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Topic: If you were the president, what are two top things you would consider changing?  (Read 3088 times)


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I'm not really sure about this would take some thinking..but i would like to hear others opinions


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Better border control....

My law would be ~ an eye for an eye... you rape someone, you lose that favored body part. You rob someone, you lose your hand...etc...

 :P Guaranteed if it was an eye for an eye, the crime rate would drop. lol  ;)
That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into in the first place.


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It would be hard to determine...because it would have to be something for which I could garner support...and nothing will be popular across the board.

First, I would try to work toward getting the ERA back into the spotlight and work toward getting it ratified...possibly even amending it to include rights other than just women's rights...because there are too many people who are being discriminated against...even today.  The current rash of gay teen suicides proves this. 

I would also take a good look at the tax code and benefits laws.  Why does a janitor or sanitation worker get paid less than someone who sits behind a desk at a computer all day?  I don't know about anyone else, but I believe the "small" jobs, the ones no one seems to want to do, are the ones that are the most underpaid and under-respected.  No one speaks up for these people, and it shouldn't take a TV show like Undercover Boss to expose that.  Plus, I know this is a view that is far from popular, but I believe if you make over 100,000 a year, you can afford to pay more in taxes than someone who makes 30,000.  Also, why should someone struggle to get off welfare when welfare is easier than working for minimum wage...or for even twice minimum wage for that matter?  Especially when dumba** CEO's take advantage of tax loopholes and receive bailouts when they mess up?   Too many politicians and lobbyists do not understand what it means to struggle, and that is the big problem in America today.


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The first thing I would do is make gay marriage legal nationwide and the next thing would be to make sure everyone has access to health care no matter what their income level is. Those are two things I feel very strongly about, of course many people would disagree, but I think those are the  two things that would be at the top of my list.


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The first thing I would do is make gay marriage legal nationwide and the next thing would be to make sure everyone has access to health care no matter what their income level is. Those are two things I feel very strongly about, of course many people would disagree, but I think those are the  two things that would be at the top of my list.

Are we talking health insurance, preventative health care, or the treatment of illness? 


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Grab a seat for this.... it's gonna be a long one :thumbsup:
First decriminalize hemp.
after that, save the environment. all non-hemp-based plastics would be required to be recycled.
Tobacco companies would have to include an ingredient list attched to every tobacco product that contains more than tobacco. processed "foods" and foods that contain more chemicals than food would be illegal to market to the general public. Genetic engineered plants could not be patented. TV drugs would be just as illegal as selling crack is today. the constitution would be enforced way more. the federal reserve would be forced to pay back the american tax payers the trillions they STOLE and they would pay interest. Bilderberg would be thrown out of the white house on their asses. Censorship would be banned from the land of the FREE. everyone can live how they please, as long as they don't harm anyone else in the process. i'll add more later........


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The first thing I would do is make gay marriage legal nationwide and the next thing would be to make sure everyone has access to health care no matter what their income level is. Those are two things I feel very strongly about, of course many people would disagree, but I think those are the  two things that would be at the top of my list.

Are we talking health insurance, preventative health care, or the treatment of illness? 

Great question, difficult answer that takes a lot of thought and would vary in popularity. I personally think every person deserves to have equal health care, I think that if there were ways for everyone to have access to preventative health care there would be less need for treatment of illness because many things can be prevented, but I do think the treatment of illness should be covered as well. I know many people in the states don't like the government run health care (such as in Canada, where your taxes pay for your health care) I think there are some definite positives to a similar system. Not having health insurance and getting sick is no walk in the park, cobra insurance if you get laid off is so unreasonable price wise that it is not an option for most, there has to be some sort of solution to ensure everyone can obtain basic medical care both preventative and emergency based.


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Tobacco companies would have to include an ingredient list attched to every tobacco product that contains more than tobacco.

That is a great one. I do like that idea a great deal. I quit smoking almost three months ago, and I wish there would have been an ingredient list attached to every product, maybe I would have thought about quitting sooner.


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If our taxes pay for healthcare, then why do we need health insurance?


