraud.  While others may not agree with what you believe or hold dear, there's no reason to verbally shred them.

I've had words weighed and picked apart, and then skewered with them, when I haven't said anything different than any other Christian on this forum.  Only thing is, I won't ride the fence or say something is okay when it clearly is not.  How easy forgotten all the previous posts that have led to this point.

The winds of compromise are not something I adhere to when it comes to the Word of God, or my Faith.  It's natural to find opposition when there are totally 2 different sides of thought.  The Bible clearly points out that there is no fellowship in a case such as that.  If your asking me to compromise my beliefs, it isn't going to happen.

I don't appreciate being cussed out, called a *bleep*, my belief mocked, negative titles, etc., so excuse me while I try to remove the knife from my back.  It didn't come from my side of the fence.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #192 on: November 03, 2010, 05:22:52 pm »
Your right Marieelissa.  It's good to be reminded.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #193 on: November 03, 2010, 05:54:42 pm »
Annella, I sent you an email.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #194 on: November 03, 2010, 06:48:52 pm »
  Does anyone know....was there a thread before this one that made this one happen?  (The title of this thread is "what happened in here"---DID something happen in another thread that prompted this one?)  ?????


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