So only agnostics are open-minded? Everyone else is close-minded and not a free-thinker? haha
It's only closed when you assert or physically force beliefs onto individuals with nothing to realistically back it up (reason, logic) and say it's the only way of thinking. Anyone can be a free-thinker. I'm sure we can agree fanatics and extremists definitely aren't.
Edit: And yes, I acknowledge imagination as being direly important in some cases.
I have NEVER forced my beliefs on someone. On this forum for the most part people of other beliefs are the ones who bring it up and try to degrade my choice of religion. I understand and acknowledge other religions and never claimed not to, doesn't mean I can't be a Christian through and through.
Mackenzie, no one that I know of on this forum (including you) has forced their religion or beliefs on anyone. That's another "catch phrase" to put you on the defensive. We are who we are, and content in that knowledge.
I have been off my computer for a couple days but have been trying to keep up with threads via my cell phone which I can't post from, so forgive me if I reply to something from an other thread. (Im not going back thru them all)
First, concerning this thread, specifically, Rev Bigots posts right here......if you vote against equal gay rights, as you have often times stated you have, and will continue to do, then yes you most certainly are attempting to impose your own moral standards upon all others, its as simple as that.
Elsewhere, I saw you post that you do not judge others.
BS........thats bullshit, Daddy Mack.
Everyone who has an opinion on the behaviour of others are making a judgement call regardless of what we base it on.
Finally, you said something about members dissecting your every word and phrases.
You make it well know over and over that you are a Rev, in other words a teacher of Christian dogma, just as JDog is a school teacher, JC is a health professional and I speak on NDN issues. If we are going to put ourselves in the position of someone with supposed knowledge of our area of concern, we owe it to every other member to be very clear and precise of what we say. Many people dont worry with this important fact and a hell of a lot of usless and often times harmfull information gets out there this way.
You say you own all of your words, so don't go getting your bloomers all in a wad when someone points out that some of them are pretty damn incredulous.
(edit) oh yeah....bout said everyone lumps all Christians into one basket, or words to that effect.....
Not even close. One of my closest and dearest friends is a very devout Christian. Mrs. Sherna is Christian and I have great respect for her.....not because she is Christian, but because it is very evident, in my opinion based on what I have seen, that she is a very tolerant person of others and has much compassion and concerns for others besides her self, JC seems very respectable to me, I like Amy and Falconer and many others on here who have all kinds of differing beliefs. I don't give two squats what someone believes in I care about how they treat others.
A very wise Elder advised me not over a couple months ago, that if I wanted to know a bit about someone, just watch how they talk and notice how many times they reference themselves in a given conversation. You are pretty impressed with your self huh Rev. Bigot?