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If our taxes pay for healthcare, then why do we need health insurance?

IF taxes paid for health care we wouldn't need health insurance. Which in my mind would be ideal. I guess I may have made it sound weird or phrased it weird.


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The first thing I would do is make gay marriage legal nationwide and the next thing would be to make sure everyone has access to health care no matter what their income level is. Those are two things I feel very strongly about, of course many people would disagree, but I think those are the  two things that would be at the top of my list.

Are we talking health insurance, preventative health care, or the treatment of illness? 

Great question, difficult answer that takes a lot of thought and would vary in popularity. I personally think every person deserves to have equal health care, I think that if there were ways for everyone to have access to preventative health care there would be less need for treatment of illness because many things can be prevented, but I do think the treatment of illness should be covered as well. I know many people in the states don't like the government run health care (such as in Canada, where your taxes pay for your health care) I think there are some definite positives to a similar system. Not having health insurance and getting sick is no walk in the park, cobra insurance if you get laid off is so unreasonable price wise that it is not an option for most, there has to be some sort of solution to ensure everyone can obtain basic medical care both preventative and emergency based.

This is actually something that I've been researching for years.  Many people talked about NHS in Britain, which isn't an option, and there are so many flaws in the Canadian health system.  The upper middle class in Canada actually purchase health insurance so that they can receive treatment here in America because there is an overabundance of GP's but not many specialists, and the technology is limited.  Something worth taking a look at, though, is the health care in Germany (at least the last time I researched it).  Two main issues (other than cost and issues with coverage, like pre-existing conditions) are the facts that employers with temporary employees or employers with a certain number of employees (I think its less than 50, but I'm not sure) are not required to provide health insurance, and the fact that preventative care isn't covered.  I also take issue with the fact that there are no patient's rights lobbies in DC, and the fact that medical malpractice law is so loose...doctors should only be worried with treating their patients, not losing their practice due to mistakes. 

Now...its been a few years since I've really done research, so things may be different now from what I'm saying.  When I was working on my BA and MPA, my dream was to start a non-profit lobby for patient's rights...but I'm much happier where I am now.  :D


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If our taxes pay for healthcare, then why do we need health insurance?

IF taxes paid for health care we wouldn't need health insurance. Which in my mind would be ideal. I guess I may have made it sound weird or phrased it weird.
soundslike our healthcare system is all fucked up. but every payceck i get, it says there is a deduction for healthcare. but i'm not eligible for healthcare from my employer for a year. why should i pay for something that i don't even have yet?


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If our taxes pay for healthcare, then why do we need health insurance?

IF taxes paid for health care we wouldn't need health insurance. Which in my mind would be ideal. I guess I may have made it sound weird or phrased it weird.
but every payceck i get, it says there is a deduction for healthcare. but i'm not eligible for healthcare from my employer for a year. why should i pay for something that i don't even have yet?

Hmm.. I am not sure. Unless you are talking about a health care spending account that you can have deducted from each check. It is all kinds of confusing. I had really great health insurance and prescription coverage until I got laid off from my job and could not afford the cobra insurance (very expensive).


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Here's an example of this new healthcare plan:  My husband's company is seriously negotiating to quit covering the insurance on retirees because they would pay less if they took the penalties as opposed to paying out the coverages.  They are saying this would "maybe" happen in Jan. I hope I said this right, since hubby is out of town today.


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WOW!!!  Ya know, ONE man isn't capable of improving our lot in life--history has proven that repeatedly.  But, IF it was possible, I would have to say-----Well its's SO obvious, ergo, Healthcare;  no one goes hungry, homeless, or is found destitute in any fashion whatsoever!!  Sounds impossible?  ABSOLUTELY, because we constantly are deali g with minds which satisfy their own desires and benefits, not those of the multitudes they represent.  What is the SOLUTION(?)  That is a religious response.  So, at the risk of offending anyone--look in your heart and decide for yourselves whether or not man is (in)capable, or the responsibility, in fact, lies with a PROMISE elsewhere

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