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Topic: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"  (Read 8462 times)


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 :cat:   Wellesley, MaWellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah

In late May of 2010, Wellesley, Massachusetts public middle school students took a field trip to the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center - a controversial Saudi-funded mega-mosque run by the Muslim American Society of Bostn. There, the students were separated by gender and the boys were asked to join the Muslim adults in their prayer. Several of the public school boys took part.

This is an example of what's going on right here in America, deceitfully and steadily, until they totally try to take over.  It's already the 2nd most popular religion in France, and they are now trying to make laws to stop any more encroachment of this type of society "take-over."
I, for one, am extremely concerned and this is one reason why I have a problem with that mosque being built so close to the 9/11 tragedy.  These people are all involved together in this particular society.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2010, 08:04:33 am by jcribb16 »


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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2010, 08:25:05 am »
I don't understand how this would even be allowed considering all the huff about prayer in school??


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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2010, 08:33:01 am »
 :cat:  It was the way it was offered to the school admin, that it was for social studies, different cultures, etc.  They told the school that they were going to show the architectual qualities of the building of the mosque and cultural center.  Once inside, things changed.....


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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2010, 08:48:33 am »
I see. Sorry, I didn't read the article. Baby was stinkin up the room with her diaper so I just commented real fast and didn't go to the link.

Well, that is pretty sneaky! I wouldn't be very happy if that was my children. Although, coming from that culture myself, my children are already exposed to Islamic religion so my children would probably decline to pray there. My daughter asked me several years ago when my dad started trying to be a good muslim and pray every day.....she said....why does papa think he can only talk to God if he is putting his forehead on the floor and kissing a rock?

I just laughed, I told her..cuz he isn't really talking to God. She said....oh well that's good cuz I think that's dumb.

Of course I had to make sure she didn't go tell her papa he was dumb for putting his forehead on the floor and kissing a rock because that would be disrespectful but even at a young age my daughter knew the difference between our God and the god of Islam. She went home and got her children's bible and went to my dad and said.....papa I'm gonna tell you a story about Jesus and if you think you like it, then I will pray with you the right way ROTFL!!!!

He just smiled and said, ok baby, tell me about Jesus. It was the cutest thing! He even prayed with her  :)
I know I went a little off topic but I just remembered that, so I thought I would share. You know how moms can be  ;)


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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2010, 09:17:22 am »
 :cat:  Yes, being a mom myself, I totally understand.  Thanks for sharing that - that is sweet and priceless.  I'm glad your dad does take the time and listen to her instead of turning her off or trying to convert her.  That doesn't happen often (speaking from my experience, anyway.)  :)


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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2010, 09:21:39 am »
He never was a devout muslim and he was confused about his own beliefs anyhow. But he is a Christian now  ;D
Maybe my daughter planted a seed  :angel11:


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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2010, 10:00:16 am »
Parents, teachers, fellow Americans, you HAVE TO OPEN YOUR EYES and realize that because of tolerance and political correctness, and the guise of cultural understanding, Islam is slowly but surely creeping into the public educational system.  Our children are being exposed to the very religion that trains their young to HATE rearing them under the umbrella of JIHAD with the ultimate goal of total submission and world domination.  When you brainwash your children to believe that America is made up of infidels and that Americans are no better than pigs, we have a problem here.  And when you put an AK47 in the hands of a 5-year old and tell him that it is his duty to kill and destroy anything (people, places) democratic, we have to end this underhanded, subliminal process of indoctrination.  We should not give in and end up like France, Spain and Britain where Islam is gaining a foothold and where Europe is now being called Eur-abia.  We are still the United States of America, and we will NOT be called the United States of Arabia.  Beware the enemy informed, go to this website and find out for yourself the truth about Islam and what they are doing to undermine America and the rest of the world. 


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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2010, 10:02:29 am »
I personally think this is wrong. Don't get me wrong, its good to introduce different cultures, religion, beliefs to your children, but I think thats the parent's right and decision. With prayer and God being taken out of school and almost everything else in this day and age, I just can not believe that a school would allow this.
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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2010, 11:20:10 am »
Parents, teachers, fellow Americans, you HAVE TO OPEN YOUR EYES and realize that because of tolerance and political correctness, and the guise of cultural understanding, Islam is slowly but surely creeping into the public educational system.  Our children are being exposed to the very religion that trains their young to HATE rearing them under the umbrella of JIHAD with the ultimate goal of total submission and world domination.  When you brainwash your children to believe that America is made up of infidels and that Americans are no better than pigs, we have a problem here.  And when you put an AK47 in the hands of a 5-year old and tell him that it is his duty to kill and destroy anything (people, places) democratic, we have to end this underhanded, subliminal process of indoctrination.  We should not give in and end up like France, Spain and Britain where Islam is gaining a foothold and where Europe is now being called Eur-abia.  We are still the United States of America, and we will NOT be called the United States of Arabia.  Beware the enemy informed, go to this website and find out for yourself the truth about Islam and what they are doing to undermine America and the rest of the world. 

