founding fathers "practiced" and "followed" a gathering of believers.
I'm not looking for a massive debate here- just your personal take on this. My question to you is would there have ever been a revolutionary war if the founding fathers followed the bible? You may accuse me of taking these out of context or these verses were only to be followed during the time, but I think these speak for themselves-
1 Peter 2:13: "For the Lord's sake accept the authority of every human institution, whether of the emperor as supreme, or of governors, as sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to praise those who do right."
Romans 13:1: "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities; for there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resist authority resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment."
Nobody can dispute that our first President (good old George) was a deeply religious man.
Quite the contrary! I've done a lot of research on this man since he...well...he's such a badass! lol Not to jolt the argument aside here, but George being a religious man is a very debatable subject. Despite fighting for those freedoms, it is my opinion that he wasn't very religious. I've read accounts that he only went to church to please his wife. Other accounts say he frequently went to church during trips just to seem normal among people. And even then he didn't go much-- he was either too busy with business or the distance needed to travel was too far. There were even accounts of him just standing outside of the church during sunday mass and walking around. So yes, completely debatable.
They are taken out of context, but will try to explain the best I can without adding or taking away.
1 PETER 2:13......talking about a
"human institution". We have laws and rules of the land that we are admonished to obey...i.e. speed, and your going to get a ticket. We have a Judicial system in place, law enforcement, etc. These are rulers who enforce the laws of the land. Then we have the law makers and those above them....on it goes. We all pay our taxes, etc. However, those laws do not dictate the laws of a man's soul....God does. I can give you scripture, that says this. You don't want a lengthy debate so you let me know..............
ROMANS 13:1 Again this is like above, but with a twist. If you read further, it points to the Ministers and Authority of the church, and how we should give honor to the leadership and obey them as they Minister the Word to us....IF they fail themselves or teach anything other than Biblical teaching, we are admonished to find someone who does.
That's why Freedom of Religion is so important. So the Government cannot dictate how we believe and worship God. It's only the Bible and it's laws set down that we adhere to for our Salvation. If my Pastor got up and started preaching something not in the Bible, and just took it out of the air....I'M GONE!! If the Government made one religion and church that dictates we don't teach from the Bible, but only from DC Comics, I would have to follow the Word of God and rebel. Scripture backs me up in this, as God's law is over man's.
The church of England basically made a law governing which religion everyone MUST adhere to. It was against some of the laws of God. The Pilgrims left to secure freedom to worship according to the Word and dictates of their hearts.
Ahab and Jezebel ruled in ancient times. Jezebel was queen, and a appointed herself high priestess of the church of Idol Worship (Baal). The Hebrew children were told by God to NEVER worship idols. The law of the land was set down to join the idol church. The Jews refused, and had to worship in secret, or be put to death. Wasn't long until God sent Elijah and many events found Ahab dead and Jezebel eaten by dogs.
Roman rule vs Christians is another good example.