So only agnostics are open-minded? Everyone else is close-minded and not a free-thinker? haha
It's only closed when you assert or physically force beliefs onto individuals with nothing to realistically back it up (reason, logic) and say it's the only way of thinking. Anyone can be a free-thinker. I'm sure we can agree fanatics and extremists definitely aren't.
Edit: And yes, I acknowledge imagination as being direly important in some cases.
I have NEVER forced my beliefs on someone. On this forum for the most part people of other beliefs are the ones who bring it up and try to degrade my choice of religion. I understand and acknowledge other religions and never claimed not to, doesn't mean I can't be a Christian through and through.
NO Marie brings up all of these ignorant topic threads. Nobody degrades your religion again Marie does a good enough job herself in this area. And no one said you cannot be a christian. Be what you want to be, but don't go around pointing the finger when you cleary know who starts this crap.
haha nobody degrades my religion? read the thread then post.
NO maybe you should stop typing and re read what you my dear have posted. You and alot of others are so freaking hypocritical when it comes to your posts its unreal. I have NEVER met so called Christians like you and some others before (thankfully never met you in real life)!! Get a life and stop trying to put others down with your IMAGINATION talk of BUL**HIT!
Lose the attitude.
Yeah, good thing we haven't met in person. People tend to act a lot tougher on a forum than in real life- so go on feeling big and bad talking down to people for no reason. I simply put MY 2 cents in on this thread, only to be degraded on it AND i didn't complain about it. Not one bit. Not until I was accused of degrading others, which is BS in itself considering ALL I was doing in defending my beliefs and not outing anyone else's.
I've seen you on other threads with your tough attitude, and it's very apparent that you use a forum as a way to make you feel good by talking down to others. What the hell does it matter to you if I love my God? It doesn't. && before you go on saying I tried imposing my views on anyone else, I sure did NOT. I joined in a DISCUSSION- I don't see you getting mad at anyone who shares YOUR views for not acting like an adult, although I didn't see the Christians on here provoking the immature conversations that spew, we only respond.
You want everyone to roll over and give in to your beliefs- it's not going to happen. I don't expect everyone to become a Christian because I'm a Christian? So feel free to keep your mouth shut, especially when you aren't even involved in this thread at all and just jumped at the chance to back a Christan- GET A LIFE.