Okay Walksalone, I don't know what I'm talking about? You do remember the 6 Day War, where Israel won her Independence?
I'm about ready to board so I'll answer this quickly, and then go into more detail later. In the Bible, God laid out the parameters of the "Promised Land" for the Hebrew Children. I have to research Chapter and verse. My Concordance is packed.
While I was in Israel, Jericho (yeah that one), which is under Arab control now, had a bad sewer system that was tainting their clean water, etc. Nobody in the Arab sector could fix this problem. It required engineering a whole new sewer and filtration system for the whole town. The Israeli's went in, and drew up the specs., and built them a brand new system. They do this kind of stuff all the time. If they were not willing to live in harmony with their Arab brothers....why bother? Why pull out of the Gaza Strip, and hand it over to the Palestinians? The Palestinians wanted ALL the Jews OUT......no living in harmony for them! They claimed the Gaza as their own. Now it's being played out again with the West Bank. How much more and more do the Arabs want before there's nothing left for the Jews to inhabit.
Arabs are notorious for seizing "Holy Sites" and barring Israeli's access to them. Rebecca's Tomb in Bethlehem is such a site. They know how much sacred reverence these sites are to the Jews. They do it for provocation. All through history the Jews have only wanted what was promised them by God. Nothing more. There are numerous Arab Nations around for Arabs to dwell, but no, they want the Jews land, and to wipe them off the map. There's more going on here than just fighting for land. The Arabs want the Jews annihilated.
There was so much flack given to the Israeli's for building the wall around Jerusalem. They likened it to the Berlin Wall. Not even close. It was erected to give them control of who was going in and out of Jerusalem. After so many terrorist acts of blowing up buses, ect. It was to give them some kind of control over terrorists. The Mossod (spelling?) is the equivalent of the US's CIA, and they have a homeland security in place themselves. They are responsible for the Wall. It's something to see for real. They had no choice, as they had to protect themselves.
If there was a chance for both to inhabit Israel and live in harmony and peace, the Jews would agree. The Palestinians do not want the Jews there at all.
Finish my post later......