You have said exactly what I would like to have said.  This is serious and I really wish these kinds of posts could be sent in thousands of directions across the nation.  Facebook and YouTube have been great about this.  Thank you very much for your only-too-true response.


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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2010, 11:22:58 am »
Parents, teachers, fellow Americans, you HAVE TO OPEN YOUR EYES and realize that because of tolerance and political correctness, and the guise of cultural understanding, Islam is slowly but surely creeping into the public educational system.  Our children are being exposed to the very religion that trains their young to HATE rearing them under the umbrella of JIHAD with the ultimate goal of total submission and world domination.  When you brainwash your children to believe that America is made up of infidels and that Americans are no better than pigs, we have a problem here.  And when you put an AK47 in the hands of a 5-year old and tell him that it is his duty to kill and destroy anything (people, places) democratic, we have to end this underhanded, subliminal process of indoctrination.  We should not give in and end up like France, Spain and Britain where Islam is gaining a foothold and where Europe is now being called Eur-abia.  We are still the United States of America, and we will NOT be called the United States of Arabia.  Beware the enemy informed, go to this website and find out for yourself the truth about Islam and what they are doing to undermine America and the rest of the world. 

You have said exactly what I would like to have said.  This is serious and I really wish these kinds of posts could be sent in thousands of directions across the nation.  Facebook and YouTube have been great about this.  Thank you very much for your only-too-true response.
I do agree!
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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2010, 12:40:17 pm »
Wow...I am speechless and a bit angry that this field trip even happened.  I am not surprised though its events like this that make me 100% sure we chose the right path when we decided to home school our daughter.  We as parents need to stand up and defend our children's rights to freedom of religion.  I agree its good to teach our children about other cultures and belief's and even religions but that's my choice as a parent not the school's.  And certainly not if they wont allow our children to pray to the god they believe in in school.  I am sure there are Muslims that don't practice their religion the same as the extremist's, with every holy book your going to have people that take passages to mean one thing and others think that it means something entirely different.  I just have big issues with anyone cramming any religion down my our my child's throat.    I remember growing up going to a Christian church every week and I resented my father for forcing us to go.  It wasn't about what we were taught or what I believed in but more him not allowing us the choice to believe what we wanted.  I will never do this to my child nor will I allow any school to do this.  Will I introduce her to different beliefs and cultures when shes old enough to understand and choose what she wants to believe in absolutely.  It wont bother me even a little if she doesn't agree with my own beliefs and I would support her in whatever she decides to believe in.  I will be sharing this video with my facebook friends as I think we as parents need to wake up and realize what is going on in our kids schools.


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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2010, 12:42:05 pm »
That's why I put my daughter in a christian school this year.


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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2010, 04:30:05 pm »
Wow...I am speechless and a bit angry that this field trip even happened.  I am not surprised though its events like this that make me 100% sure we chose the right path when we decided to home school our daughter.  We as parents need to stand up and defend our children's rights to freedom of religion.  I agree its good to teach our children about other cultures and belief's and even religions but that's my choice as a parent not the school's.  And certainly not if they wont allow our children to pray to the god they believe in in school.  I am sure there are Muslims that don't practice their religion the same as the extremist's, with every holy book your going to have people that take passages to mean one thing and others think that it means something entirely different.  I just have big issues with anyone cramming any religion down my our my child's throat.    I remember growing up going to a Christian church every week and I resented my father for forcing us to go.  It wasn't about what we were taught or what I believed in but more him not allowing us the choice to believe what we wanted.  I will never do this to my child nor will I allow any school to do this.  Will I introduce her to different beliefs and cultures when shes old enough to understand and choose what she wants to believe in absolutely.  It wont bother me even a little if she doesn't agree with my own beliefs and I would support her in whatever she decides to believe in.  I will be sharing this video with my facebook friends as I think we as parents need to wake up and realize what is going on in our kids schools.


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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2010, 04:34:29 pm »
I don't understand how this would even be allowed considering all the huff about prayer in school??

most of the huff is directed toward Christian prayer...anyway they probably think if they say not it will be considered "hate" for Islams, which is not tolerated because they are a minority. This is so senseless to me...


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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2010, 08:05:17 am »
Thanks to all who responded to my comment.  It is a shame that the liberal news media prefers to keep events like these under the radar.  Let us all pray that we, as a nation, will not allow these radical elements to take over the fabric of our lives and that we become watchmen, alert and ever-ready to defend our democracy. 

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