I've had one, but I didn't have much of a choice. I had a baby inside me that was not thriving but would not pass on its own. My choice was to either have the D&C or to risk trying to allow the pregnancy to pass on its own, risk not being able to become pregnant again, and risk serious health to myself. Now I have a beautiful 2 year old daughter. And, before anyone asks, I was in a monogamous relationship with my husband and we wanted desperately to have a child. We had to make the best decision possible for ourselves.
Two years before that, I was raped, and my faith was shaken. The rapist didn't use a condom, and my period was late. I knew without a doubt that there was no way I could carry the child should I be pregnant. Thankfully, I wasn't. The same wasn't true for a very close friend of mine...she became pregnant as a result of her rape. She had an abortion, and now she has a beautiful daughter that she loves more than life itself.
Abortion, firstly, is a very misleading term, but I'm not here to debate semantics. It is a very difficult thing to decide to terminate a pregnancy; one that NO ONE can make in advance, and to deny anyone the opportunity to make the decision for themselves based on the personal moral politics of someone who has never dealt with the situation firsthand is wrong. Period.
So many people tout "take responsibility for your actions" and using condoms, birth control, or abstinence. This isn't realistic without comprehensive sex education. Using a condom isn't going to do much good if neither party knows how to correctly use a condom. How many Bristol Palins are out there in the world whose parents are telling them to not have sex until they are married, and then they become pregnant and feel that they have to get married because "it is the right thing to do?" How many of those teens who get pregnant tell the guy they are pregnant and are abandoned? How many would physically harm themselves to keep from telling their judgmental parents they were pregnant or to avoid a "shotgun wedding?"
This question isn't as narrow as it may seem. If you want to debate viability, ok. I'll bite. If you want to debate when a pregnancy becomes a human being with individual rights, ok, I'll bite. But in the final analysis, it doesn't matter a bit what I say...each woman deserves the right to decide for themselves when faced with this: