I see. Sorry, I didn't read the article. Baby was stinkin up the room with her diaper so I just commented real fast and didn't go to the link.
Well, that is pretty sneaky! I wouldn't be very happy if that was my children. Although, coming from that culture myself, my children are already exposed to Islamic religion so my children would probably decline to pray there. My daughter asked me several years ago when my dad started trying to be a good muslim and pray every day.....she said....why does papa think he can only talk to God if he is putting his forehead on the floor and kissing a rock?
I just laughed, I told her..cuz he isn't really talking to God. She said....oh well that's good cuz I think that's dumb.
Of course I had to make sure she didn't go tell her papa he was dumb for putting his forehead on the floor and kissing a rock because that would be disrespectful but even at a young age my daughter knew the difference between our God and the god of Islam. She went home and got her children's bible and went to my dad and said.....papa I'm gonna tell you a story about Jesus and if you think you like it, then I will pray with you the right way ROTFL!!!!
He just smiled and said, ok baby, tell me about Jesus. It was the cutest thing! He even prayed with her
I know I went a little off topic but I just remembered that, so I thought I would share. You know how moms can be