Just because you've been in European countries doesn't mean you've been in any I'm talking about.
Hmm, well you didn't say which ones you were talking about. Did *I* say I've
only been to Europe? No, no I didn't.
How about some Middle Eastern countries?
Egypt. Not quite the Middle East, but third-world conditions nonetheless. And my husband has lived in the Middle East.
Communist controlled countries?
I plan to visit China soon.
I find it hard to believe you lived in 20 countries in 2.5 years.
Proof in the pudding that y'all don't read very carefully. I didn't say I "lived" in 20 countries in 2.5 years!
I don't appreciate being called silly, bigoted, arrogant, delusional, deceitful, or ignorant by you qon (I'm adding some of these from another post also that you directed towards me).
Well being called "silly" is me being trying to be fake-respectful of a person (that's pretty tame, so what are you complaining about?).
Bigoted? No, that was to people with your beliefs about gays in general. YOU took it personally. Same thing with arrogant.
Delusional? Again, I try to keep tabs on outright name-calling. You'll notice that if I do use a word like this, it's conditional. You're delusional IF... I'm sure that makes no difference to you, though. Being criticized by others is not a nice feeling, especially if they're justified in the criticism.
Deceitful? I think you just invented that one. I don't recall saying this a lot.
Ignorant? Again, this word speaks truth. Constructive criticism.
I don't know if you have any idea how you come across on this forum.
Sure I do. Unlike most people, I've very objective, can get inside people's heads, and thus, know what your perceived opinion is of me. Again I go back to the point that you're taking the passion and bluntness
way too personally.
Not one Christian has done this to you......not one.
They sure have. Unless you've been policing all 800 of my posts, I think I have a better idea than you do of how how Christians speak to me and others. I've had many people tell me they appreciate my posts...and I have plenty of believer friends on here. Just not you.
If you can't address me in an mature, concise manner, or conduct yourself properly without all the degrading insulting labels, don't expect me to post anything more to you about anything.
Heh, you sure like to scold strangers don't you, Ms. Judgment? I highly doubt you'll be able to resist jumping into the discussions I'm involved in, but if by some "miracle" you can, you won't be missed.