As a whole, the men that drew up the Constitution were godly men (research or read their Bios).
Correction: Most were Deists...a.k.a. NOT Christians. There are many quotes where the Founding Fathers are trashing your Christian god! Are you sure they were on "your side"? 
"In God We Trust" is on our money.
Not until the '50s due to Communism and anyway, big whoop. IT STILL VIOLATES THE CONSTITUTION.
We say "One Nation Under God" in our pledge to the flag.
Not in the original pledge, folks. Geez, are people really this ignorant??
Our Nation was founded on Godly principles and morals. You cannot deny that.
No they weren't. It is you who is denying the secular foundation. Separation of church and state? Yeah, you lost that one.
We were founded on Christian morals and values.
You're going to have to define what you mean here because like I said before, if you followed just a fraction of what the Bible says, you'd get your butt thrown in jail so fast. Just because the majority of people ascribe to the Christian religion in this country does NOT mean we were founded on "Christian morals and values". What a completely disgraceful thing to say to all of the people of OTHER religions living in this country.
this foundation is being eroded little by little to usher in a New World Order. Which, by the way, is in the Bible also.
You're delusional if you think proper civil rights for all is a bad thing.
Those of you who don't believe the Bible and really hate Christianity, why don't you all go live in countries that have the same beliefs that you do? There are countries that will welcome you with open arms, and help you "trash" any Christian beliefs...Or just live for 6 months in one of these countries. Not a 2 week vacation, but actually live there. Your eyes would be wide open.
Heh, this is the funny thing about forums: you end up looking silly when you don't realize who you're talking to. I HAVE been to 20 countries and LIVED in Europe for 2.5 years. I must say, it was quite refreshing not having god smeared in my face everywhere I went. Several "atheistic" European countries rank in the top ten for overall health and happiness...America is like #86 on the list.
However, where I lived there were still plenty of reasons to favor America more that had nothing to do with religion. Lack of shopping/entertainment facilities, for example.
I've answered most of this in another post, so I'll just skim here. Most of our founding fathers were NOT Deists....I've studied out history, and read most of the Bios of the signers of the DOI, and most were Christians. Amy who is a Political Science major, among other accomplishments says they were religious followers also. The early colonists were not Deists either. Where are you getting your information?
The money, and pledge was addressed in the other post. Since I did not know when both were added, I admitted so.
Why is my comment that our country was founded on Christian morals a disgrace to other religions? When our nation was formed, it was the colonists escaping England tyranny for their pursuit of Freedom of Religion. they wrote it in. Maybe I'm not understanding your statement.
Civil rights and New World Order are totally different things. They aren't even in the same category.
I'm talking about countries that have no freedom, except what the recent dictator or so called government decides what is best for them. Just because you've been in European countries doesn't mean you've been in any I'm talking about. How about some Middle Eastern countries? Communist controlled countries? Not just to visit, actually live there? So.....where were you living? I find it hard to believe you lived in 20 countries in 2.5 years. yes, I've heard you talk about the statistics about how some Athiestic countries are so much happier than Christian ones. You got the stats on that and how they were evaluated? I would be highly interested in reading that report and who put it out.
I don't appreciate being called silly, bigoted, arrogant, delusional, deceitful, or ignorant by you qon (I'm adding some of these from another post also that you directed towards me). I don't know if you have any idea how you come across on this forum. Your intimidating tactics of posting is rude, and demeaning to whomever your scathing remarks are aimed at. Not one Christian has done this to you......not one.
If you can't address me in an mature, concise manner, or conduct yourself properly without all the degrading insulting labels, don't expect me to post anything more to you about anything. I wish Admin. could better monitor some of the rude, degrading responses, and name calling, that get thrown around on these threads.